Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


24 May 2009
I was inspired by a discussion with a support group last weekend and decided to do Movember this year and have signed on. Just to add another degree of ugliness to my dial I will grow the Mo.

I used to have a Mo in the 80s (didnt everyone!) and on reflection looked like a 80s pr0n star. Now I will again with a greying stubbly poor excuse for a Mo return looking more like a pawn star.

hey if anyone else is doing this please respond. I will share a story in later message.

All the best.
" sorry I havent come to clean ze pool"
Re: Movember 2011

What's the purpose? Is it some sort of fund raising programme?
If so, why would it raise money, i.e. why would anyone care whether you grow a mo or not?
Re: Movember 2011

What's the purpose? Is it some sort of fund raising programme?
If so, why would it raise money, i.e. why would anyone care whether you grow a mo or not?

It started in Melb apparently and is now a world wide movement.

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in New Zealand and around the world. The aim of which is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

On Movember 1st, guys register at with a clean-shaven face and then for the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo growing efforts.

Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.

At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their gallantry and valor by either throwing their own Movember party or attending one of the infamous Gala Partés held around the world by Movember, for Movember.
Re: Movember 2011

What's the purpose? Is it some sort of fund raising programme?
If so, why would it raise money, i.e. why would anyone care whether you grow a mo or not?

Ah Julia you have searched for my sole. It can be to raise funds but that is not what inspires me.
I know blokes.
I know where we are weak.
We dont talk. To blokes. I mean we really dont talk. We tough it out because that what blokes do.
And we die.

And leave all you beautiful girls to live on without us.

And that is crap.
Re: Movember 2011

It has got alot bigger the last few years which is a good thing for mens health, we have the ads on the TV at the moment about people participating.

I always thought they could shave off the mo or grow it, depending on their circumstance, to raise awareness.
Re: Movember 2011

Ah Julia you have searched for my sole. It can be to raise funds but that is not what inspires me.
I know blokes.
I know where we are weak.
We dont talk. To blokes. I mean we really dont talk. We tough it out because that what blokes do.
And we die.

And leave all you beautiful girls to live on without us.

And that is crap.
Ah, in that case, I totally support the idea.

But, btw, don't imagine that women have it all sorted either.
We can be unbelievably bitchy so unnecessarily toward one another.:(
Re: Movember 2011

Ah, in that case, I totally support the idea.

But, btw, don't imagine that women have it all sorted either.
We can be unbelievably bitchy so unnecessarily toward one another.:(

Oh that I do believe, and towards blokes as well....:)
Re: Movember 2011

I was inspired by a discussion with a support group last weekend and decided to do Movember this year and have signed on. Just to add another degree of ugliness to my dial I will grow the Mo.

I used to have a Mo in the 80s (didnt everyone!) and on reflection looked like a 80s pr0n star. Now I will again with a greying stubbly poor excuse for a Mo return looking more like a pawn star.

hey if anyone else is doing this please respond. I will share a story in later message.

All the best.
" sorry I havent come to clean ze pool"

This movemver thing is so 2007. Every hero does what you do, and will grow the bikie handlebars - It's so pedestrian in my book. I'd be more than happy to sponsor anyone who does something they are very uncomfortable with - why not do something like this and earn some real dollars for your cause?

Re: Movember 2011

Not interested in raising money.
In fact i would MUCH prefer you spend it on yourself.

Go spend $50 or $60 and get checked out. Make sure you are free of prostate cancer if you are older or testicular cancer if you are young.

Then go spend some more with your mate at the pub. Pisz off the sports and politics and whinge talk for a while and ask how things are really going. Get some of the crap off your chest. Have a real heart to heart.
It may be challenging, but you are his mate, he will be there for you.

Have the chat.

Re: Movember 2011

Not interested in raising money.
In fact i would MUCH prefer you spend it on yourself.

Go spend $50 or $60 and get checked out. Make sure you are free of prostate cancer if you are older or testicular cancer if you are young.

Then go spend some more with your mate at the pub. Pisz off the sports and politics and whinge talk for a while and ask how things are really going. Get some of the crap off your chest. Have a real heart to heart.
It may be challenging, but you are his mate, he will be there for you.

Have the chat.


Good comments jb.

Lifechoices, mustaches may be a tad out of style, but that makes it all the more noticable. People ask WTF do you think you're doing and you can tell them. It's how I became aware of it.

The Hitler mo might just be too much of a faux pas IMO
Re: Movember 2011

It's not just 'Mo-vember' for the guys, girls can get in on it too.

I've decided to register 'Muff-vember' with the board of charities. Go crazy girls, throw your tub of hot wax's full on re-afforestation month.
Re: Movember 2011

Maybe a little difficult for your followers to make their commitment evident publically Gringotts Bank. :D

But Movember can be supported by our sisters - mo sistas to the mo bro. i dont think there is a requirement to gro a mo. But the girls can do a enormously powerful job in the area of mens health. They have dads brothers husbands and sons and myriad of other male relations. I would move heaven and earth for my girls as I am sure many dads would, and if one of them has a word with me then I am ALL ears. If they told me they would be happier if I went to the docs - I would go*.

* on that topic I have had a series of appointments with doctors and specialists to find out the cause of an erratic heart beat that i was feeling. 1 worried look from my girls was enough - off I went with their encouragement. They (and I) were happy I listened and did something about it.
Movember!! NO EXCUSES!

Come on guys, its a GREAT cause, even a $5 donation is a HUGE help. And you can reduce your taxable income in the process :cautious:.
Im sure the issues Movember supports will affect everyone at some stage in their life, either directly or inderectly, there is NO EXCUSE

My Mo will spark conversations, and no doubt generate some laughs; all in the name of raising vital awareness and funds for prostate cancer and male depression.
Why am I so passionate about men's health?
*1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
*This year 20,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed
*1 in 8 men will experience depression in their lifetime

I'm asking you to support my Movember campaign by making a donation to:
*Donating online at:
Thank you in advance for supporting my efforts to change the face of men's health.
Danny Dyson
Re: Movember 2011

Jeez after spending a few days on the road, had a look in the mirror. Not pretty.
Had some discussions on other matters with a couple of males recently, and I was surprised at the tough bravado out there - which is proving to be complete BS. The worst thing they think they are real. They dont know that they dont know, when all around them can see it. Sorry I cannot elaborate on the discussion - for confidential reasons.

Anyway have you had a date with the doc yet? :eek:

Be interested to know if you know of anyone has done somthing about their health which may have been inspired by movember or discussion with someone this month.

Anyway back on the road tomorrow and will be off air for a few days.
Re: Movember 2011

I did the 'grow your Mo' thing (started a few weeks ago) and have caved already.

It gets real itchy, food gets caught etc etc...not to mention the whole 70's+80's pr0n look, LOL.
Re: Movember 2011

I heard an interesting discussion on testing and treating prostrate cancer on the weekend on 3AW.

What shocked me is that this professor, who has looked into various studies, says it's a waste of time in most cases for men to get tested and treated for it.

The shock is All the more reason we try to understand the causes and prevention. Before that there needs to be awareness and what it is and what it can lead to. It is his opinion too that needs to weighed against others.
Re: Movember 2011

I did the 'grow your Mo' thing (started a few weeks ago) and have caved already.

It gets real itchy, food gets caught etc etc...not to mention the whole 70's+80's pr0n look, LOL.

scratch scratch...
know how you feel!! Well done for starting!

Just dont cave on the communication DB008

ps I am looking like a pawnstar
I have changed the title of this thread so it reflects Movember in general.

Who is doing it this year? Does anyone need donations? Why are you doing it?

Presonally i am only growing my chops, and unofficially, due to the fact that my 12yo face cannot grow a manly mo. I will however donate a few hundred bucks to others with more worth mo's
I have changed the title of this thread so it reflects Movember in general.

Who is doing it this year? Does anyone need donations? Why are you doing it?

Presonally i am only growing my chops, and unofficially, due to the fact that my 12yo face cannot grow a manly mo. I will however donate a few hundred bucks to others with more worth mo's

I am doing it this year to try and raise awareness as I feel that Men's Health has taken a back seat to Women's Health (really, there should be no distinction) in recent years e.g. breast cancer. I am hoping that people will think about Movember and therefore prostate cancer when they see the moustache. Maybe this will get them to read up about it a bit more or urge their father/brother to go and see a GP for a check-up.