Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Sorry didnt see that Calliope and kincella, I wonder how close an election might be if the Libs had the right leader, I'm not so sure Rudd is as popular as the polls indicate.

One thing seems pretty certain. Rudd's main interest in trying to force this ETS bill through is to get the grounds for a dissolution and have an election before the electorate wakes up to him. The ETS is not an urgent matter.

I think the Coalition should stand up for their principles instead of rolling over. Sure, they can't win the next election, but at least the Ruddites term in office won't be two full terms and I think the Coalition will need that time to develop a real leader.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I've never noticed rederob was anymore a wordsmith than anyone else, he was however a bit nasty and thats why you dont see him here any more:rolleyes:

lol - seems that "nastiness" lies in the eyes of the beholder. (or the beer holder as the case may be)
"right-leaning namecalling/nastiness" seems to be tolerated more than "left-leaning" if you ask me. :2twocents


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

*Nodding head in sage like manner to the wisdom of the above post #497 by Calliope*
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That is the crucial crux of the matter. No strong leader. Need to manufacture one quickly. And how ! Reckon someone with gonads the size of a basketball will cream Rudd.

no...big gonads not required....but balls of steel to do the right thing...thats all simple really....

just bring in Costello......easy simple move..

and notice rederrob gone missing since the 19.07.....he might have gone on holidays with one EAGLE888...a poster on another site....who acted as if the pm was a hero...and can do no wrong....who has been missing since 17.07...hmmmmm....
this thread is high on humour.....
one of eagles posts.............
this component of the education infrastructure program is part of the stimulus package aimed at providing needed public works and employment to small business people. Simple really, but does not fit in with the Oppositions do nothing approach. Eleven years in government and the coalition couldnt even provide our kids schools with a lick of paint. This bloke RUDD is really making them look pretty bad. He doesnt think our kids are unworthy of having a freshly painted school and a viable shade area and a computer or school hall. RUDD also looking after the tradies, the sparkies and other small business people involved in this important work.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It was a terrible analogy I know. BUT the double entendre was quite cerebral. rederob has been "put in the hole" for a couple of months I believe. Could not quite get the hang of pissing off the mod squad or the other posters. At times the vitriol was TOO PERSONAL for anyones taste. Other times he had such a bastard clarity of mind it was frightening. OH well .. the price of genius I spose.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

lol - seems that "nastiness" lies in the eyes of the beholder. (or the beer holder as the case may be)
"right-leaning namecalling/nastiness" seems to be tolerated more than "left-leaning" if you ask me. :2twocents

Don't sell yourself short. Your junk verse is much more offensive than nasty words.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

the price of way.....too gullible more like it....:sheep:....:sheep:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

One thing seems pretty certain. Rudd's main interest in trying to force this ETS bill through is to get the grounds for a dissolution and have an election before the electorate wakes up to him. The ETS is not an urgent matter.

I think the Coalition should stand up for their principles instead of rolling over. Sure, they can't win the next election, but at least the Ruddites term in office won't be two full terms and I think the Coalition will need that time to develop a real leader.

Thats the reason for his essay today to try and warm the public up to whats to come, an election now would suit him nicely, I think they (Libs) should do everything to prevent it as the timing will be perfect when it all goes belly up just before the next election is due.
ETC ? phooey, just cancel it once the Libs are in, no one knows what the hell it is anyway and they dont care.
Buy everyone a Prius instead and just getting Rudd out will improve our carbon footprint no end.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

no...big gonads not required....but balls of steel to do the right thing...thats all simple really....

just bring in Costello......easy simple move..
weird isn't it - John Hewson saying Costello didn't have said "balls" etc ... This article from 22 Feb this year.

Costello's ongoing shenanigans are continuing to damage the Liberal Party,
writes John Hewson.

PETER. Enough is enough. If your few remaining mates won't tell you, I will. ....

Perhaps, ironically - although I doubt that you will admit it - your best chance to be leader was when you let Alexander Downer lead the "Dream Team" that took over the leadership from me back in 1994. If not then, certainly when Downer fell over a few months later.

You didn't have the balls to seize the moment then, leaving the leadership by default to John Howard. And you haven't had the balls, or the numbers, since.

(Personally , fwiw, I never had a major problem with Costello - I have more of a problem with old PM hopefuls who did nothing - and now want to try to justify their existence - like Hewson).

PS Costello was one of the best damned parliamentary performers as well. - the only Lib who could take on Keating at that time.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hewson....who the hell was he.....absolutley useless...he had no thinks everyone else is the cannot use the name Costello in the same sentence as that jerk.....
Kennett had steel balls....but just a bit too we voted against him...just as a warning....never meant to turf him out......
Heard someone calling for him to run NSW....
now that could be a dream team.....Kennett...take no prisoners....a right hand man for Costello....both have a 'funny' sense of humour....which the general public 'dont get'.............:sheep::sheep:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Watched the interview when he said this too. Should have kept his trap shut. Obviously does not understand the meaning of EX PM hopeful !

Mr Burns you have literally hit the nail on the head. We are being rounded up like mindless sheep at the moment for the slaughter. So is the opposition. Kruddy 747 tacticians have pulled the coup de' grace if this succeeds. We can all see it coming. I vote we have a "Don's Party" at my place come election night and watch the entrails fall out on the big screen.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Watched the interview when he said this too. Should have kept his trap shut. Obviously does not understand the meaning of EX PM hopeful !

Mr Burns you have literally hit the nail on the head. We are being rounded up like mindless sheep at the moment for the slaughter. So is the opposition. Kruddy 747 tacticians have pulled the coup de' grace if this succeeds. We can all see it coming. I vote we have a "Don's Party" at my place come election night and watch the entrails fall out on the big screen.

You can have a big red button in the middle of the room thats connected your your brokers office to put a sell order in if Rudd looks like getting back.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Never mind Mr B, Rudd (and Australia) will lead the world outta their recession, you wait and see ;)

btw, if you haven't been in the market lately (assuming your money's where your mouth is), then you've missed some great opportunities. :2twocents
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

We seem to be sinking to new lows. I like it when it hits the gutter. I do my best work whilst laying down. Rudd is tenderising us like a Wagyu bit of beef. Warning us that things are going to get worse whilst he is on watch. Not so silly in the scheme of things. I prefer quiet achievers myself not some blowhard who is intent on hoodwinking the populace behind some smoke screen of hyperbole. "Fair suck of the sauce bottle mate"
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I refuse to watch him on anything.....I prefer the way the cartoonist features his face as 'faceless' with just hair and glasses...nothing else...

that looks like his family friendly face...he has a different face for every occasion......
I do not like anything about him at all.....I dislike him....
and he would have these websites shut down if he we could not openly discuss what we think about him....
oh and I really, really, really dislike Gilliard, Tanner, Swan, in fact all of them except for...drum roll...Stephen Smith....whom I like just a little...not a great amount...
its got nothing to do with that party...apart from the fact they are mainly union thugs remade....
and just to keep it all in perspective......I really dislike Howard, Abbott, etc
but I liked Brendan Nelson
how that:D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Is this more to your liking Kincella?


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

... Bill Leak on the subject...


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