Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

How can this idiot of a Prime Minister of ours justify spending $38,500,000 OF TAX PAYERS MONEY on advertising his propaganda on the RSPT. More lies and spin!
There is little chance of it passing through the Senate, so why waste more money on a bill that may never rise from the table.
That's our Prime Minister. As Malcolm Fraser states,"he is far worse than Gough Whitlam".
He has to be kicked out at the next election. Even our best of friend So_Cynical is starting to see the light. Good onya mate.

Liberal mates milked millions from Howard’s ad bonanza

When it came to the Workchoices advertising campaigns, which cost more than $120m, MCGC ensured the Liberal Party’s closest friends in the advertising industry got in on the action.

Lindsay Tanner and John Faulkner got rid of the MCGC when they got into government and handed control of advertising back to the Department of Finance instead of PM&C.

Government advertising cost $254 million in the final year of the Howard government, $86 million in 2008 and $115 million in 2009.

''For 12 long years the Liberal Party abused taxpayer funds in pursuit of advertising campaigns that promoted party political interests,'' Mr Ludwig said. ''Under the Howard government, there was no explicit prevention on the use of campaigns for political purposes, and there was no independent scrutiny of campaigns prior to their launch.''
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Liberal mates milked millions from Howard’s ad bonanza

When it came to the Workchoices advertising campaigns, which cost more than $120m, MCGC ensured the Liberal Party’s closest friends in the advertising industry got in on the action.

Lindsay Tanner and John Faulkner got rid of the MCGC when they got into government and handed control of advertising back to the Department of Finance instead of PM&C.

Government advertising cost $254 million in the final year of the Howard government, $86 million in 2008 and $115 million in 2009.

''For 12 long years the Liberal Party abused taxpayer funds in pursuit of advertising campaigns that promoted party political interests,'' Mr Ludwig said. ''Under the Howard government, there was no explicit prevention on the use of campaigns for political purposes, and there was no independent scrutiny of campaigns prior to their launch.''

Yes and Rudd promised before the 2007 election to stop the overuse of government advertising, which he described as "a long term cancer on our democracy". What a hypocrite this guy is.
Any way, I guess the $38,500,000 is only pesnuts to the $6 billion he has wasted on his harebrain schemes of home insulation and BER etc,etc, plus another $800,000,000 to fix the insulation debacle.
Why are they wasting all this money on advertising when the bill may not even pass through the senate.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Liberal mates milked millions from Howard’s ad bonanza

When it came to the Workchoices advertising campaigns, which cost more than $120m, MCGC ensured the Liberal Party’s closest friends in the advertising industry got in on the action.

Lindsay Tanner and John Faulkner got rid of the MCGC when they got into government and handed control of advertising back to the Department of Finance instead of PM&C.

Government advertising cost $254 million in the final year of the Howard government, $86 million in 2008 and $115 million in 2009.

''For 12 long years the Liberal Party abused taxpayer funds in pursuit of advertising campaigns that promoted party political interests,'' Mr Ludwig said. ''Under the Howard government, there was no explicit prevention on the use of campaigns for political purposes, and there was no independent scrutiny of campaigns prior to their launch.''
But John Howard had never railed against government advertising being "a cancer on our democracy". Both sides when in government have always abused taxpayer funds to pay for their own advertising.
It's the utter hypocrisy from Rudd in this instance which has left people open-mouthed in disbelief, especially after he has wasted so many billions.
My guess would be that some of those swinging voters who were disgusted with the government's performance so far, but were still prepared to give them another chance, will have found this advertising ruse one step too far and will switch their vote.
Personally, I find it the most obnoxious thing they have done so far because there isn't even the pretence of the money being spent with the aim of doing anything for the Australian people: it's a purely political move.

I have never held any particular fondness for any mining company, but now simply out of revulsion for the behaviour of the government, I would back the miners 100%.

Why are they wasting all this money on advertising when the bill may not even pass through the senate.
I was thinking about that too, but I suppose they want to influence the electorate into pressuring their local members one way or the other.
I can't see how they'll get it through the Senate. Steve Fielding has opposed it strongly. Scullion will probably vote with the Libs. Anyone know Nick Xenophon's view?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

But John Howard had never railed against government advertising being "a cancer on our democracy".

Not sure this makes it OK on Howards part look at the numbers spent frigging huge. Abbott was part of that spend a thon

Both sides when in government have always abused taxpayer funds to pay for their own advertising.

Nope Howard government really was / is the bench mark

It's the utter hypocrisy from Rudd in this instance which has left people open-mouthed in disbelief, especially after he has wasted so many billions.
My guess would be that some of those swinging voters who were disgusted with the government's performance so far, but were still prepared to give them another chance, will have found this advertising ruse one step too far and will switch their vote.
Personally, I find it the most obnoxious thing they have done so far because there isn't even the pretence of the money being spent with the aim of doing anything for the Australian people: it's a purely political move.

Abbotts one liner policy's are not political?

I have never held any particular fondness for any mining company, but now simply out of revulsion for the behaviour of the government, I would back the miners 100%.

Julia look at the facts not the spin there should be a tax.

Abbotts prescription is that the mining company's should write or decide the tax laws of Australia not Treasury.

Abbott will lock himself into not having tax reform at our expense
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia look at the facts not the spin there should be a tax.

Abbotts prescription is that the mining company's should write or decide the tax laws of Australia not Treasury.

Abbott will lock himself into not having tax reform at our expense
IFocus, I don't disagree about the need to change the way mining companies are taxed, but the current proposal is unreasonable, not to mention appallingly dumped on the nation without proper consultation.

This has wreaked all the current fury on all sides which could have been avoided had the government engaged in reasonable consultation prior to announcing the tax.

I'd guess a compromise will be reached which eliminates the retrospectivity of the proposed tax, increases the threshold to 11 or 12% and drops the taxpayer picking up 40% of the cost of failed projects, a dumb idea if ever I heard one.

And I'm not here to be an apologist for Abbott: he wants to levy his own great big new tax on all companies to pay for a ridiculously generous maternity leave scheme.

A pox on all their houses!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Without reading this thread, and also disclosing that I am Labour inclined,

I dont understand how the govt could possibly have clumsily handled this mining tax proposal.

Without going over the full details of the tax itself, some things seem obvious to me:

* A change in the way the taxes are levied was proposed, costed and thought out in the Henry report etc.

* This should have been a reasonably easy political sell to the public

* Mining companies would oppose

So why not consult and negotiate properly with them first, and let the matter sink in, instead of dropping a bucket of poo?

The only sensible reason I can think of, is someone must have concluded that a period of uncertainty would not be good.

But now they have bought that about in spades, the mining coys will muster an almighty campaign against the govt, and they look completely politically inept.

It seems concessions will need to be made

Hard to imagine ways it could have been more poorly managed
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Without reading this thread, and also disclosing that I am Labour inclined,

I dont understand how the govt could possibly have clumsily handled this mining tax proposal.

Without going over the full details of the tax itself, some things seem obvious to me:

* A change in the way the taxes are levied was proposed, costed and thought out in the Henry report etc.

* This should have been a reasonably easy political sell to the public

* Mining companies would oppose

So why not consult and negotiate properly with them first, and let the matter sink in, instead of dropping a bucket of poo?

The only sensible reason I can think of, is someone must have concluded that a period of uncertainty would not be good.

But now they have bought that about in spades, the mining coys will muster an almighty campaign against the govt, and they look completely politically inept.

It seems concessions will need to be made

Hard to imagine ways it could have been more poorly managed

Yep agree also Clive Palmer is a NLP member and financial supporter of the Libs and Nats is leading the charge so the politics is pretty grubby from the mining side no win for Labor
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

$38.5 MILLION is correct. How many hospital beds would that amount of money have purchased?

The way this idiot is going about things ATM, you would begin to wonder if he really wants to win the next election. Maybe, just maybe, the next three years may too much for him to handle. Let someone else clean up the mess.

That's our Prime Minister!!!!!!!

Mate if you can find a program that runs number check as opposed to spell check try using it!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


I will probably vote greens this year in the senate

Oh God, IFocus, if you're serious, have you really thought that through?
Just imagine every bit of serious legislation held up because it focuses e.g. on the economy without giving double funding to some project to protect the quasi endangered triple toed rat!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Can someone tell me why we are spending 38.5 MILLION DOLLARS on advertising for the RSPT ? We are not the ones who need to be convinced ! Krudd should be kissing butt in the Senate to try and get this bill passed. Last time I looked I don't have to vote on this ... THE POLITICIANS DO ! :banghead: A national emergency to bypass the advertising standards bureau ?? For crying out loud are we really that thick as a nation we are allowing this to happen? The lunatics are on the grass .... fetch my rifle.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Abbott inspire fear and loathing?

I'm unhappy with the tax, and the hypocrisy of the tax-payer funded propaganda blitz. On the other hand I can't imagine giving Joe Hockey milk money and expecting him to come back with the right change (if he can even find his way back)... So, at the money end of the stick I'll vote for Tanner over Hockey.

On the Double J Front -- Julia v Julie -- it's the hair that makes the call. Snappy, moderne chic Gillard, contrasted with sharp, concise retro Bishop. In other words, based on this irrefutable evidence: A forward looking Julia over a retread policy maker like Julie.

Finally (for now) Rudd v Abbott. When Abbott speaks it better be from a proof read script etched in stone. When Rudd speaks he should be a little less halting, pedantic, and have fewer ingenuous "matey moments."

At this point Rudd and confidence: LESS, but a relatively strong team. Abbott and confidence: LESS, but what a box of rocks for a brains trust.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


From a teacher in the Geelong area "We are worried about 'the cow' when it is all about the 'Ice Cream.'

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year...

The election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.

I decided we would have an election for a class captain.

We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.

To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.

We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.

We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good children.

I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.

I had never seen Olivia's mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches.

Jamie went first.

He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place.
He ended by promising to do his very best.

Everyone applauded and he sat down.

Now it was Olivia's turn to speak.

Her speech was concise.

She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream."

She sat down.

The class went wild. "Yes! Yes!

We want ice cream."

She surely would say more. She did not have to.

A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream?

She wasn't sure.

Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it.

She didn't know.

The class really didn't care.

All they were thinking about was ice cream.

Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a landslide.

Every time Rudd opened his mouth he offered ice cream and
52 percent of the people reacted like nine year olds.

Remember, the government cannot give anything to anyone --
that they have not first taken away from someone else.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The funny thing is that I remember a cartoon of Kevin Rudd in an Icecream van with Wayne Swann shovelling manure into the back of it and pie faced Kevvy handing the gloop out to the punters. November last year some time in the Australian I think it was ?? Trying to find it so I can share it with those like minded good citizens who need a laugh in this desperate time of bovine excrement being thrown at us by the Guvt. SHEEEEEEEESH !


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Not the one I was thinking of but you get the drift !


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yep agree also Clive Palmer is a NLP member and financial supporter of the Libs and Nats is leading the charge so the politics is pretty grubby from the mining side no win for Labor

So how much do the grubby unions give to Labor even though a lot of unionist are not Labor supporters?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Found this pic, Kevin Rudd looks like Ice Cream lol.


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