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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Perth has just had the 2nd warmest daily average for Aug on record its all good folks.

And we had some colder than average days in SE Qld this winter - climate cycles are all cycling as they always have done.

It's all good folks...:D
Always interesting to view the perspective of Climate change converts and what has caused them to change their vews.

Confessions of a Climate Change Convert
July 18, 2011

Some of the most passionate advocates for educating the public on climate change are individuals who, after years of climate change skepticism, simply found themselves overwhelmed by the force of the evidence, and had the objectivity and honesty to look reality squarely in the face.

Admiral David Titley, the US Navy’s Chief Oceanographer, told a TEDx Pentagon audience his story last year, and I posted the video.

More recently, Conservative writer D.R.Tucker wrote a widely noticed piece in the FrumForum, (former George W. Bush assistant) David Frum’s conservative blog, “dedicated to the modernization and renewal of the Republican party and the conservative movement.” Tucker’s piece is reposted below in its entirety, with permission.

I was defeated by facts.

It wasn’t all that long ago when I joined others on the right in dismissing concerns about climate change. It was my firm belief that the science was unsettled, that any movement associated with Al Gore and Van Jones couldn’t possibly be trusted, that environmentalists were simply left-wing, anti-capitalist kooks.
But there are still creative people willing to argue the case against AGW. Worthe checking out this blog.


Blog Science for Real People

We are not afraid to be called climate "deniers". In fact we embrace it as medal of honor bestowed on us by our alarmist foes. Galileo was a Denier. It is not an insult. I call this blog "Denier Depot" for that reason.

Welcome to my climate science blog.

I believe that one day all science will be done on blogs because we bloggers are natural skeptics, disbelieving the mainstream and accepting the possibility of any alternative idea.

We stand unimpressed by "textbooks", "peer review journals" and so-called "facts". There are no facts, just dissenting opinion. We are infinitely small compared to nature and can't grasp anything as certain as a fact.

Nothing is settled and we should question everything. The debate is NOT over Gore! When so-called "experts" in their "peer reviewed journals" say one thing, we dare the impossible and find imaginative ways to believe something else entirely.
And it is interesting to see how little it takes to cause an eruption of verbal diarrhea from a fundamentalist warmist.

Ah Calliope what else would I possibly expect from you ?? :p: And I did particularly chose the the last website , Denial Depot, because it offered a balancing anti AGW alternative that some of our more froth flecked contributors could appreciate.

Look, if you (or anyone else) can find some warmists who after carefully re examining the evidence have changed their mind please post it. It will make a useful comparison to my contributions to the debate. :)
Robert Manne has written a piece in the Quarterly Magazine on the role of The Australian in debasing the public discussion on Climate Change. There is an edited version in The Age that pulls together the threads of how The Australian has ignored the science and made up its own facts.

The truth is out there
Robert Manne
September 3, 2011

One newspaper's unrelenting campaign against the facts of climate change defies all reason.

When I was a boy, part of the English syllabus was called ''clear thinking''. I hope some equivalent still is, for we have never been more in need of the capacity for clear thinking than we are with regard to the controversy over climate change that has raged, especially in the United States and Australia, in the past few years. The key facts and distinctions are so obvious that it is embarrassing and dismaying that they need to be pointed out.

The most important fact is that there is a consensual view among qualified scientists about the cause of climate change. This consensus provided the basis for the four reports of the United Nations's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

On the fundamental theory - namely, that global warming is happening; that it is primarily caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, most importantly carbon dioxide; and that it is certain to have profound effects in the future - the science is truly settled.

However, in regard to scores of other questions - concerning the precise impact on global temperature and sea levels, acidification of the oceans, the rate of melting of ice sheets and glaciers, the pace of extinctions, the prevalence and intensity of hurricanes, bushfires, drought and disease - of course the science is not settled.

Read more:
Ireland – One of coldest Augusts since 1851

31 Aug 11 – Following the coldest June in nearly 40 years and the coldest July in 50 years, this month is now one of the coldest Augusts since records began in 1851.

It's all good folks.

Its a bit like the markets really, there will be volatility.

And in the bias of either side.

But I do find the sceptics more extreme in tone, but they will say, I am only saying that because I am not a skeptic.

Vegitables the last 15 years have been much more advanced in late winter than years back. I can even grow tomatoes out of season down here on the Vic south coast. It was unheard of.
Look, if you (or anyone else) can find some warmists who after carefully re examining the evidence have changed their mind please post it. It will make a useful comparison to my contributions to the debate. :)

Ah, basilio, you of all people know that fundamentalists, whether from the left or the right, cannot change their position. They firmly believe that they are always right.

Sticking out the tongue is quite juvenile, but is does confirm your immaturity.
Its a bit like the markets really, there will be volatility.

And in the bias of either side.

But I do find the sceptics more extreme in tone, but they will say, I am only saying that because I am not a skeptic.

Vegitables the last 15 years have been much more advanced in late winter than years back. I can even grow tomatoes out of season down here on the Vic south coast. It was unheard of.

Feed the world. That is what we can achieve, and unless strategies are put into place to curb population growth, or to decline it, then we will never have CO2 levels decrease, and that is a good thing as it provides stability to the planet.
In the media there is what appears to be equal coverage of cold snaps and heat waves and you would be forgiven for thinking that things were cooling off or at least being in balance.

Below is a graph showing the ratio of hot vs cold record temperatures in the US for the last year. While it is only for the US and cannot be assumed to apply globally it shows the dominance of the hot records (August saw over 3000 daily heat records vs 142 cold records). I was surprised by the results, particularly given the media attention the winter cold snaps were given in the media.


below is a graph detailing the number of records from Jun 2010 - 2011
temp.records.063011.jpg Heat
It that US data exclusive of all cities, large towns, industrial areas, airports, power stations etc which are accepted as creating heat islands? If not then it would not correlate to global temperatures outside of these artificial heat sources.

Reason for asking is that given the sheer number of records (either hot or cold), I'm guessing that at least some of them were in cities, large towns, airports etc.
Robert Manne has written a piece in the Quarterly Magazine on the role of The Australian in debasing the public discussion on Climate Change. There is an edited version in The Age that pulls together the threads of how The Australian has ignored the science and made up its own facts.

Read more:

Surely Manne jests? The Australian's official position is that climate change is happening and that it is the result of man made activities. They have stated this in their editorial at least once in the last month and many times perviously. They do, however, allow columnists to opine on the subject and unlike many publications allow a broad range of views to be printed. This is as it should be.
The weather in Townsville is no different today, than it has been for this time of year, in the recent past.

I can find no scientific evidence that there is climate change, but there is considerable climate hysteria.

I do wish these latte lefties would move on to some other religious belief. This is getting tiring.

The weather in Townsville is no different today, than it has been for this time of year, in the recent past.

I can find no scientific evidence that there is climate change, but there is considerable climate hysteria.

I do wish these latte lefties would move on to some other religious belief. This is getting tiring.


In the great words of Joe, "Don't you worry about that".

With no lefties you would have nothing to lean on or to sell the coffee beans,

oops there, that's it, bent bananas. :)
Surely Manne jests? The Australian's official position is that climate change is happening and that it is the result of man made activities. They have stated this in their editorial at least once in the last month and many times perviously. They do, however, allow columnists to opine on the subject and unlike many publications allow a broad range of views to be printed. This is as it should be.

Good theory Bellenuit... If you have a read of Manne's story you can see how the theoretically official position on climate change contrasts with the columnists views. In particular Manne details just how these columnists manage to ignore that scientific position The Australia says it agrees with. And Manne notes the role the Editor plays in reinforcing this position.

I think the most extreme example was having a story from a Bondi surfer who opinioned that because he couldn't see any difference in the climate as a surfer then there really couldn't be any climate change worth considering. (Much like own elder statesman on this forum of course ..):D
Good theory Bellenuit... If you have a read of Manne's story you can see how the theoretically official position on climate change contrasts with the columnists views. In particular Manne details just how these columnists manage to ignore that scientific position The Australia says it agrees with. And Manne notes the role the Editor plays in reinforcing this position.

I think the most extreme example was having a story from a Bondi surfer who opinioned that because he couldn't see any difference in the climate as a surfer then there really couldn't be any climate change worth considering. (Much like own elder statesman on this forum of course ..):D

Being a daily reader of the Australian, my assessment is that its columnists cover a broad range of opinion on the subject.

Was the story you are referring to in the "Letters" section? If so, it would hardly be an good example of editorial opinion.
Being a daily reader of the Australian, my assessment is that its columnists cover a broad range of opinion on the subject.

Was the story you are referring to in the "Letters" section? If so, it would hardly be an good example of editorial opinion.

Actually the story was on the front page of The Australian in Feb 2010. Check out the following link .

The journalism was so bad that even senior staff at News Limited couldn't stomach it.

There are those within News Limited who are deeply uncomfortable with the paper’s position. The manager of environment and climate change at News Limited, Dr Tony Wilkins, told colleagues last September he had cancelled his subscription to the Australian because of its coverage. Dr Wilkins described a front-page story in February last year about a Bondi surfer who said he hadn’t seen any change in sea levels as “the worst case of journalism I ever saw anywhere”.