Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Damned by her own words. She stated several times that she was not involved in the incorporation of the fund, but only gave advice.....

JG: Slater & Gordon didn't have anything, did not have anything to do with setting up bank accounts for that association. We attended to the incorporation.

PG: Can I ask you then following the last thing that we did to setting up the incorporation, which appears from the file to be the letter arguing that it ought to be not construed as a trade union, did you have anything personally to do with that incorporated association afterwards?

Young Gillard answers the boss

I've just listened to Emerson on Lateline vehemently denying that Gillard had anything to do with the incorporation of the fund, other than offering advice as Gillard had said. Won't he feel a right twit tomorrow.
Sorry for more of the same, but every paper is running with it. The story is hot on Twitter with by my calculations about 80% relishing these new revelations vs 60% pro Gillard only a day ago. Could this be the end for her?

Although still not damning, the importance of this new story IMO is to prove that Gillard lied in some parts of her statements of the last week. Proving just one statement to be a lie makes everything else she said questionable.

Gillard ‘cut and pasted’ slush fund rules
I won't be long before Gillard is dragged off kicking and screaming to jail. This is a preview.:)

I've just listened to Emerson on Lateline vehemently denying that Gillard had anything to do with the incorporation of the fund, other than offering advice as Gillard had said. Won't he feel a right twit tomorrow.

Craig Emerson has a problem with opposition women who tell lies, saying that is a sackable or resignation offence. He has told quite a few porkies himself in defence of his darling Julia. No doubt he will be calling today for Gillard's resignation.
I was friends, for 4 years, with two fraudsters - I was young and naive
I helped set up a slush fund - I was young and naive
I falsified documents in WA - I was young and naive
$5000 suddenly appeared in my bank account - I don't remember or I was young and naive
I slept with married men - I was young and naive
I witnessed a signature from a very loooooooong distance - I was young and naive
I kept secrets from my clients and employers - I was young and naive
I was a partner in a high profile Slater & Gordon - I was young and naive???
Michael Smith on Bruce Wilson's media interview on Tuesday.

He was spot on about more from Julia Gillard's exit interview being able to be released by Nick Styant-Browne.(early in the audio) now Bruce Wilson has come to her defence. Nick obviously didn't wait long.

Without doubt, it would have been another sleepless night at the house of Labor last night.
My ultimate contribution to this sordid saga

If a member can't remember if she's spoken once or twice
to this Blewitt, and she knew it that he wasn't true or nice,
is it then fittin' that she's hittin' on a redhead nonetheless?
Or will she turn himbo's bimbo, wading deeper in the mess?

'Twould be better if those elected let the past be past and took
on the job of planning for the future by the book.
We, the peepull, in elections, vote to advance Australia fair,
but all they do is get erections or, like cats, in each other's hair.

Stop the bitching itching twitching! Start and do a decent job,
or we'll start a massive ditching, smack you bogans in the gob,
take away your lurks and perks and chauffeured limos you're not worth,
build a great big catapult and fire you 'round the Universe.
A President came to the point of impeachment once, who also had trouble remembering things. And evidence went missing then too.
"It's Nixon being Nixon," historian Stanley Kutler said after his initial review found no bombshells. "It's a virtuoso performance. How about $10 for every time he says, I don't recall?"

..Nixon's memory lapses were frequent when he was grilled about whether he used the Internal Revenue Service to pursue his political opponents, which would be illegal. Yet he gave credence to a theory that he had done just that with Democratic donors..

..Historians certainly did not expect the transcript to solve the mystery of the 18 1/2 minute gap. Investigators suspected the portion of the June 20, 1972, subpoenaed tape was erased to hide incriminating talk between Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, three days after the break-in at the Watergate complex..

..Even without the tape, investigators learned enough of Nixon's machinations in the cover-up to bring him to the brink of impeachment. Fellow Republican lawmakers finally abandoned him, leaving him little choice but to resign...
On the Ninemsn web site, that site is the destination of the average voter I would think.

Is the PM telling the truth about the AWU 'slush fund'?

YES - 8618

NO - 31506
Mean while but where the adults analyse politics

Amid dramatic claims that the Prime Minister had acted corruptly and Coalition demands for her resignation, this morning the opposition rushed into Parliament to move a suspension of standing orders.
The suspension, one assumed, would be to demand the Prime Minister resign, or to call a vote of no confidence to test the Prime Minister's support, or at least demand she front the chamber and explain herself. It turned out to be to:
"... enable this Parliament to take action to deny people smugglers a product to sell before the Parliament rises and the onset of the monsoon season ..."
So with claims of "smoking guns"* and the most serious accusations that can be made in Australian politics, the opposition preferred to chase monsoons rather than do what you'd expect they'd do if they had a skerrick of belief in what they were alleging about the PM.

Bernard Keane from Crikey
Julia Gillard enabled the incorporation of a union slush fund from which her then boyfriend later stole hundreds of thousands of dollars by formally denying to authorities that it was a trade union organisation.
Read more:

Wilson and Blewitt knew why the slush fund was being set up, and these two misogynist rogues used the "young and naive" Julia Gillard (& Wilson's lover) to set it up. Shame on them to take advantage of the love of a young and doting 35 year-old, inexperienced in politics and ways of the world.:rolleyes:
Mean while but where the adults analyse politics

Bernard Keane from Crikey
Kevin Rudd's been very quiet this week.

Perhaps he's been busy taking calls from his Labor colleagues begging him to resume the leadership and from Wayne Swan begging for forgiveness.
Kevin Rudd's been very quiet this week.

Perhaps he's been busy taking calls from his Labor colleagues begging him to resume the leadership and from Wayne Swan begging for forgiveness.

I think Abbott's desperation running the smear campaign will enhance Gillards status and lower his own particularly after the smoking gun shot Bishop in the mouth.......I mean foot.

Certainly some of the most tasteless behaviour by an opposition that I have seen before.
The file's been found, but the contents are missing,

DOCUMENTS allegedly sent by Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Western Australia's Commissioner for Corporate Affairs 20 years ago relating to the AWU affair may never have been archived by the State Records Office (SRO).


Labor have ended with the week with a politically dead PM whose bubble is getting smaller by the day and that's as difficult for Labor to remove as Adolf Hitler was as the leader of Nazi Germany in the final months of WW2.

She's well and truely shooting from the bunker now and perhaps has decided that if she goes down, the party goes down with her.

The Opposition couldn't have hoped for better.
I think Abbott's desperation running the smear campaign will enhance Gillards status and lower his own particularly after the smoking gun shot Bishop in the mouth.......I mean foot.

Certainly some of the most tasteless behaviour by an opposition that I have seen before.
I'm sure Kevin Rudd's still behind her.

I just can't see how far, or what he's holding.