Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Who was Kevin Rudd before he was Leader of the Opposition?

I bet there are some regrets from posters in this thread , lol :D
Re: Who was Kevin Rudd before he was Leader of the Opposition?

According to

Kevin Rudd was born at the age of 19 on Venus, Space. According to his official MySpace blog, Kevin Rudd grew up when he got a boner, where he spent the majority of his time wandering 'accidently' into strip joints to return his erected penis to its flaccid state (it's worth noting that Kevin Rudd isn't too bright.)

In order to escape the media wanting to know more about his strip club affair he underwent superhero surgery. The result was deemed a failure; the experiment led to create a mild mannered '****wit' politician by day, 'Milky Bar Kid' by night. This stage in Kevin's life has been referred to as his brightest and his darkest hour.

Also in his late teens, he started to develop a strange, smarmy look about him. This can be seen quite easily today, especially when he smiles. This smarmy look continued developing throughout his teenage life; by the age of 304 talent scout Kim Beazley found Kevin's image plastered on a New York strip club wall. This image led Kim to sketch up the now universally acclaimed character, Mr. Sheen. The money accumulated led to fund the exploits of the Australian Labor Party, much to Australia's distress.

He is quoted as saying that his predecessor, Mark Latham, working families lost the election due to mud slinging. To give himself a better change, Kevin plans to sling cow manure at John working families Howard instead. This is reportedly a common practice in the Australian Parliament new leadership. In 1972, at the age of 317, Rudd was bitten by the ancient Australian vampire Gough Whitlam, after which he suddenly and inexplicably joined the ALP. Ironically, after joining the party, Kevin reaped the rewards of his unfortunate image; once he joined the ALP the money Kim Beazley invested into the party wound up back to him. Only to be spent on Milky Bars.


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Re: Who was Kevin Rudd before he was Leader of the Opposition?

I bet there are some regrets from posters in this thread , lol :D

Haha sam I was reading the posts but didn't look at the date and was thinking how some people must have changed their minds about Rudd over night. :p:
Re: Who was Kevin Rudd before he was Leader of the Opposition?

Haha sam I was reading the posts but didn't look at the date and was thinking how some people must have changed their minds about Rudd over night. :p:

I to was sitting, reading and stunned at the kind words for kev, then i to looked at the dates and breathed a sigh of relief
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Amazing what people will type into Google?


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


(AKA) Kevin Joyce (AKA) Barnaby Rudd.

On Sky News this morning Kevin Rudd stated a 30 year old on average weekly wage would retire on $810,000 if the super is increased from 9 - 12 %.

Quick you 30 year olds get it in writing before he changes his mind.

OOOOPPPPS! SORRY! he made a little mistake it should have been $108,000 and only a whisper from the media.

This would have made headlines for a week in every paper and TV station for a week if Abbott or Hockey had made such a gaffe.

THAT'S OUR PRIME MINISTER!!!!!!!!!?????????????
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Where do you get the $108,000 from, noco?

Assuming the average wage to be around $50K p.a. (and it may be more), 12% p.a., again assuming a further working life of another 30 years for a 30 year old, is going to be a lot more than that.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Mark "A congo line of suckholes" Latham was spot on when he wrote this in his book about our Fearless Leader who is doing his best to run the good ship "Credit Card" firmly up on the rocks.

Saturday, 22nd November 2003, Page 243

All the snakes are sliding around in the grass feeding their poison to Seccombe (SMH Journalist): Rudd, Swan, Albanese, Tanner and Comb-over.

Page 249

It is amazing that the journalist couldn’t see through him. Two factors: they are lazy and dumb and Rudd is a fanatical media networker. He is addicted to it worse than Heroin.

It would appear that the cracks are begininng to show in the Teflon coating of our illustrious PM. The lazy hack media has awoken to his sleight of hand magic show. It is a great pity that there is not a beliveable alternative identity in the other camp who will take the poison chalice from the grasp of this megalomaniac. I fear we will suffer another term of this media driven, poicy on the run, attention seeking wh0re.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Where do you get the $108,000 from, noco?

Assuming the average wage to be around $50K p.a. (and it may be more), 12% p.a., again assuming a further working life of another 30 years for a 30 year old, is going to be a lot more than that.

Sorry Julia it was an extra $108,000, but Rudd did say $810,000.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It's incredible that Latham picked him as a nasty piece of work so long ago, especially his ability to work the press to his advantage.

Maybe Latham has more sense than I gave him credit for.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

To be clear, Ruddy is going to fight the election over his economic credentials, industrial relations and social welfare.

From The Australian:

'And in a pep talk to colleagues, the Prime Minister reinforced his key themes for the approaching election campaign: Labor's economic management skills and delivery of fairness through industrial relations reform; higher pensions; and the planned increase in the superannuation guarantee.'

I really do despair at the level of financial knowledge in the Australian electorate if a large and indiscriminate Keynesian spending campaign and a poorly constructed/consulted RSPT can be sold as having sound economic credentials!

FFS, all the retail stimulus package did was delay anaemic consumption (see Clive Peeters). Also, as I have mentioned before, the Labour party have demonstrated a complete lack of project managment and cost accounting skills and refuse to have any of their projects properly audited.

Tax reform has now been hijacked by the economic theorists and propenents of social welfare at the expense of the capitalists. The main defender of this policy by spreadsheeting is a primary school teacher who is big on rhetoric and grandstanding but has obviously never been involved in financing a profitable mining venture.

Swanny and Krudd also believe in policy by stealth and I cannot believe that an 'economic conservative' would not consult with all stakeholders (not just the la la land economists) before imposing a draconian tax (in its current form) on an industry of national significance.

I think I am going to have to go and live in a cave for the next 6-9 months rather than witnessing the selling of this con job to the electorate. This will as usual be delivered with that trade mark sardonic smirk perfected by our Prime Minister!

Unfortunately the Libs have the discipline of the Greek treasury department and are a complete rabble under Abbot. Lets see - Abbot and his trustworthy gaffe and crazy parental leave tax, Bishop commenting on intelligence agencies, Hockey not presenting his budget spending cuts? Amateurish rabble and how they must miss the steady hand and rigid party/policy discipline of Howard and Costello.

At this rate, my vote will have to be a protest vote as I am not allowed to opt out of voting despite my deep despair at the state of political leadership in our great nation. Where is our third force in politics? This is what happens when you only have two dominant parties.

Standards, eloquence, honesty and stewardship is all I ask for.:mad:
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Bushman, a heartfelt post with which I fully agree. Just so depressing all round, especially when it's looking likely the Greens will end up with the balance of power in the Senate, after much of the disillusioned Labor vote flows to them.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How can this idiot of a Prime Minister of ours justify spending $38,500,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY on advertising his propaganda on the RSPT. More lies and spin!
There is little chance of it passing through the Senate, so why waste more money on a bill that may never rise from the table.
That's our Prime Minister. As Malcolm Fraser states,"he is far worse than Gough Whitlam".
He has to be kicked out at the next election. Even our best of friend So_Cynical is starting to see the light. Good onya mate.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How can this idiot of a Prime Minister of ours justify spending $38,500,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY on advertising his propaganda on the RSPT. More lies and spin!
There is little chance of it passing through the Senate, so why waste more money on a bill that may never rise from the table.
That's our Prime Minister. As Malcolm Fraser states,"he is far worse than Gough Whitlam".
He has to be kicked out at the next election. Even our best of friend So_Cynical is starting to see the light. Good onya mate.

What a two-faced lying hypocrite Rudd is! When he accused Howard of doing this he said it was "a cancer on democracy" and pledged not to do it. His health reform propaganda is also paid for by the taxpayer.

Rudd is a cancer on society. He will have to be excised.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How can this idiot of a Prime Minister of ours justify spending $38,500,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY on advertising his propaganda on the RSPT. More lies and spin!
There is little chance of it passing through the Senate, so why waste more money on a bill that may never rise from the table.
That's our Prime Minister. As Malcolm Fraser states,"he is far worse than Gough Whitlam".
He has to be kicked out at the next election. Even our best of friend So_Cynical is starting to see the light. Good onya mate.

38.5 million?
or 3.85 million?

Whatever the figure, the slimy bastard shouldn't be spending even $1 of taxpayers money on it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

38.5 million?
or 3.85 million?

Whatever the figure, the slimy bastard shouldn't be spending even $1 of taxpayers money on it.

$38.5 MILLION is correct. How many hospital beds would that amount of money have purchased?

The way this idiot is going about things ATM, you would begin to wonder if he really wants to win the next election. Maybe, just maybe, the next three years may too much for him to handle. Let someone else clean up the mess.

That's our Prime Minister!!!!!!!