Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ADI - Adelphi Energy

if you read the report you will ntice 2 wells planned for sugarloaf in the commin 12 months!!!

yet the market doesnt get it..

sugarloaf is a success:D
do you think EKA is raising money just for sake of it? my view is that they will need to use it for upcoming shallow drills as described in the ADI annual report..

Following the recent capital raising of $7.5 million which increased

our current cash reserves to some $14 million, Adelphi is in a strong

financial position to fund our existing exploration programs and to

acquire additional short to medium term opportunities which meet

our objectives and strategy. We are very pleased with the strong

support from Adelphi’s existing shareholder base for this capital

raising which also led to the introduction of new institutional

shareholders to the Company’s register.

maybe when you see all those repeated statements about funding their existing exploration programs with capital raising ventures when thay already had more than enough in hand to do that then you start to read other things into it..

During the year, Adelphi increased its interest in the Sugarloaf

prospect from 12.5% to 20%. This increase in equity followed

encouraging drilling results in Late Cretaceous carbonates in an

adjoining lease ”” and raised the potential that the play could extend

across the Sugarloaf prospect area.

and it seem to have according to couchy......

they announce 1 to 3 drills now at sugarloaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i guess we better sell our shares now and abandon ship?

i did a bit of research on methane only gas,, i noticed that its often found slightly above large gas fields,, it seems to leach up and out into higher layers and get trapped.. amoungst many other things..

in some regions its uncommon not to have methane present in a trap above a very substantial gas field..

not many sleeps to go b4 we get confirmations on hosston.

perhaps next report?


Well ADI are very gaurded by what they say in there announcement I even think ARQ let on more than ADI but all seems positive looking forward too retirement outta this hot dusty mining game !
now thatsw an intereting report,,

confirms that couchy was a real cowboy and didnt understand the rules and was told to shut up
Agentm said:
now thatsw an intereting report,,

confirms that couchy was a real cowboy and didnt understand the rules and was told to shut up

he has been around long enough to understand the rules I would have thought, but he is a cowboy and was throwing a few scraps of information to his investors to keep them salivating. I am sure there are a few types in Texas who sail close to the wind but having said that he would know oil and gas backwards and I don't discount his 29 September report one iota. Adelphi's annual report tends to support his optimism. The Sugarloaf partners are the ying to his yang, they are playing it super cool.
Would hope that within 2 weeks we would know wether we have hit the jackpot with the hosston formation.
Personally I am quitely confident and feel certain bits of info has been given too us in various forms too say things are going well eg Couch Report, Methane shows above main target, ARQ annual report, all have needed a certain degree of research but are open too anyone too see
Good Luck too all holders !
Info in the public domain:-

- 28m net gas pay. Not oil. Formal Announcement to the ASX ( 29 Sep )
- 12 hours later we had the famous Couch update ( subsequently pulled but still fully visible )
- Successful fund raising by EDA for post wildcat 1 ( 16 Oct )
- Economic find at Austin. ARQ Corporate presentation . ( 12 Oct )
- 2 Shallow wells included in ADI ´s 2007 drilling campaign. 2006 report ( 18 Oct )
Also june 2006

AUT Director Graham Dowland owning 1,300,000 shares is appointed Chairman EKA june 2006 owning 880,000 shares there..

Alex Neuling AUT director also appointed to board,, similar shareholdings....

Also June 2006

Allchurch, who is the indepenent geologist signing off all ASX releases for AUT becomes 6% major shareholder EKA

Every which way you look at it, and the more you look, the sugarloaf well looks like a winner to everyone.. and it seems directors and their mates are certainly getting on board...

Even if hosston doesnt go.. the shares will have to gain .60 to ADI on the reserves at hand on P50 estimates.. and the way couchy and ADI are talking about further wells i sorta believe P50 is reasonable.. so why sell a share today that got a good 100% gain left to go? anyone buying now is doing well..

so within three weeks we will either be doubling our investment or retiring if hosston pays..

Hi Agentm,

I have been following your posts for the last couple of weeks now and really like your optimism regarding ADI & EKA.

I have also viewed some posts on other sites from posters on other forums who are not as confident as you are.

My question is - why will Sugarloaf be a success and why is there little downside risk at the current price ADI is at?

Considering the price was around 25 cents when the project was announced and ADI is now around 45 cents, it would appear to me that there is a good chance of losing 30%-50% if Sugarloaf comes up dry.

Is this a reasonable assumption?
I look at the new tiaiton well which starts in a few weeks,, which also will give the price a boost..

I look at the broker reprts that say that ADI prospects at hand with sugarloaf, yemen and new tiaton yet to go,,, and the sugarloaf prospect,,, they valued the stock at around $1,, but thought the price of .60 would be reached before sugarloaf struck the hosston target..

I notice that AUT has increased 12% since the 13th oct, and a further 5% today,,

and ADI has remained flat..

I view sugarloaf as a success, the secondaries are confirmed as a success, which is reason enough to see the price stay where it is and its certainly great value as there are confirmed finds in the drill so far.. ADI has confirmed there are two shallow wells programmed for 2007.. I assume that they are planning on doing that not for any other reason than to exploit what has been discovered..

So if you think the price will plummett then so be it,, i view the price as way below what its true value is,, i believe anyone selling over the past months are selling way below the potential value of the reserves estimated in all the acerage..

Anyone buying now at todays prices is definately getting great value on a well thats a success.. hosston maybe the primary,, but the secondaries value is far above the pittiful .45 cent value of today... the company has massive cash reserves and wonderful acerage.. why would it go down smack in the middle of two wells being drilled?
Thanks for the info Agentm,

I haven't seen that much info on the secondary targets, how much could they be worth to ADI based on results to datE?
no reserves have been calculated....

ADI obviously see enough in it to schedule in 2 wells. Calculate the cost of 2 wells and you then add whatever.. the reserves have to be significant.. MAybe at the P50 estimates, or maybe its more..

Couchy said 100 wells in his excitement before they censured him..

first time that cowboy gets to play with the big league and he totally stuffs up.. shows you that he was a good operator as a small time wildcatter.. but when it came to this he was letting out far too much..

the directors of ADI and all the investors have been on a tour of Sugarloaf,, they know the value but are playing their cards close as someone else has said,,

look at the broker reports for ADI and ARQ and you will see estimates and price calculations...

Bottom line is you either believe or you don't. The facts have been more then clearly outlined in previous posts on this forum. All is online for anyone to research for themselves and draw a conclusion.
After the 28m of gas pay was announced in the austin chalks holding shares in any of the companies that are in sugarloaf was a no brainer for me.
Excellent chance of current share prices (at the very least) fully supported by austin chalks and with the big daddy hosston formation now drilling you get that possible upside for free.
Of cause it could all fall apart and end in tears but I highly doubt it.
I hold EKA

Hi guys - I have just recently joined Aussie Stock Forums - Been a holder of EME since early this year.

A fellow poster found this on The Couch Oil Site - Thought you might find it interesting.

We have found quite a lot of stuff using a website mirror downloading software - which is free - let me know if you want it.

Fingers crossed for next week!!

Cheers Tarzan

posted by jumping jack flash

Sugarloaf – Hosston – 2 TCF potential
I spent several million dollars over the last few years to develop new Seismic Algorithms to enhance our discovery rate. We worked with much fanfare developing Wave Energy Absorption (WEA). Now with low fanfare (but still with great expense) we have been working on Porosity algorithms that are having more success than WEA. We have two successful wells on line from this process used in the Flour Bluff field.

Key Largo is the next research well. Sugar loaf is a research well… one target 800 BCF… with the deeper 20,000 ft target closure conservatively 1 TCF. We have closure over 16,000 acres. Texas Crude drilled 2 other successful wells using the technology which I did not participate in since I was originally a doubting Thomas. These two wells will have over 30 offset wells. So sometimes I make big mistakes.

This technology was started by Shell 20 years ago which much ado… yet with not much success. In the last few years several geophysics have used the technology in areas where they had at least 10 to 20 years of work station experience. Folks in England at Oxford and Cambridge have figured how to apply the porosity gradient to 2 D seismic. It takes 2 to 3 years to apply this to 2D seismic. We have been involved in funding this technology to 20,000 square miles of 2D seismic. It only takes 3 months to apply the technology to 3D seismic. We have thousands of squares of 2D seismic already shot within 50 miles of the Gulf Coast and in our coop library. Our initial research results are pure success with the drill bit.

I hope our current 75% success rate will increase to 80% with this technology. I hope to lead the funding charge of several companies that will share this technology looking for larger reserves or elephant hunts as we have found with the Sugarloaf well. I try not to get excited when it comes to research… because we and affiliates have failed so many times before. Initial results on about 6 wells successful wells say we are finally…. maybe… on the right track.

The new seismic tool allows us to look for at least 20% porosity within about 6% points + or -. Some of the work station boys think they can get this down to a 4% or 2% variable. I say ..”show me”.. Each 2% points probably adds 1 BCF in reserves (with 100+ acreage drainage) per planned multi zone well. That is only a $10 million dollar reserve improvement per well. That will pay for each elephant hunt type well… alone… just with the porosity or reserve improvement. A poor result for a deep well would be 10 BCF or $100 million. 1 TCF possible … as in the Sugarloaf is $10,000 million or $10 Billion in reserves.

then charlie says

20,000 Acre Four Way Closure – new porosity seismic technology – 15 years generating this prospect. Two Trillion (not Million… not Billion…. but Trillion) Cubic Feet of Gas Potential – I can hear the elephants stomping
tarzan hey..

welcome... and what an entry!!!!

possibly one of the most staggering posts i have ever read..

dont take this the wrong way... is this from the land of the sugarplum fairies or for real????

i would love the post to be confirmed in some way,, happy to check out the software and varify whats been posted anytime

Hi Tarzan, I think Stigers in depth comments say it all. I cut & pasted this and posted on another site and the comments are much the same as here.I hope you don't mind.

Morning all,

Saw what tarzen has posted on the eme board last night, it's just beginning to sink in now, would also confirm tarzen and Jumpin jack flash are regular and respected posters on the eme board.

All looks very good for Sugarloaf, so glad I bought those adelphi shares, good luck all. :D