totally agree surfing guy..
you know this news is interesting. Sl is being tested, and the aussie shareholders have no knowledge, thankfully the EME board are keeping us informed..
I hope the JVP's have coordinated the news a little, and we may see some follow up announcements. I looked at the EME AGM rns, and it doesn not mention any news, just that all resolutions were passed, and they dont feel the testing of SL is newsworthy.
If Sl is being tested we will soon know, and i feel there is plenty of news to come from SL.. i maintain my view that the jvp's are looking at much higher prospective targets than 170bcf, i am convinced the testing will reveal what they truely suspect is a spectacular play, and with all the behind the scene activity i think the targets they are considering achievable are 1tcf+ .. its not feasable for there to be this much interest and and forward planning for 170bcf,, the major oil companies are not into that type of play and for there to be one on the scene means significant reserves.
The fact that condensate is being mentioned again, and this time by a JVP director in public, is very interesting, I would say that will raise some eyebrows around texas, and confirms yet again the 100 wells on the oil alone that couch oil has proclaimed..
we also have a director of a JVP saying the sands are not out of the picture.. well thats gotta be worth investigating further dont you think?
i have been saying for some time the SL well was designed to TEST all zones of interest, and was never able to bee in the sweet spot for all plays.. and remember they are still buying acerage for ALL DEPTHS..
everything thats being said by EME is mirrored in all the announcements, you just have to understand what they mean by it..
people are selling their shares still at .75 when its worth $2+ easy.. there is statement from ADI saying 150bcf for the chalks, and I think we are way over that.. there is exceptional value across all jvps right now..
wont last long i feel..