Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Julia said:
Not necessarily, Happy. There is a widespread phenomenon of "no one talking" when it comes to this sort of problem.

A recent example has been in New Zealand where two very young twins were murdered by someone in their own family. Despite exhaustive interviewing of the extended family by police, considerable intervention by both Maori and Pakeha social workers, etc. no one is saying anything and the perpetrator goes unpunished.

This could be a result of some sort of misplaced "family loyalty" or, possibly more likely, fear of retribution for speaking out.


I`m with Julia,
this in fact has been the story all along,thats why these problems have been getting out of hand in the past and it doesnt look like its about to change.
Happy said:
Some possibilities

- False allegations
- Conspiracy driven by fear or resentment

' .. Conspiracy driven by fear .. '

Looks that I am with Julia too.

I'm a little disappointed that you seem to have 'gone to ground' on this issue.
A few weeks ago you offered to answer questions about matters relating to aboriginals.
You were asked why you identify yourself as aboriginal when you've stated that you are in fact white.
I thought it was a fair question, but rather than answer it you responded by saying that you'd put the question to your next meeting of aboriginals, and pass on their response to us.

We look forward to hearing the response from that meeting, but in the meantime we'd like to hear why YOU personally choose to call yourself aboriginal when in fact you are white. Afterall, the question was put to you personally in the first instance.
Apart from that question, there have been other issues raised in this thread about problems existing in aboriginal communities, e.g. vandalism, child sexual abuse, violence, petrol sniffing, alcoholism.
While I don't recall that you were specifically asked questions about these issues, I thought at least that you might have responded with some comments or suggestions on how you think these issues can be addressed.
You have, afterall, offered to 'fly the aboriginal flag', so to speak, by inviting questions and comments from the forum, and offering to give us your views.

I hope those views will be forthcoming in the very near future.....I look forward to hearing them, and having a balanced discussion with you on issues relating to aboriginals.
And I do mean a BALANCED discussion. Unlike some on this thread, I'm not interested in putting aboriginals down, and writing them off as a race of useless so and so's who will never amount to anything.
I believe aboriginal people have as much potential as anyone else. I consider it a tragedy that this potential is not, generally speaking, being realised.
To reinforce my point about the potential of aboriginal people, the first aboriginal surgeon recently graduated in Australia. There have of course been numerous aboriginal doctors, but this is apparently the first aboriginal to go one step futher by becoming a surgeon.
This man has my respect and admiration, as do all aboriginals who make the most of the opportunities that are extended to them.


You have expressed my thoughts also.

Sarah, Bunyip has reiterated the areas on which you offered to come back to us.

Perhaps you could include in your response some comment on why you think it might be that, e.g. we now have an aboriginal surgeon in addition to several aboriginal doctors but are frequently told that indigenous people are so disadvantaged etc that they cannot change their situation. Why can some do it and not others? Those who have succeeded prove it can be done.

I heard a radio interview with the young surgeon concerned. He was an immense credit to his people and to his profession.


Driver attacked after child hit

July 26, 2006 06:02pm

A MOTORIST has been attacked in his car after knocking down a small child in Alice Springs.

The four-year-old boy sustained minor injuries when he was hit by a sedan on Wills Terrace, about 3pm (AEST) today, a police spokeswoman said.

It appeared the boy had run into the path of the vehicle. He was taken by ambulance to Alice Springs Hospital, she said.

"Witnesses told police the driver of the vehicle pulled up and a large group of Aboriginal people attacked the car," the spokeswoman said.

"The driver was forced to take shelter in the nearby hotel until police dispersed the angry crowd."

The motorist was not hurt.

Meanwhile, two people were injured during a brawl in a shopping centre car park in the outback central Australian town at noon today.

Up to 20 people were reported to have been involved in the fighting, using weapons including iron bars, before police dispersed the crowd, she said.

Two people were arrested, but no charges have yet been laid.
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* Israel: Several hurt in Haifa rocket attack
* Iraq: Saddam 'forced' back to face trial
* Petrol: Pump prices nudge $1.50 mark
* Mob: Driver attacked after child hit
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* Court: Corby gives nod to final appeal
* Drink-drive: Gardiner vows career comeback

See they dont supervise the kids then beat up someone....shocking
I still don't get it, White people who don't look in anyway aboriginal say they are aboriginal :confused:

What do real aboriginals who look aboriginal think of them ?

Bobby said:
I still don't get it, White people who don't look in anyway aboriginal say they are aboriginal :confused:

What do real aboriginals who look aboriginal think of them ?



We're still waiting for Sarah to provide us with the answers to these mysteries.
But after inviting questions from the forum on aboriginal issues, and offering to answer them, she's gone quiet on us.

"I still don't get it, White people who don't look in anyway aboriginal say they are aboriginal."
Bobby...whats the problem...i don't look Fijian but i identify myself as is not about the color of the skin... sheesh! :banghead:
What does an Australian look like for chrissake!
Cheerful... :D

Mainly the problem is that the government has a pro discrimination policy to try and help the aboriginal people overcome past discrimination, then become part of mainstream society.

If one does not "appear to be aboriginal" then rarely has there been any discrimination against that person in the past.

Those who are perhaps 1/8 th aboriginal rarely suffer any discrimination yet they receive favourable treatment which we cannot get and in fact have to pay for.

It really is just a case of the famous Ozzie "fair go"
macca said:

Mainly the problem is that the government has a pro discrimination policy to try and help the aboriginal people overcome past discrimination, then become part of mainstream society.

If one does not "appear to be aboriginal" then rarely has there been any discrimination against that person in the past.

Those who are perhaps 1/8 th aboriginal rarely suffer any discrimination yet they receive favourable treatment which we cannot get and in fact have to pay for.

It really is just a case of the famous Ozzie "fair go"

Hello Macca,

Good accurate post.

I think Nelly did'nt understand the relevance of this threads true meaning, her conjecture is apparent. :rolleyes:

macca said:

Mainly the problem is that the government has a pro discrimination policy to try and help the aboriginal people overcome past discrimination, then become part of mainstream society.

If one does not "appear to be aboriginal" then rarely has there been any discrimination against that person in the past.

Those who are perhaps 1/8 th aboriginal rarely suffer any discrimination yet they receive favourable treatment which we cannot get and in fact have to pay for.

It really is just a case of the famous Ozzie "fair go"

Hi Macca...i understand, but isn't it the systems in place and not the Aborigines who have devised things to work this way...back in NZ the same thing....i couldn't get into a lot of courses etc because i wasn't Moari......i never blamed my Moari friends for taking them up on it.....and i'm sure the % of places in any one course was tiny compared to what was on offer to non-moari. And don't we pay much more for all the 'white' dole-bludgers etc...and i mean the real scam the system types...and for murderers, rapists etc to loll away their time in prison. I think the Aborigines over here get a tuf break are stereotyped whether deserved or not....i mean even the junkies get a free ride at the methodone clinics all over the place...these systems are all in place to help the minority who want to help themselves to a better life...there will always be the lot who abuse any system...does that mean it is not a good system...?
Cheerful... :D
Bobby said:
I still don't get it, White people who don't look in anyway aboriginal say they are aboriginal :confused:

What do real aboriginals who look aboriginal think of them ?


Bob hi....r u inferring people are saying they are Aboriginal for the 'tons' of free stuff they can get...or so they will get preferential treatment when they apply for accomodation/jobs..?
What do real Aboriginals who look Aboriginal think of them.?
...r u saying u have 2 look a certain way 2 identify with your particular'll have 2 ask an Aboriginal looking Aborigine that ?
cheerful.... :D
ps...if this is just a load of....conjecture....scusee
nelly said:
Hi Macca...i understand, but isn't it the systems in place and not the Aborigines who have devised things to work this way...back in NZ the same thing....i couldn't get into a lot of courses etc because i wasn't Moari......i never blamed my Moari friends for taking them up on it.....and i'm sure the % of places in any one course was tiny compared to what was on offer to non-moari. And don't we pay much more for all the 'white' dole-bludgers etc...and i mean the real scam the system types...and for murderers, rapists etc to loll away their time in prison. I think the Aborigines over here get a tuf break are stereotyped whether deserved or not....i mean even the junkies get a free ride at the methodone clinics all over the place...these systems are all in place to help the minority who want to help themselves to a better life...there will always be the lot who abuse any system...does that mean it is not a good system...?
Cheerful... :D


If you have in fact lived in New Zealand, I'm surprised you haven't learned how to spell "Maori".

nelly said:
Bob hi....r u inferring people are saying they are Aboriginal for the 'tons' of free stuff they can get...or so they will get preferential treatment when they apply for accomodation/jobs..?
What do real Aboriginals who look Aboriginal think of them.?
...r u saying u have 2 look a certain way 2 identify with your particular'll have 2 ask an Aboriginal looking Aborigine that ?
cheerful.... :D
ps...if this is just a load of....conjecture....scusee

Well Nelly are you asking me to spoon feed you ? :)

Or are you having difficulty with comprehension, regarding the cut off point of someone claiming to be Aboriginal ? :confused:

Julia said:

If you have in fact lived in New Zealand, I'm surprised you haven't learned how to spell "Maori".


Hi Julia.....whoops :eek: ... dyslexia tends 2 kickin when
And yeah..have been over here 10 yrs....luv it!
cheerful :D
Bobby said:
Well Nelly are you asking me to spoon feed you ? :)

Or are you having difficulty with comprehension, regarding the cut off point of someone claiming to be Aboriginal ? :confused:


Hi Bob....thanks but no thanks...i manage[barely] 2 stuff toast in occasionally.
yeah maybe i am havin problems with comprehension....does there have 2 b a cut off point?
cheerful ;)
nelly said:
Hi Bob....thanks but no thanks...i manage[barely] 2 stuff toast in occasionally.
yeah maybe i am havin problems with comprehension....does there have 2 b a cut off point?
cheerful ;)

Hello Nelly,

Yes I do think there must be a cut off point .
The ramifications without this would be detrimental to " Aboriginals", think about those that could take advantage of no cut off point e,g B'S artists :(

Bobby said:
Hello Nelly,

Yes I do think there must be a cut off point .
The ramifications without this would be detrimental to " Aboriginals", think about those that could take advantage of no cut off point e,g B'S artists :(


Hi Bob...yes i agree with u on the bulls##t artists...but they r across the board.....mayb they could hook every1 up to a lie detector when they sign up 4 'free rides'..... :)
nelly said:
Hi Bob...yes i agree with u on the bulls##t artists...but they r across the board.....mayb they could hook every1 up to a lie detector when they sign up 4 'free rides'..... :)
Greeting Nelly,

You seem a fun bird, Yep them bull***T artists are all round us , be carful.

Just understand this ! to make money off the market , you will be taking it off someone else !
Its no game , think what you are about to do, how clever are you ?
Tell Me.

Not sure if Sunday or 60 minutes will run this week segment on one community getting isolated due to wet season with 2 gangs running the place.

Not sure if view will be unbiased, but might put some extra light on the issue.