This is the sort of pathetically weak attitude that I just can’t understand!!!I just would have thought there would be a bit more understanding and compassion for people who are a lot worse off then us and are desperate to escape to a better life.
There are currently two boats with Tamil ‘refugees’ demanding to be allowed into Australia. If we go soft now and allow them in, what message does that send to the millions of other asylum seekers, not to mention the billions of other poor people around the world, desperately wishing for a better life? Already more than 90% of the 'queue jumping' asylum seekers who come to Australia illegally by boat win refugee status, at the expense of others who are trying to do the right thing by applying at an embassy and patiently waiting their turn. My sympathies are definitely with this latter group.
So, say we let this lot of Tamils in without question. The Indo fisherman, who make small fortunes from each boatload of impatient and aggressive goodlifeseekers will be spurred to encourage more and more of them to make their way down. What an excellent way for the Indos to get rid of their leaky old fishing boats and replace them with nice brand new ones, maybe even with special provision for paying passengers. So, as the word quickly spreads that we Australians are a really soft and incredibly generous bunch of fools, the current trickle of boats will rapidly increase to a flood. The message will go out to every goodlifeseeker around the world to forget about the embassies, just burn all of your documents and make your way to Australian waters by what ever way you can. Let them know when you arrive and make sure you have some young children with you who can be taught to make tearful appeals to the media which will tug at the heartstrings of the limp-wristed loony lefties, and these wonderful Aussies will send a nice beautiful ship to pick you up and take to their ‘promised land’.
No, adopting a soft attitude now would be sheer insanity! Forget about our population reaching 35 million by 2050. We would reach that figure before 2015!!!
I agree with what noco said and I would like the Rudd government to be very firm with these Tamils and all other future boat people. These Tamils should now be given two choices: either you disembark now or we take you back to Sri Lanka.