The Tamils on the Oceanic Viking have apparently given their 'final decision' that they will not accept going to Indonesia and 'will be staying on the boat'.
This is despite being offered guaranteed resettlement within one year.
So they think they can indefinitely use a customs vessel as a guesthouse and dictate where they will go?
I can't believe they are getting away with this.
Yes Julia I agree, so much for Rudd's agreement with the President of Indonesia.
As I understand the international law and correct me if I am wrong, if a ship goes to the rescue of a boat in distress in Indonesian waters, they are obliged to discharge the rescued people in that country. So the Ocean Viking has done the right thing, the problem is Indonesia and the 78 Sri Lankans have out smarted Kevin Rudd.
Indonesia really does not want them, so it left to the local Government to make the decision. Now the local Government of the Island where the Ocean Viking is anchored say they can't force the Sri Lankans off the boat. Sorry, it looks like it's Australia's responsibility. Poor Ruddy has been done over like a proverbial dinner and he has no idea what to do. If he uses force to remove them, he is inhumane. If he takes them to Christmas Island, he is not the tough guy he makes himself out to be. Once again all spin. He says the UNHCR have already processed them, but the UNHCR have denied they have.
Why did the Indonesians direct the Ocean Viking to a remote Island in the first place. One does not have to be rocket scientist to figure that out.