Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

I have never, ever heard of it being impossible to access bank records.
Perhaps I am ill informed. Does this statement from Ms Gillard seem reasonable?

I'm sure she said sometime today that the Commonwealth Bank claimed they do not have records going back that far. I would accept that at face value as all it would require is one inquisitive clerk to prove her lie and that would be too much of a risk for her to take.
Yesterday, Julie Bishop was only warming up.

Today promises to be more interesting.

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop is ramping up her attack on Julia Gillard's conduct as a lawyer in the 1990s, accusing the Prime Minister of creating the ''stolen vehicle that the bank robbers took to the bank''.

Ms Bishop told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday that when Ms Gillard was a partner with Slater & Gordon, she set up a union association, which saw money siphoned out by her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson and fellow AWU official, Ralph Blewitt.

''The reason [Ms Gillard] didn't open a file within Slater & Gordon ... was because she and Wilson and Blewitt wanted to hide from the AWU the fact that an unauthorised entity was being set up...'' Ms Bishop said.
After her poisonous spray against her old confederate Ralph Blewitt, Gillard poses the question;

'’His word against mine: make your mind up.”

Going on form, Blewitt is more believable.:) Any lies Blewitt might tell, pale into insignificance beside Gillard's one big lie.

I like Julie Bishop's analogy that Gillard. "created the stolen vehicle that the bank robbers took to the bank, to rob the bank.''
What use is all this bitching about incidents that happened last century?
Doesn't the Parliament have anything better to discuss?

Utterly disgusting! :banghead:
My parents in law, rusted on Lib voters, said they were disgusted with the Libs on this issue when they watched the news last niht after the cricket. Are the Libs doing any polling??
My parents in law, rusted on Lib voters, said they were disgusted with the Libs on this issue when they watched the news last niht after the cricket. Are the Libs doing any polling??
I hope they were even more disgusted when Labor tried to go Tony Abbott over an alleged punch of a wall from his university days.
I hope they were even more disgusted when Labor tried to go Tony Abbott over an alleged punch of a wall from his university days.

They probably were. What is getting their goat is that Parliament no longer appears to deal with running the country, just chucking mud.
My parents in law are obviously reasonably old and my father in law listens to Parliament. They are Liberal members! They dislike Bishop in particular.
I just think that if this activity continues for the next two weeks, Abbots popularity will hit new lows, even if he isn't in parliament making the accusations but is instead hiding away.

Why can't they attack Labor on policy?
I never thought Queensland would turn around- it was a basket case. the Lib tactics are woeful. They need to hire me! Sure I have no background in this field but blind Freddy could better. I don't understand how they could get it so wrong. Labor should be done and dusted.

But the dramatic lift suggests Labor would only lose its most marginal seat, Moreton, if the result was replicated evenly across the state.
I just think that if this activity continues for the next two weeks, Abbots popularity will hit new lows, even if he isn't in parliament making the accusations but is instead hiding away.
Making accusations or asking questions ?

I never thought Queensland would turn around- it was a basket case. the Lib tactics are woeful. They need to hire me! Sure I have no background in this field but blind Freddy could better. I don't understand how they could get it so wrong. Labor should be done and dusted.

But the dramatic lift suggests Labor would only lose its most marginal seat, Moreton, if the result was replicated evenly across the state.
Old news.
I just think that if this activity continues for the next two weeks, Abbots popularity will hit new lows, even if he isn't in parliament making the accusations but is instead hiding away.

It is not surprising that in a country which made Ned Kelly a hero, Gillard's very questionable activities and lifestyle have elevated her acceptance as PM well above Abbott.

Abbott can't win. If he took Bishop off the case, Labor would call him a "misogynist pig."
They probably were. What is getting their goat is that Parliament no longer appears to deal with running the country, just chucking mud.
My parents in law are obviously reasonably old and my father in law listens to Parliament. They are Liberal members! They dislike Bishop in particular.
I just think that if this activity continues for the next two weeks, Abbots popularity will hit new lows, even if he isn't in parliament making the accusations but is instead hiding away.

Why can't they attack Labor on policy?


Abbot is good at hiding:
behind Julie, to let her do the dirty work
behind his family, to let them tell what a softie he really is
and a tiny budgie nobody cares to see anyway...

Bring back Turnbull :xyxthumbs
I must admit that I have only seen short bits of Question Time, but after seeing Bishop ask about the $5K cheque this morning with Gillard giving the predictable response that she gave, it is clear that the AWU issue is dead in the water (at least in Question Time) unless the coalition can come up with something new that is provable.

The coalition needs to change tactics quickly or they will just be seen as whining. However, they cannot change tactics and move to some other hot issue like the boat people, because they have (as usual) painted themselves into a corner by publicly declaring they would pursue the AWU issue every day until the end of this parliamentary week. Changing tactics now would be seen as admitting defeat.
The ABC have been knocking on Bruce Wilson's door.

Hours after the Slater & Gordon statement emerged, a TV crew from ABC's 7.30 arrived at Mr Wilson's home at Nelsons Bay, on NSW's Central Coast.

The two-camera crew arrived with a journalist about 11am and told The Australian they were “trying to line up an interview”.

They were greeted at the building complex entrance by a woman, believed to be Mr Wilson's current partner, who yesterday said “people have a right to live their lives” when questioned about her partner's history. “Journalists shouldn't go around stalking people,” she said.

The camera crew was led upstairs and let into the apartment by Mr Wilson.
I hope they were even more disgusted when Labor tried to go Tony Abbott over an alleged punch of a wall from his university days.
And oh, how the media, especially the ABC, ran with that for weeks!

I never thought Queensland would turn around- it was a basket case. the Lib tactics are woeful. They need to hire me! Sure I have no background in this field but blind Freddy could better. I don't understand how they could get it so wrong. Labor should be done and dusted.

But the dramatic lift suggests Labor would only lose its most marginal seat, Moreton, if the result was replicated evenly across the state.

I'm not surprised. Campbell Newman and Jeff Seeney are behaving badly.
It's a large mess all round, contrary to our expectations when Labor was voted out.
Clive Palmer has been a very destabilising influence and will continue to be in an attempt to assuage his humiliation at not being preselected for either Federal or State parliament.

He has achieved some sort of folksy popularity, with a Galaxy poll apparently recording many Queenslanders would like to see him start his own party!!
(As if things are not wacky enough already here with Bob Katter's Australian Party.)

One State government MP has gone, another is considering his position. More are clearly unhappy, seemingly at the dictatorial manner of Newman and Seeney.
So foolish of them.


Abbot is good at hiding:
behind Julie, to let her do the dirty work
If he makes any criticism of Gillard, he's accused of misogynistic attacks, regardless of the validity of the criticism. That is simply the strategy Labor has decided on and they are much encouraged at its success so far.
Therefore, obviously, it needs to be a female who takes the questions up to Gillard.

behind his family, to let them tell what a softie he really is
Oh, please. What about all the fluff about Gillard's, um, partner running her bath and making cups of tea etc.
Quite nauseating.

and a tiny budgie nobody cares to see anyway...
You are entitled to your political preference but I'm surprised you would so stoop, as the politicians you despise, to such a nasty personal remark.

I must admit that I have only seen short bits of Question Time, but after seeing Bishop ask about the $5K cheque this morning with Gillard giving the predictable response that she gave, it is clear that the AWU issue is dead in the water (at least in Question Time) unless the coalition can come up with something new that is provable.

The coalition needs to change tactics quickly or they will just be seen as whining. However, they cannot change tactics and move to some other hot issue like the boat people, because they have (as usual) painted themselves into a corner by publicly declaring they would pursue the AWU issue every day until the end of this parliamentary week. Changing tactics now would be seen as admitting defeat.
Yes, agree. Yesterday I found myself thinking "I hope the Libs know what they're doing here."
They should be leaving it to the police investigations.
Hmmm Bishop is starting to do damage to the Coalition as its goes on with absolutely no smoking gun of clear evidence other than repeating smear.

The Coalition have also changed / moved the goal posts now on their demands form Gillard

I think if they keep this up they could lose the un-lose-able election

Every time Gillard gets to look strong in front of the press pack Abbott shrinks an inch or two.

Shows they cannot compete in discussion on policy.

All quite extraordinary really
To what ?

As for taking Labor apart on policy, Scott Morrison in Parliament after todays question time was well worth listening to.

Didn't see Morrison was he explaining why the Coalitions border protection policy the government is using isn't working?

Quote from Abbott "all the prime minister has to do is pick up the phone and call the president of Naru" end of quote.
