Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kerry O'Brien moves to a Dascha

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Kerry O'Brien has retired as of 5 minutes ago.

A loving ALP should provide him with some sinecure, as he has served them, so loyally both in and out of government since the 1970's.

Julia may not be PM past next week, so now is the time to be generous.

Julia may not be PM past next week, so now is the time to be generous.


Good thoughts there gg. What about dual occupancy provisions and have a prime minister for each party. I think they had something like that in England many centuries ago and they went out into the fields on horses shooting at each other to see who was the best boss.

Are we still part of the Westminster system?

Some wider (outside your oblong gg) and more radical interpretations could solve a lot of problems.

No doubt that Friday night's brings out the best.
I wonder if they'll give him a go at Bennelong. :D
Ha ha. Or Yarralumla. Of course Her Royal Highness (also of the Left) would have to move out first.

More lobster anyone. So good to entertain the little people. We were always Royalists.
Some of you may not be familiar with Czech literature.

But I consider him as the consummate "The Good Soldier Å vejk".

A useful Idiot.

Kerry O'Brien pretty much made the 7.30 report must viewing if you had an interest in politics or current affairs.

He was some one who scared politicians from both sides of the line and his line of questioning was always insightful.

Who would have guessed Tony Abbotts declaration of "scripted and non scripted" really this would never have happened on any other program

I for one will miss his presence hopefully his replacement will grow to the same status
Kerry O'Brien pretty much made the 7.30 report must viewing if you had an interest in politics or current affairs.

He was some one who scared politicians from both sides of the line and his line of questioning was always insightful.

Who would have guessed Tony Abbotts declaration of "scripted and non scripted" really this would never have happened on any other program

I for one will miss his presence hopefully his replacement will grow to the same status

I would have to agree.

He was good at his Craft.

But he was not a Professional

Kerry O'Brien pretty much made the 7.30 report must viewing if you had an interest in politics or current affairs.

He was some one who scared politicians from both sides of the line and his line of questioning was always insightful.

Who would have guessed Tony Abbotts declaration of "scripted and non scripted" really this would never have happened on any other program

I for one will miss his presence hopefully his replacement will grow to the same status
Largely agree, IFocus. He no doubt has his own affiliations but mostly did a pretty reasonable job of challenging his own side. Can't be an easy task.

Any ideas about who should be his replacement?

The only possibility I can think could come close would be Chris Urhlman, presently with News 24 on the ABC.

Incidentally, does anyone actually watch this 24 hours news program?
They seem to have siphoned off their best talent to it, and I've heard no one sing any praises about it.

Anyone else vaguely irritated by Heather Ewart on the 7.30 Report? She's trying hard I guess, but just doesn't cut it for me.
And I do wish someone would take her out and get her a new wardrobe which doesn't look as if it was acquired in the 1950's.
My impression of him is that Tony Jones has been angling for the position as Kerry's replacement, and he may well get the gig. Leigh Sales probably to take over Lateline, which is fine by me.

I don't watch 'ALP News 24' but Chris Uhlmann is a good journo. Haven't made up my mind yet about Heather Ewart.
Wander what Kerry O'Brien will do?

Maybe got enough as reader with an interview with agenda from time to time and will be producer now?
Deeply suspicious of this latest executive review. The commissars might be about.
Background: in NSW, Stateline editor Quentin Dempster isn't averse to hanging one on the tragic ALP state govt. In tv prime time.
I suppose we'll be redirected to 'ALP News 24' to be re-educated.

ABC to revamp The 7:30 Report and Stateline after O'Brien's exit
Amanda Meade From: The Australian October 07, 2010

THE ABC is using Kerry O'Brien's departure as an opportunity to overhaul The 7:30 Report and Stateline.

O'Brien, 65, will leave The 7.30 Report in December after 15 years as its editor and presenter. A successor has not been chosen.

ABC director of news Kate Torney has appointed two senior news executives to examine the format and style of the current affairs shows, including whether to keep Stateline on Fridays or extend The 7.30 Report to five nights weekly.

"We are taking time to look at the format and style of (The 7:30 Report) and Stateline for 2011 and exploring the best ways to deliver national and state-based current affairs to ABC audiences in the 7.30pm time-slot," Ms Torney said in an internal memo.

An ABC source said: "The problem is resources. News 24 has stretched resources and there is no money to do any more state-based current affairs, even if they wanted to."

In 1995, the state and territory editions of The 7:30 Report were dropped in favour of a national program, leaving just Stateline one day a week for state politics.

Sources said a concern remained that the national format diluted state coverage, particularly outside Sydney and Melbourne.

Stateline could be moved to a different time rather than causing an uproar by abolishing it altogether. ABC sources said the broadcaster was unlikely to return to a five-night state current affairs program.