Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Didn't see Morrison was he explaining why the Coalitions border protection policy the government is using isn't working?
What the government is doing is not strictly the Coalition's full range of policies, but taking the above comment at face value, it just highlights the government's lack of ability to implement policy.

When one considers the consequences and inparticular the human cost, it's far from hilarious.
Didn't see Morrison was he explaining why the Coalitions border protection policy the government is using isn't working?

Quote from Abbott "all the prime minister has to do is pick up the phone and call the president of Naru" end of quote.

They wouldn't want to push that boat, so to speak, 30,000 in 5 years:D
Hard to dispute the numbers, lets not consider the $
Didn't see Morrison was he explaining why the Coalitions border protection policy the government is using isn't working?

Quote from Abbott "all the prime minister has to do is pick up the phone and call the president of Naru" end of quote.


Oh you mean the policy that worked that labor changed and now back flipped over. You mean like any policy Labor touches and then has to either abandon or backflip on because they create such a mess.
Labor would have a hard time organizing flies on $hit. They only seem to know how to make a policy fail. How long is the list now?
. How long is the list now?

You mean this list ? Not quite up to date, they're adding to it too fast.:rolleyes:

This might be easier, the other was a bit small, there are plenty of references on Google.

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Just watching Gillard in question time, it has to be said that she is an arrogant, rough as guts, cow of a woman, she really is:bad:
Just watching Gillard in question time, it has to be said that she is an arrogant, rough as guts, cow of a woman, she really is:bad:
She's treating the speaker with contempt with her responses. Michael Smith has also copped a serve.

The contrast with the way in which Julia Bishop is asking the questions is stark.
Shock horror how did you guys and girls miss this

Bishop can't rule out speaking to Blewitt twice

The Deputy Opposition leader, Julie Bishop, cannot rule out speaking to Ralph Blewitt by telephone last week, only that she never rang him and he never rang her.

Ms Bishop, the chief inquisitor of Julia Gillard over the AWU slush fund saga, said on Tuesday that she had spoken to Mr Blewitt just once and that was at a face-to-face meeting in Melbourne on Friday last week.

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Hang then there is this

Bishop bluster loses wind in an obvious absence of evidence

JULIE BISHOP started the day alleging the Prime Minister was like a bank robber's knowing accomplice who had benefited from the heist - a Bonnie to her then boyfriend, Bruce Wilson's, Clyde. ''She provided the stolen vehicle, she drove him to the bank and she looked away while he robbed the bank,'' she told her party room, according to the official party spokesman.

But by day's end the deputy Liberal leader was trying to make her own get-away from her defamatory and unproven allegations. No, she was not alleging that the Prime Minister had benefited personally from the fraud perpetrated by her then boyfriend. No, she was not even suggesting the Prime Minister had been a ''knowing party'' to it.

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Bishop cannot remember what she said hours apart but demands answers to issues 20 years old
Aahh ... the good old misogynist days.

Note the handbag group photo at 1:34

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I would have thought talking to Blewitt and Wilson, would be a pre requisite to asking questions of Gillard.:D

lol - it just gives laborites another straw to clutch and yet another feeble attempt to create a storm in a teacup.

They must think their fellow Aussies are pretty stupid - it's very clear where the real elephant in the room is.