Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The far left and right

The interesting thing about "fake" news, is how easily it slips under the radar of those sharing the opinion reported, and yet is so very quickly "recognised" as fake, by those subscribing to a contrary viewpoint.

Consequently, occupants of each exteme, of an opinion spectrum, will likely recognise more "fake" news issuing from their polar opposite.

For your edification you biases lefties :D
Have you adjusted your opinion on this yet?

Do you still think he wasn't interfering?

I know you claimed I should have acquaint myself with the facts but it seems that my reading of the subject was not to far off the mark, and it was you that was reading the situation wrong.
There is a D notice on the trial, so quite difficult to get to the bottom of it. Im keeping an open mind in the meantime as msm reports are crafted to create a certain impression.

For instance the meme that Tommy is a far right extremist. For an unbiased take in that, an opinion from a brownskin.

Could this be the start of the collision, necessary for the awakening of a populace, from having been too long asleep at the wheel?

I think both sides of the argument see the plain truths, but the binary split prevents discrimination of the various points that form the issue as a whole.

I remember the old left here ... they were pro anglo, anti coloured, pro assimilation, intolerant of any religion (albeit a simpering affection for CofE), paternalistically in favour of wives raising children between jobs, nationalistic, loud and proud to be Australian ....everything the new supposed left opposes
That's a pretty disgusting comment Mein Fuhrer for which I hope you roast in your own personal hell, and does more than anything to mark you as an extremist lunatic.
Calm down. I knew you would bite.
As the left has effectively banned humour, having replaced it with sophist mockery, they no longer understand what a joke is.
Its funny, because its been replicated all through the Internet.

Ignore the bulk of the message.

Pick the part that offends.

Paint you as an extremist to tarnish your reputation.
As the left has effectively banned humour, having replaced it with sophist mockery, they no longer understand what a joke is.

And you have no conception of what Left and Right actually is, and that people can hold views considered Left and Right simultaneously. Yours is simply a blinkered pig headed philosophy that you cling to regardless of evidence.
Paint you as an extremist to tarnish your reputation.

Huh, so you persist in putting people in "Left" and "Right" boxes regardless of the bulk of their message.

If you look at some of my posts regarding Islam and still think you can put me in a "Left" box, then you are as crazy as I think you are.
And you have no conception of what Left and Right actually is, and that people can hold views considered Left and Right simultaneously. Yours is simply a blinkered pig headed philosophy that you cling to regardless of evidence.

I disagree, but of course you are entitled to a perfectly illegitimate opinion and even to call me names. It's what I expect from your tribe, as I've already indicated. In fact, you have rather demonstrated my point. ;)
And you have no conception of what Left and Right actually is, and that people can hold views considered Left and Right simultaneously. Your is simply a blinkered pig headed philosophy that you cling to regardless of evidence.
Huh, so you persist in putting people in "Left" and "Right" boxes regardless of the bulk of their message.

If you look at some of my posts regarding Islam and still think you can put me in a "Left" box, then you are as crazy as I think you are.

Being serious, you lean left of center. When trolled you lean a little further.
Nothing wrong with it. Plenty of commendable beliefs when you post.
I disagree, but of course you are entitled to a perfectly illegitimate opinion and even to call me names. It's what I expect from your tribe, as I've already indicated. In fact, you have rather demonstrated my point. ;)

Denigration by generalisation, a typical tactic of inarticulates.
That's your opinion. I'm certainly left of you but you are out on the tip of the Right wing looking left towards the centre. :roflmao:
Yeah I can lean pretty hard. Its like snowflake central out there in my eyes.
Yep, getting a touch rattled too. I may be many things, but inarticulate is not one of them.
Yeah, I think that one is aimed at me. Wounded me deep too. I was to poor and black to afford articulate.
I disagree, but of course you are entitled to a perfectly illegitimate opinion and even to call me names. It's what I expect from your tribe, as I've already indicated. In fact, you have rather demonstrated my point. ;)

I have to jump in here. Rumpole and I go way back on discussion forums and I can attest he is middle of the road by and large, wandering into the new definition left and right camps. We were part of a group like mindeds who railed against censorship of our posts that didn't agree with the prevailing attitude of e.g. the ABC for instance. His main flaw is that he is not the ar5ehole I am.:D
I have to jump in here. Rumpole and I go way back on discussion forums and I can attest he is middle of the road by and large, wandering into the new definition left and right camps. We were part of a group like mindeds who railed against censorship of our posts that didn't agree with the prevailing attitude of e.g. the ABC for instance. His main flaw is that he is not the ar5ehole I am.:D
Well, I suspect (and I have said something similar before) that if Rumpy and I sat down over a beer or seven, we'd probably have much in common. I mean, I'm slightly left and was a member of the UK Liberal Democrats ffs.

He does seem to leap becoming offended by some of my opinions though, mostly in that I won't fall for the leftist (the far lef that is) narrative, whereas he seems more comfortable with it.
Yeah I can lean pretty hard. Its like snowflake central out there in my eyes.

The right love to throw around the term snowflake, and act like their opinions on based on strength and being manly, while others are simply weak. I don't see that at all.

For example the right wingers in the USA think carrying a gun around in their daily life makes them strong, I see it as a sign of weakness and fear, and if you need a gun to feel comfortable at your local coffee shop, you are a snow flake.

They think having compassion and caring for those in weaker positions than you is a sign of weakness, I see compassion as a sign of strength.

They think eating meat makes them Manly, because dominating animals seems manly, however I see taking advantage of defenceless animals being abused in factory farms isn't manly, if anything its bullying, and it takes a lot more strength and "manliness" to go against the status quo, and change your habits.

The "Lefttards" that faced fire hoses, attack dogs and police battens to protest the various human rights issues through history haven't been snowflakes.

The snow flakes are the people fearing change, trying to suppress and hold on to the status quo.

Think about it, how much of a snow flake do you have to be to be scared of equal rights.