Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Boat People

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Maybe Australians should stop going to Bali for a couple of years? I realise this is petty, but it would send a message...
I went to Bali once, a year before the 2002 terrorist bombing, and had planned to go back again and tour Java with the aim of learning something about our muslim neighbours and also looking for a worthy struggling family I could assist. I was a naive ‘caring and compassionate’ person in those days. The 2002 and 2005 bombings plus the Corby case plus a few other well reported cases killed that plan stone dead after I realized how much hate there was for us and how tough their judiciary treated us. Also, it was reported on SBS that the governor of Bali had publically expressed his dislike for us because we drank too much beer and were too noisy and he was thinking of imposing a special tax on Australians to try and dissuade us from visiting. They want our money but they don’t want us! :(

I now boycott Indonesia as best I can by refusing to buy anything that says “Made in Indonesia”. Two electrical appliances I bought that had been made in Indonesia turned out to be absolute junk so I figure I’m doing myself a favour by doing so. If you also feel strongly about the way they treat us, I urge you to do likewise and spread the word.

Consider also this comment from Sri Lanka's Immigration Commissioner, PB Abeykoon:

"The people who are going through the boats are unskilled labourers, fisherman, farmers," he said. "They are not skilled labourers."
I'm starting to really like Barnaby Joyce and I think I know who my vote will be going to next election.
How about we send old jelly spine RUDD onto the boat to say ''SORRY'' on our behalf or send GILLARD aboard wearing a short skirt ,that might scare the crap out of these poor half starved wreches.Just a thought:D

The sight of Julia Gillard in a short skirt would be enough to cower even the bravest heart!
I read this morning that Alex, the one who spoke good English on the boat, was DEPORTED from Canada,:banghead: and had spent time in the slammer:banghead:. Now is he the kind of people we want here Rudd:cool:.
Yes, I heard him interviewed on Radio National this morning. He maintains he was "confused" at the time and he's quite different now.
I read this morning that Alex, the one who spoke good English on the boat, was DEPORTED from Canada,:banghead: and had spent time in the slammer:banghead:. Now is he the kind of people we want here Rudd:cool:.

You have to be pretty bad to be kicked out of Canada. They are much more warm and fuzzy minded than us. Osama bin Laden could probably gain asylum there.

FORMER Toronto gang member Sanjeev Kuhendrarajah is heavily tattooed, has a criminal record for death threats and firearms possession that got him deported from Canada six years ago, and is now, perhaps improbably, the articulate and thoughtful spokesman for a boatload of Tamil asylum-seekers trying to get to Christmas Island
Hell Alex could join the bikies:cool:, They are all ways looking for new members, we must be able to find some thing for him here.
You have to be pretty bad to be kicked out of Canada. They are much more warm and fuzzy minded than us. Osama bin Laden could probably gain asylum there.
FORMER Toronto gang member Sanjeev Kuhendrarajah is heavily tattooed, has a criminal record for death threats and firearms possession that got him deported from Canada six years ago, and is now, perhaps improbably, the articulate and thoughtful spokesman for a boatload of Tamil asylum-seekers trying to get to Christmas Island
That is called dead agenting. The history of a target becomes scrutinised and any nasty or naughty bits are revealed to the public. Therefore they become a "dead agent". Good investigative journalism at work and will get a Christmas card from the Government.
Hell Alex could join the bikies:cool:, They are all ways looking for new members, we must be able to find some thing for him here.
:D How about opening a tattoo shop with a government grant. :rolleyes:
That is called dead agenting. The history of a target becomes scrutinised and any nasty or naughty bits are revealed to the public. Therefore they become a "dead agent". Good investigative journalism at work and will get a Christmas card from the Government.

I cant see the government being happy about this at all, we now know that some of the boat people are trash, Ruddy now has to send him home.
This is NOT going to look good for mister goody two shoes.
I would like our government to pay for some one in Sri lanka from the government to come down here and take them home, they would be very happy to get some of them back. :D
I've got a good idea, lets call it the Indian Ocean solution, put Barnby in charge so he can send the Oceanic Viking on its way to Sri Lanka for processing.

As Rudd likes giving jobs to Coalition politicians, he may as well, because none of his Labor ex union cronies have any idea what to do. Anybody game to ask KRudd to give Barnaby the job?
An amusing side issue which I haven't seen any media other than the ABC pick up on today was an announcement by a Rudd spokesperson that the offer had been made to the Tamils on the Oceanic Viking that if they would disembark in Indonesia, they wouldn't have to go to a detention centre, because the Australian and Indonesian governments have arranged for them to be housed in the community up there, and their resettlement applications would be fast-tracked.

It didn't take long for the Indonesian government to flatly contradict this and say under no circumstances would they be housed anywhere other than in a detention centre.

So, stalemate once again.
An amusing side issue which I haven't seen any media other than the ABC pick up on today was an announcement by a Rudd spokesperson that the offer had been made to the Tamils on the Oceanic Viking that if they would disembark in Indonesia, they wouldn't have to go to a detention centre, because the Australian and Indonesian governments have arranged for them to be housed in the community up there, and their resettlement applications would be fast-tracked.

It didn't take long for the Indonesian government to flatly contradict this and say under no circumstances would they be housed anywhere other than in a detention centre.

So, stalemate once again.

What I find strange is that the Rudd government is saying at the same time that they will make no special concessions to those on board the Oceanic Viking to induce them to leave. What you posted clearly is a concession, as is their statement from a few days ago that if they disembarked in Indonesia their applications for asylum would be fast-tracked. That too is a concession as presumably those Sri Lankans that are waiting patiently in Indonesia for assessment and haven't tried to sneak into Australia are not being fast-tracked.

"Let me be absolutely clear that that policy of ours, in the Australian national interest, will not be changed in response to any protests, any threats, any threats of harm, any threats of self-harm," the Prime Minister said.
THE 78 asylum-seekers aboard the Oceanic Viking have been promised rapid resettlement in Australia, Canada or New Zealand but have refused to leave the Customs vessel if it means going back into immigration detention.

Let me be absolutely clear, Rudd is absolutely gutless.
What I find strange is that the Rudd government is saying at the same time that they will make no special concessions to those on board the Oceanic Viking to induce them to leave. What you posted clearly is a concession, as is their statement from a few days ago that if they disembarked in Indonesia their applications for asylum would be fast-tracked. That too is a concession as presumably those Sri Lankans that are waiting patiently in Indonesia for assessment and haven't tried to sneak into Australia are not being fast-tracked.

Grrr! This now seems to be his new favourite phrase, destined to be uttered at least ten times a day. He usually says it when he is most determined to obfuscate.
If we must have immigration to Australia, keep it for people who apply through legal channels and who have the job and language skills to slot immediately into our society without us having to pour money into teaching them English, training them for employment, and supplying them with their day to day needs in the meantime.

Anyone who is caught trying to get in illegally, send them straight back to where they came from. Put out the message loud and clear that if they don't go through the legal channels, we don't accept them.
We need to get rid of the bleeding heart mentality that dictates our immigration policy.
Sure, there are people around the world who are doing it tough because of poverty, civil war, dictatorial governments and a host of other reasons.
But that's not our fault, nor is it our responsibility to play nursemaid to them.

There are people right here in our own country who are doing it tough too. And we help them up to a point through our welfare system and through volunteer organizations etc.
But how far do you take your help. If you see a homeless person, do you, as a decent person yourself, invite them to live in the spare room in your home, feed them and look after them?
Well, some of you might, but most of us have the sense to realise that it's just not practical to do so, and in fact could be quite dangerous.

Well, it's no different with illegal immigrants. It's not practical to allow them to flock into our country, strain our budget, and put pressure on our health system, education system, and social welfare system which are already inadequate to meet the needs of our own people.
Nor is it particularly safe, given that many of them are from religions and cultures that have contempt for the religions and culture and values of mainstream Australia.
That bunch of Muslim extremist mongrels who were recently arrested on charges of plotting a terrorist attack against our military bases, are living proof of the risks we take in laying out the welcome mat to anyone who wants to come here, regardless of their religion or their background.

It's utterly ludicrous to keep out Zimbabweans and others who speak English as their first language, are educated and have job skills, and whose culture and values are similar to our own, while at the same time we accept some other Africans and various other people who don't speak English, are uneducated and have no job skills, and whose cultures and values are totally different to ours.

We need to harden up, take in only people who are not going to be a burden to us long before they start making any contribution to our society. Australia is not a damned charity organization, and we need to stop behaving like one.
If we must have immigration to Australia, keep it for people who apply through legal channels and who have the job and language skills to slot immediately into our society without us having to pour money into teaching them English, training them for employment, and supplying them with their day to day needs in the meantime.

We need to harden up, take in only people who are not going to be a burden to us long before they start making any contribution to our society. Australia is not a damned charity organization, and we need to stop behaving like one.

You are spot on mate, but try telling the prawns we vote in that. Too many times have I heard these leaders of ours tell us we don’t apologies for what we do. More taxes on the way.

Last week on the TV show the Force, the police had a old blind man, who was sober, he was on the street homeless, the cops was ringing around trying find him a bed for him for the night. It is time we looked after our own first.
Bunyip, your post said it all.
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