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I am doing it this year to try and raise awareness as I feel that Men's Health has taken a back seat to Women's Health (really, there should be no distinction) in recent years e.g. breast cancer. I am hoping that people will think about Movember and therefore prostate cancer when they see the moustache. Maybe this will get them to read up about it a bit more or urge their father/brother to go and see a GP for a check-up.

I agree saiter.

I'm doing it again this year for same reasons.

Heard a story the other night about a bloke who had medical check ups all the time in his later years because he had heart problem. But non tested for prostrate cancer. You can guess what he died of.

So talk to your doctor and be specific about what you want checked!
I'm also doing it this year. See how far I get, the 'MO does get itchy after a few weeks....
My first year.

Going to raise $1000. What I don't get in donations, I will pay the rest.

You can donate just a dollar or 10 here:

Day 1.


Photo on 31-10-12 at 6.56 PM #2_2.jpg
I'm in, in last year also. We still don't live as long as the other sex and get far less attention. Good fun!

A tad annoying at first, and have to get some extra tools (never usually part of my daily kit) to groom the caterpiller.

Now, what style?

Know a couple of girls who could give us a good run also.:eek:
I'm going Trucker if my employer allows. I'm growing all over at the moment due to the long long weekend and hope to have something shaping up by Wednesday.

You mean like this??:D


  • kennas.png
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Pictures are mandatory fellas... c'mon, kennas has stumped up, let see them mo's.
I can not wait to shave this thing off. Driving me mad!

Why do males submit to this voluntarily? It's crazy!!!

My friends and family have contributed close to $500 so far, which is awesome!

Thanks to the ASF people who have! :)
Hi Kennas
Now you got the $500 reached on Thanks Giving Day.
Let us hope a samaritan helps you to donate balance $500 reaching the goal.
Good luck my friend and thanks for taking the efforts to support Movember

Is that some grey i see sneaking in there... :p:
That would be quite a lot of grey. eeeek! If I had any hair left on my head, that would also be grey. Maybe salt and pepper. :)

It's going to be sad, almost, to part with my little friend in 3 days. :(
Well, it's coming to a close. Just about to do the ceremonial shave.

If any ASF'ers have a spare $5 bucks, are feeling philanthropic, and need a tax deduction, throw it to my Mo Space Page. :)

Otherwise, gents, start looking after yourself a little better! The main point of this movement is awareness, not so much funding. Get your bits checked out, and if you're feeling out of sorts, do something about it!

Perhaps next Movember we will have an ASF team and raise the bar.