Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Queensland Election 2012

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I am calling Mundingburra and Townsville for the LNP, on exit polling.

This will be a rout for the ALP hierarchy.

We need Bligh to loose her seat too, to send a strong message to Gillard and co that if they carry on with their deceptive, dictatorial leadership style that they know what is best for us even if we don't like it, they will be oblitterated too.

Looks like another generation of Katter in parliamnet in Mt Isa.

I was a bit concerned the KAP advertising attacking the LNP might work in favor of the ALP... but it looks like people are seeing the KAP as a breath of fresh air of free speech, a balancing or tempering force of the excesses of LNP,something like the greens were for the ALP.

Interesting that the greens vote is well down too.
We need Bligh to loose her seat too, to send a strong message to Gillard and co that if they carry on with their deceptive, dictatorial leadership style that they know what is best for us even if we don't like it, they will be oblitterated too.

Looks like another generation of Katter in parliamnet in Mt Isa.

I was a bit concerned the KAP advertising attacking the LNP might work in favor of the ALP... but it looks like people are seeing the KAP as a breath of fresh air of free speech, a balancing or tempering force of the excesses of LNP,something like the greens were for the ALP.

Interesting that the greens vote is well down too.

agree Whiskers,

This is bad for Gillard and Brown.

The ALP and Greens are on the nose big time in Queensland.

We are waiting with baseball bats for the Federal Election.

i watched the ch9 telecast for a bit. I want to punch laurence springborg in the head. Its like he has a massive chip on his shoulder since he could never lead the LNP into favour with the public.
Looks like Bligh will keep her seat. probably sympathy after the floods and the way she handled that.

Whats the difference between Labor and a Toyota Tagago ?

The Toyota has more seats:D

(thanks ABC)
Katter's Party doing OK too.

OMG! :eek:
Yes, perhaps not so surprising as there has always been that redneck element in Queensland. From what I can gather at this stage the Katter vote is strong in the same areas Pauline Hanson did so well several years ago.
These are, on the whole, and only imo, votes that would otherwise have largely gone to the LNP.

We need Bligh to loose her seat too,
In the early stages it did look as though this was going to be a possibility, but she is now safe. One of the few ALP to hold their seats.
to send a strong message to Gillard and co that if they carry on with their deceptive, dictatorial leadership style that they know what is best for us even if we don't like it, they will be obliterated too.
Whiskers, I don't think you need to worry that the Federal bunch will be under any illusion as to the Federal factor in tonight's result. They're unlikely to admit it publicly but they will right now be feeling pretty damn shaken up.

Almost best of all is the fact that the Green vote is down and that their belief that they would win their first State seat has been smashed.
Congratulations Queensland!

Just like that lady at the shopping mall who said to Juliar - " I am not stupid !"

you have said "We are not stupid !"

The rest of Australia will join you in 18 months or less
Interesting point made on one of the channels tonight. It seems that the ALP must win at least 10 seats to qualify as a "party" in regards to such things as allowances for travel, postage etc. If they do not win 10 seats, it is up to the discretion of the premier whether to allow them to claim such allowances or not. They will have to win the remaining 4 seats in doubt to get to 10.
Wayne Swan will lose his seat in the next Federal election should these swings be translated federally.

Rudd will possibly hold his, if he recontests.

He will be the only ALP Federal member north of the Queensland border.

Tony Abbott is all powerfull - he has even been able to hypnotise the Queensland electorate.
Interesting point made on one of the channels tonight. It seems that the ALP must win at least 10 seats to qualify as a "party" in regards to such things as allowances for travel, postage etc. If they do not win 10 seats, it is up to the discretion of the premier whether to allow them to claim such allowances or not. They will have to win the remaining 4 seats in doubt to get to 10.
They're saying a Tarago full - 7, this morning.
A good result for justice, now Newman has a mammoth task ahead of him I hope he's up to it.
7 seats how pathetic, watch Gillard back away from this in a hurry:D
Wayne Swan will lose his seat in the next Federal election should these swings be translated federally.
Rudd will possibly hold his, if he recontests.
He will be the only ALP Federal member north of the Queensland border.

Things could change a bit if Newman becomes unpopular over the next year, lets hope not.
Interesting point made on one of the channels tonight. It seems that the ALP must win at least 10 seats to qualify as a "party" in regards to such things as allowances for travel, postage etc. If they do not win 10 seats, it is up to the discretion of the premier whether to allow them to claim such allowances or not. They will have to win the remaining 4 seats in doubt to get to 10.

Either way its all a 'mates' game. They pretend to be opposite but still have a joke and a laugh at the taxpayers expense.

I bet that even if they dont win 10 seats they still get all their tax payer funded allowances
Tony Abbott is all powerfull - he has even been able to hypnotise the Queensland electorate.

LOL what?

I'm not from QLD but you only have to read about how much people have disliked the 20 year reign of Labor to see it was time for them to go.

Nothing to do with Abbott - don't be a lefty hater for the sake of it.
Tony Abbott is all powerfull - he has even been able to hypnotise the Queensland electorate.
:D:D JTLP, dutchie was being sarcastic, a reference to Federal Labor blaming Mr Abbott for everything they don't like.

A good result for justice, now Newman has a mammoth task ahead of him I hope he's up to it.
7 seats how pathetic, watch Gillard back away from this in a hurry:D
This has already happened. Just heard Anthony Albanese saying that of course the Qld election was fought purely on State issues and was largely due to the "it's time" factor of Labor having been in power here for 20 of 22 years.
You're right, all the Federal Labor luvvies will be out frantically spruiking the same message in an attempt to save the brand.
You're right, all the Federal Labor luvvies will be out frantically spruiking the same message in an attempt to save the brand.

Labor was always going to lose in Qld, but Bligh making statements like "Campbell Newman is going to gaol" and then saying she had no evidence against him was pretty stupid.

A lot of people were disappointed with Labor selling off assets. I can't see how voting for another party that had the same policies would make them feel any better, it's cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
LOL what?

I'm not from QLD but you only have to read about how much people have disliked the 20 year reign of Labor to see it was time for them to go.
But they have only disliked Labor enough to turf them out this time around!

Nothing to do with Abbott - don't be a lefty hater for the sake of it.
I tend to think that there actually was a fair amount of Federality hanging over this election. There shouldn't have been; it begs the question, do State elections always reflect Federal sentiment? A by-election in Victoria yesterday suggests not, as it resulted in a 4% swing to Labor, but the size of the swing in Qld yesterday suggests that it does. Surely though Queenslanders are smart enough to vote on their own State issues (whatever they were) instead of lodging a large protest vote to Canberra? The jury's out. :D

I agree with your last words JTLP - there would have been a lot of Righties that have come in their pants since last night, and I expect that they will remain nonsensical for a while! ;)