From ABC, 11 Apr. 09
An education expert says teachers are being "bamboozled" by mysticism surrounding Aboriginal children and letting educational standards slip.
Dr Chris Sarra, director of the Indigenous Education Leadership Institute in Queensland, was in Darwin this week addressing 200 principals and senior education department figures.
He says he told the conference teachers should demand high standards of Aboriginal children, instead of making allowances for cultural differences.
"There is the potential and I believe this absolutely, that the Territory education system can move from one that is perhaps been guilty of creating an underclass to becoming a world class education system," he said.
Dr Sarra says he read a paper last year directing educators "not to look Aboriginal children in the eyes" because it might somehow damage their psyche.
He says there is an impression that being culturally sensitive means accepting second rate outcomes from Aboriginal students, but that this approach does the students no favours.
"It presented Aboriginal children as being so mystical and so culturally different and so exotic, to the extent that lots of teachers were overwhelmed by that sort of information and forgot these are actually just kids in schools who deserve an education as much as anybody," he said.
"We can't get to a point where we just cannot see the kids for the black faces.
"We've got to take Aboriginal children as high-potential learners, high-calibre learners with tremendous potential."
Step forward that somebody was allowed to write and publish something like that.