........... If you continue to accept the lie after it has been shown to false - then perhaps some people just don't care what the truth might be as long as they don't have to face some unpleasant consequences.
It would be a bit like going a huge spending spree on credit card and when the bill comes in declaring that it's just not true and I'm just not going to pay it.
Lets move onto some other examples of deliberate and outrageous deceptions that masquerade as "fact". .................
Basilio my friend, you could equally apply these words to yourself and your beliefs on climate change.
"Skeptical Science" is not an unbiased website. John Cook set it up because he wanted to demolish what he called the "climate change deniers" so anything he says should be taken with a large dose of scepticism. Might be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?? Bob Carter is a very reputable scientist.