Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

IMO, there is a possibility that it's all bluff from Wilke and the indies. I wouldn't think they would ruin their day in the sun just because leadership changes. I think they would continue to prop labor up for as long as possible - they would have limited choices otherwise.

Wilke's has a personal agreement with Gillard, not the Labor Party.
Wilkie is bluffing. Where else is he going to go. And his pokie reforms will have alienated some key supporters.

I'd say the long term plan is this: these are unpopular reforms, someone has to take the fall on this. That will be PM Julia Gillard. Coming up to the next election, say 3 to 6 months, she will be dumped for Bill Shorten, with Nicola Roxon (who is being groomed) as deputy. Accompanying this, a slew of '..there there, never mind, we'll make it all better..' promises.

Failure is an orphan. In future years, watch them all go to ground on this carbon tax.

I don't see Greg Combet as saleable to the electorate, too left wing, too much unionized '..bosses are the enemy..' in his makeup, and tainted by his climate change ministry, as with Chris Bowen in immigration.

The kids will remember that they could have had a job for a couple of hours after school, but the unions wouldn't let them. And the coal miners will remember that the union bosses sat idly by as miners jobs were exported to Brazil and China.
Wilke's has a personal agreement with Gillard, not the Labor Party.

Wilkie takes his orders from Bob Brown. He was an unsuccessful Australian Greens candidate for both the federal Division of Bennelong in the 2004 federal election and for the Senate in Tasmania at the 2007 federal election.

His main motivation is hatred for the Liberals, on whose preferences he was elected. An election is the last thing he wants.
Wilke's has a personal agreement with Gillard, not the Labor Party.

Maybe so, but he seems to hate the coalition, so what other choice does he have than to continue to support the labor machine regardless of leaders? To do otherwise would force an early election and his day in the sun and whatever else is in it for him is over.

I would think any incoming labor leader would be just as keen to keep up the money handouts or personal bribes (IF that is what is happening) to keep him on side.

Personally, I think there should be a royal inquiry somewhere down the track to find out just how Gillard has managed to get most things she wants even though the indies have often gone against the majority of their consitiuents wishes and even against some pretty strong opinion polls. Something doesn't add add up, imo.

And, how can the two rural based indies possibly allow the shut down of our live export trade is beyond belief. Sure, there were some serious problems to be sorted out for animal care, but this was a clearly knee jerk reaction without seeming thought. Why didn't the indies suggest a better approach? They should be standing up for the farmers or are they so in fear of losing some of their handouts that they are now simply puppets for Gillard. So, one can only assume that they are well paid off with tax payer funds - nothing else makes any sense...:eek:
Gillard was happy this morning on the Insiders. Barrie Cassidy gave her a dream run. She has now again latched on to linking Tony "Abbert" and Work Choices. I'm afraid we are going to hear this every time she opens her mouth for the next two years. The panel (one pro-Abbott and two anti-Abbott) latched on to it too.

Abbott has only himself to blame. There are plenty of reasons why he should stand up to the imbalances of Fair Work Australia. Gillard and her union cabinet mates have given the unions a free rein, with productivity being the loser.

I am aware that Abbott is trying to remain a small target, but he will have to step up to the plate sooner or later. He has to be seen to stand for something. At the moment he is gagging his frontbenchers who want to raise the subject.
Work Choices is always going to be on the nose, imo. Howard thumbed his nose at a hurting electorate. I know friends and even some in my own family whose employers took advantage of work choices and conditions for workers were more adversely affected than I think they should have been. I feel the pendulum was sent too far the other way.

And, yet the bizarre thing is that these conditions still seem to apply even though labor have now been in power for four years and in cohorts with unions. It seems this is one thing labor have not fixed. To bring it into balance would be a better thing, but I doubt labor is capable of anything remotely balanced.

I also think carbon tax and anything AGW will be treated by Aussie voters with the same disdain as Howard's Work Choices in the future. Even IF there is any truth mixed up in AGW, I think it will be a laughing stock for many years to come.

I think Abbott has a problem with any sort of policies on IR. I know of one young guy who is still bitter and will never vote for coalition again because of it. Unfortunately, that's all he can see - he doesn't realise that this labor government could eventually make it difficult to find work anywhere, imo.
Abbott has only himself to blame. There are plenty of reasons why he should stand up to the imbalances of Fair Work Australia. Gillard and her union cabinet mates have given the unions a free rein, with productivity being the loser.
Couldn't agree more. He needs to produce some alternative to (a) the government's IR position which most business organisations are complaining about as being unfair and stifling productivity, and (b) to have something positive as a come back to the incessant charges of him wanting to bring back workchoices. As long as he simply denies any affection for workchoices, he is less than credible. He needs to cut off his critics with a clear policy for the Coalition.

(And, please, devoted Abbott supporters, don't trot out the line that he has to keep all his brilliant ideas secret until close to the election. His "nothing but opposition" is wearing thin, imo.)

I am aware that Abbott is trying to remain a small target, but he will have to step up to the plate sooner or later. He has to be seen to stand for something. At the moment he is gagging his frontbenchers who want to raise the subject.
True. The point is made in The Weekend Australian that Malcolm Turnbull was forbidden to speak about the NBN. Why, for heaven's sake? Mr Turnbull is articulate and logical on this topic and his appearance in the media on this can only be positive for the party.

I'm as keen as most here to see the end of the current woefully incompetent government, but I've yet to be convinced that Mr Abbott offers much of a replacement. I'm ready to be convinced otherwise, but it's going to take more than the repeated utterings of a 'great big new tax' to do that.
I'm as keen as most here to see the end of the current woefully incompetent government, but I've yet to be convinced that Mr Abbott offers much of a replacement. I'm ready to be convinced otherwise, but it's going to take more than the repeated utterings of a 'great big new tax' to do that.

Yes Julia, a large majority of the population are also not convinced that he is PM material yet. The fact that the polls have him on a par in the PM stakes with Australia's worst ever PM should indicate to him that he has been found wanting.
I am wondering if Turnbull has been muzzled because he maybe suggesting better ways to roll out the NBN.
Gillard would soon jump on a good idea and call it her own.

I just saw some of the economic news, and it ain't good.
People keep talking about interest rate rises.
Well I think the rate should be reduced at least 0.25% and the dollar should be devalued somewhat.

No.The effect of her carbon tax on temperatures will be diddly squat. The woman is as crazy as a loon. All her brains are in her butt.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, you said that you want the debate to be informed by facts, but twice there Lenore asked you what your advice was on the net effect of our action, taking into account action or lack of action in the rest of the world. Will you provide that fact?

PM: We’re one of the 20 biggest polluters on the planet. Per head of population, we are the biggest generator of carbon pollution per head of population in the developed world. That means we have to act.
Is the rest of the world acting? Well, we’ve been through those facts and figures before, and I’m happy to supply them all again, but, yes, the rest of the world is also acting on climate change and we can’t afford to be left behind.
Well, we’ve been through those facts and figures before, and I’m happy to supply them all again, but, yes, the rest of the world is also acting on climate change and we can’t afford to be left behind.

Pfffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt !

But final confirmation came when Russia, Japan and Canada officially told the G8 meeting of the world's leading economies in Deauville, France, at the weekend they would not join a post-Kyoto deal that does not include emissions reductions from developing countries such as China.

US President Barack Obama used the G8 dinner to confirm that like Kyoto Mark 1, the US is not interested in what has been seen as a Eurocentric global agreement.

C'mon boys and girls ......... let's all put our hands in the fire! Those other kids over there did it .......... no wait ........... the smart ones haven't. :banghead:
Australia Post have created and marketed a new stamp displaying a picture of the current Prime Minister of Australia, Ms Gillard.

The prime minister had requested a recall of the stamps following concerns that they weren’t sticking.

Australia Post recently suspended a recall of the stamps after the findings of a special Senate Committee were released.

julia stamp.jpg

The Prime Minister was told that the stamp was not sticking to envelopes and the enraged Prime Minister demanded a full investigation.

After a month of testing and spending of $1.85 million, a special Senate Committee led by the leader of the Greens, Bob Brown, presented the following findings -

1) The stamp is in perfect order.
2) There is nothing wrong with the adhesive.
3) People are spitting on the wrong side of the stamp.
LOL Bigdog - however, if they ever did bring out a stamp with Gillard, I don't know how many would buy them. I would buy stamps in smaller amounts without her picture. Her fleeting TV appearances before the remote can work it's magic is bad enough...:D

I think most people despise those who constantly try to deceive others.
She will be remembered forever more as a terrible Minister for Education, and our worst PM ever. What a diabolical sell-out she is, all for the sake of clinging pathetically to power over national interest.
Does anyone really know what this Prime Minister of ours stands for?

I do know one thing, and that is, she does not appear to know what she is doing or does she?

I still believe she has a hidden agenda and it's not good.

Of all the posts that I have read, plus all the articles from the media, the above post is so accurate "it's not funny".
On Sunday we are going to hear something about the carbon tax.
Will it be the complete story?
Will it be a front for another hidden agenda?

If I was to choose what the hidden agenda was, I would say that at the end of the Gillard government, the tax, come grants, come rebate, come money management of the Australian government will be in such a mess that it will take some time to unravel.

I think the hidden agenda is to destroy the audit system of government money management. Gillard has money going here, going there, plucking billions from nowhere to chuck somewhere.

Does anybody actually believe that Swan understands the money trail?
Please don't answer yes.:banghead:
It will never be "all revieled".
Of all the posts that I have read, plus all the articles from the media, the above post is so accurate "it's not funny".
On Sunday we are going to hear something about the carbon tax.
Will it be the complete story?
Will it be a front for another hidden agenda?

If I was to choose what the hidden agenda was, I would say that at the end of the Gillard government, the tax, come grants, come rebate, come money management of the Australian government will be in such a mess that it will take some time to unravel.

I think the hidden agenda is to destroy the audit system of government money management. Gillard has money going here, going there, plucking billions from nowhere to chuck somewhere.

Does anybody actually believe that Swan understands the money trail?
Please don't answer yes.:banghead:
It will never be "all revieled".

Wow! what a wonderful Prime Minister and Treasurer we have!!!!!!!!

How generous of her!!!!!!

They are giving us more compensation than we need for the extra cost the carbon dioxide tax is going to cost the working famlies and pensioners. All sounds good, but it will be just another BIG GILLARD LIE!!!!!!

But can you believe what this deceitful liar of a Prime Minister says?

"There will be NO carbon dioxide tax under the government I lead".

How can anyone now trust her!!

How can anyone take her word that she will give more than is needed. The woman is SOOOOOO DESPERATE.

She has no credibility left what so ever.
Below is a picture of arrogance of the woman who wants to shove her nose in our faces courtesy of free TV time to tell us about a tax which the majority absolutely don't think is right for Australia.

Just look at the falling polls from Morgan since Gillard announced her pathetic carbon tax where 2pp is: L-NP 58.5% (up 4% over the last two weeks) with a clear winning lead over the ALP 41.5% (down 4%). Labor primary is 31.5% and LNP is 49%. The website shows how the polls have consistently been going against labor since the carbon tax announcement in February. What part of NO doesn't she understand.

Roy Morgan Poll June 25/26 & July 2/3 2011


"A fight to the death in the arena of public opinion" ... Prime Minister Julia Gillard turns
her back on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on 7 July 2011. Photo: Andrew Meares



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Doesn't Gillard get it that many are terrified about anything she touches? It's got nothing to do with Abbott - has everything to do with the daily news of her seemingly never ending bungles:

But as well as Abbott's untiring anti-tax campaign, Sunday will also mark the start of the Greens' efforts to differentiate themselves from Labor, with claims about what they achieved in the carbon tax deal.

Full story from The Age by Lenore Taylor: Climate policy turning politics upside down