Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


2 December 2005
Hullo All,

I thought I was a white bloke untill I met some people who look like me, but said they were aboriginals.

Whats an ABORIGINAL these days ? :confused:

Bobby said:
Hullo All,

I thought I was a white bloke untill I met some people who look like me, but said they were aboriginals.

Whats an ABORIGINAL these days ? :confused:


Same as an Indian (Native American) in America. Lots of white folks claim to be Indian.

My Great, Great Grandmother was a Cherokee Indian. Does that make me an Indian? I doubt it.
I think the definition is anybody who is raised by an Aboriginies and identifies with the culture and has some aboriginal blood. I'm cool with this.

People however who use it for handouts etc. I am not cool with this.

mit said:
I think the definition is anybody who is raised by an Aboriginies and identifies with the culture and has some aboriginal blood. I'm cool with this.

People however who use it for handouts etc. I am not cool with this.


Your definition is incorrect. As far as the federal government is concerned if you have aboriginal descent (any, yes this is circular), identify as aboriginal (whatever that means), and are accepted as aboriginal by an aboriginal community (nice circular definition), then you are aboriginal.

I think its about 1/8th to 1/16th. now or even higher.

I know of a white male artist, who is part Aboriginal, gets special treatment from the government, applies for Aboriginal jobs, get them and is paid squillions.
well according to Nanette Rogers,central Australia chief prosecutor,aboriginality is decided by how little they do to help themselves,and of course because of political correcteness are left to kill and main one another,after all wouldnt want to be accused of stealing again.
The stories she shared with Tony Jones on Lateline were heartbreaking to say the least and the abuse of infants deplorable,culture once again blamed especially for the treatment of women and children. What is it about women and children that can so easily be swept under the carpet of culture.(violence) :banghead:
Equality for every Australian would be nice, but political correctness has to fade away, at least a bit.
Happy,I agree with you about equality,but listening to the interview,it was pretty plain that the people involved want to be anything but equal.She made it pretty plain that ,they are guided pretty much by their culture,a culture that relies very heavily on punishment,hence if anyone cooperates with the police ,then they in turn get punished by the community(aboriginal),even when the crime is against children.
So often the police even though they are awere that something happened they cant proceed because of lack of evidence.

It seems to me that the stolen generation is now sentencing another generation to depravity and suffering,in those circumstances I think they should go back to stealing children in danger if they were ever truly stolen.

According to Nanette Rogers,there doesnt seem to be a point to aboriginal culture if this type of behaviour cant be corrected.
Few days ago something was mentioned about rape of 7-month old girl in remote Aboriginal settlement.

People call for grog free Alice Springs

NT Chief Minister will ignore violence summit, as there was one 3 years ago and it did not solve anything.

All the issues are at least delicate, they thread on guilt, they touch democracy, they brush on self-determination and never let invasion word go away. Invasion is even included in Government run Internet site.

We can step up and fight for something what we think is right, or we can step back and look what others do with this great issue.
Well,see what you say can explain some social problems maybe,however the impression I got is that ,aboriginal culture relies on being punitive and so as a consequence of that they know that as long as their victims are mainly aboriginal then they can continue as they like.
Happy that incident is one of the ones mentioned,also mentioned was the rape of the two year old,the rape of the 6yr who was also drowned in the process,sickening stuff,the father who fathered his own childs baby,I mean the list went on and on,but their culture prevents justice,this culture was here before the invasion so not everything can be linked to the white man.

But given all the money and programs in place to meet these people half way maybe whats missing now is someone who actually says enough of the victims stuff lets move on.Certainly its not lack of money preventing them from being part of Australia.
It seems to me that the stolen generation is now sentencing another generation to depravity and suffering,in those circumstances I think they should go back to stealing children in danger if they were ever truly stolen.

Food for thought.....
Its a pity that aboriginals are not treated the same as everyone... with all their handouts etc. Heck, i was even going to tick the aboriginal and torres straight islander box on my VCE enrollment thingo..... come to think of it i should have.
mista200 said:
Its a pity that aboriginals are not treated the same as everyone... with all their handouts etc. Heck, i was even going to tick the aboriginal and torres straight islander box on my VCE enrollment thingo..... come to think of it i should have.

Hey Mista if you tick it, I bet every thing is free :D

visual said:
...It seems to me that the stolen generation is now sentencing another generation to depravity and suffering,in those circumstances I think they should go back to stealing children in danger if they were ever truly stolen.

If they're still sniffing petrol in central australia, then it's unlikely they were part of the "stolen generation". The "stolen generation" were the ones removed from their dysfunctional aboriginal communities and put in the custody of white adoptive parents or whitey-run orphanages, mostly round big cities. This lead to psychological problems such as dreadlocks and wearing those stupid african kaftans.

Of course, removing children in danger from their parents is standard procedure if the child is white; if he's black he doesn't get the same level of service from Community Services.

Dont want to scare anyone off but yes I am of Aboriginal descent.

I think most replies I have read is in fact an indication of what many white Australians think about us Aboriginals.

Before any of you make any more comments may I suggest that you visit an Aboriginal centre or township and see for yourselves what the living standards are.

I do not get handouts, I am a very proud Aboriginal Australian and enjoy my volunteer work with the Aboriginals.

I am white and a fifth generation aboriginal.

Yes, there is a problem with some aboriginals with the crime they commit and the elders of their group needs to deal with it.
The aboriginal groups are going through change and we are moving forward. Do not let the few bad ones make it bad for all of us.
There are now more than 2000 volunteers throughout Australia helping Aboriginals in all sorts of work.

Enough Said.

I enjoy this forum and the Stockmarket. Back to it. Hope the next few days are a little better.


Chemist,when I mentioned the stolen generation,what I meant was,the spectre of the stolen generation,now affecting this generation.

Sarah,I`m glad that you are in fact doing good and enjoying your social work.
But I think that you have to aknowledge that what Nanette Rogers was saying is accurate,and things need to change.It didnt sound like it was a few bad apples spoiling it for the majority is sounded like women and children were suffering in great numbers,in no way do I want you to think that I`m being racist,however seeing that it`s mainly women and children doing the suffering than I think whatever notice is taken of the people who are truly trying to help than as far as I`m concerned the more pressure the better.

Preserving aboriginal culture is all well and good but does the punitive aspect really have to be really conserved?

Even today in the paper theres a story where lawers in that part of the country use the defence that rape in aboriginal culture is different than in the mainstram culture,can you imagine the outcry if that defence was used against a white rape victim.
What surprises me is why people don’t say (with equal pride) of any other blood in their vanes, sometimes 60% or even 90%?

I can only be sarcastic if say what I think why, so I won’t.
sarahmeehan3 said:
Dont want to scare anyone off but yes I am of Aboriginal descent.

I think most replies I have read is in fact an indication of what many white Australians think about us Aboriginals.

Before any of you make any more comments may I suggest that you visit an Aboriginal centre or township and see for yourselves what the living standards are.

I do not get handouts, I am a very proud Aboriginal Australian and enjoy my volunteer work with the Aboriginals.

I am white and a fifth generation aboriginal.

Yes, there is a problem with some aboriginals with the crime they commit and the elders of their group needs to deal with it.
The aboriginal groups are going through change and we are moving forward. Do not let the few bad ones make it bad for all of us.
There are now more than 2000 volunteers throughout Australia helping Aboriginals in all sorts of work.

Enough Said.

I enjoy this forum and the Stockmarket. Back to it. Hope the next few days are a little better.



Hello Sarah

I'm a bit confused by your statement:
"I am white and a fifth generation aboriginal".

Does this mean your parents were one white and one aboriginal, or five generations ago someone was white and someone aboriginal?

Whichever, it seems that you are not a full blooded Aborigine which is neither here nor there to me.

What I am interested in is why you and so many others are these days identifying as aboriginal when their genes also have other races as well.
This is not a criticism at all so please don't see it that way. I am simply interested as to why this is happening.
To me, it's a bit like me saying that I'm Scottish or German because a few generations ago that is what my ancestors were.

Thanks, Sarah
From ABC news:

PM takes stand against customary law
The Prime Minister says Aboriginal customary law should play no part in the way criminal courts treat violent offenders.
John Howard has told Southern Cross Radio that criminal law is a matter for the states and territories but he says an Indigenous rights agenda has influenced a number of prominent cases.
Mr Howard says he vigorously disagrees with misguided efforts to introduce two legal systems - one for Indigenous communities and one for the rest of the country.
"Every citizen of this country, whatever their ethnicity, is entitled to the protection of Australian law, but is also subject to Australian law in all its dispensations," Mr Howard said.
"I do not believe in any shape or form in the application of customary law by the courts or anywhere else in this country."

I know who would be next, to claim customary rape to get out, or not to get locked up.