Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?
Fielding was born in Melbourne, one of 15 children, and educated at RMIT University, where he graduated in engineering[1], and at Monash University, where he gained an MBA.

He worked as
a) an engineer and
b) a senior superannuation executive before
c) entering politics

I'm guessing he [Fielding] didn't like
a) engineering (or vice versa) - and hence became
b) a senior superannuation executive (not just any superannuation executive , a "senior" one, lol), and then
c) a politician.

Doesn't sound to me like Fielding's technical abilities shone through during that particular professional procession. His question that he repeats ten times during most interviews , i.e. " CO2's going up but temperature's going down, please explain" just signifies his inability to get the slightest foothold on the climb to understand the many dimensions of the problem. (multiple forcing functions for a start).

As for Turnbull, I'm thinking that he always was in favour of action on global warming, so why shouldn't he try to lead the Coalition in that direction. ? :2twocents
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

:topic You are up to your old tricks again trying to hijack another thread to push your global warming barrow.
Well if you're keeping up Calliope, trainspotter talks about Fielding and Turnbull.

And in response, so do I.

you polite consistently on topic man you ;)

BUT - I have taken your advice and posted more about Fielding on the ":Climate Change / Weather" thread
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

OI 2020 ... Back in your box ! Fielding made comment about the Libs and Turnbull. NUFFIN to do with climate change. OK ??
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

OI 2020 ... Back in your box ! Fielding made comment about the Libs and Turnbull. NUFFIN to do with climate change. OK ??

LOL - it's all about climate change!

Fielding is saying that the Libs should stand up to Rudd ON CLIMATE CHANGE! and/or Carbon Trading. After all , that's what might bring on the (sic) double disollusionment of parliament ;)

Or haven't you been listening ?

PS Trainspotter - maybe you could give a link to your quotes from the press - eg on Fielding and Turnbull - especially if they are selectively quoted from. thanks. cheers
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

... Got the speed wobbles now ......... wont be long before massive train derailment. :mad:
basically I probably agree - throw in Wilson Tuckey and Nick (oops) Minchin - and of course the Nats like Barnaby Joyce, and Malcolm will have his job cut out just staying in the yellow jersey.

(Or as the new apparent hero round here, Fielding, would say, that's the colour he should be wearing anyway).

Wilson calls him "arrogant and inexperienced"
Maybe he's showing a damned site more political nouse than you Wilson. :2twocents
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Ha HAR ! Good show old sport. Two different topics here. Fielding is TELLING the press he wants the Libs etc to stand up to the Labor Party machine. Cause a double disollusionment in parliament. They are too gutless as internal polling shows 20 seats may be lost.

The CLIMATE CHANGE is just the trigger he is using. It could be another matter but it is not. Don't twist the topic please. :eek:

Haven't been listening by the way. Have been reading intently and absorbing the info flashing before my eyes!


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

basically I probably agree - throw in Wilson Tuckey and Tim Minchin - and of course the Nats like Barnaby Joyce, and Malcolm will have his job cut out just staying in the yellow jersey.

(Or as the new apparent hero round here, Fielding, would say, that's the colour he should be wearing anyway).

Wilson calls him "arrogant and inexperienced"
Maybe he's showing a damned site more political nouse than you Wilson. :2twocents

Gee .. don't be so indecisive. I used to be but now I am not so sure? This inhouse fighting always occurs in any opposition when the other force is stronger and more popular. Quite fractious really. Nature of politics.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey, lol - I'm too busy for this .
since when is a post agreeing with someone else more off topic that the post replied to ;)

go for it. - Sort it out beteen yourselves.

like I said, it was a real unfair fight when you, Calliope and a couple of others took on Rederob. - you never stood a chance.

Still I'm not in his league . cheers
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Whoooooooops ... excuse my previous post. Got a little bit of steam up. It was kinda funny with rederob. Like something out of an early Bruce Lee movie whereby he takes on each one individually whilst the others patiently waited their turn.

Don't sell yourself short 2020. I hear whispers that you and rederob are actually one and the same person !!!

Thanks for the tips about supplying links as well to support my outlandish statements.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

well I refuse to read his essay....spin, rubbish.....I see he is wearing his 'serious' hat for that one....oh and wonder... do they paint his lips to give him some colour ???? colourless wimp.....too easy to see through....
lets not discuss all the trips paid for by the chinese, tawainese, koreans etc...

ha...labour wants the double disollution....bring it on....that way we will get rid of Turnbull...surely...
throw out Turnbull, Abbot,Hockey and Bishop, find some people with some the independents and Barnaby Joyce
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes I covered that on post #474

Sorry didnt see that Calliope and kincella, I wonder how close an election might be if the Libs had the right leader, I'm not so sure Rudd is as popular as the polls indicate.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Don't sell yourself short 2020. I hear whispers that you and rederob are actually one and the same person !!!

2020 is not in the same league as Rederob. Rederob is consistent and never gets sidetracked. He won't be happy with your statement.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good afternoon 2020
Mate, your making me laugh here,
"it was a real unfair fight when you, Calliope and a couple of others took on Rederob. - you never stood a chance. "

By any chance are you also a script writter for the Comedy Company in your day job ?

Kind regards,
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

2020 is not in the same league as Rederob. Rederob is consistent and never gets sidetracked. He won't be happy with your statement.

I've never noticed rederob was anymore a wordsmith than anyone else, he was however a bit nasty and thats why you dont see him here any more:rolleyes:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That is the crucial crux of the matter. No strong leader. Need to manufacture one quickly. And how ! Reckon someone with gonads the size of a basketball will cream Rudd.

Just read my post carefully. It did not come out the way it was intended.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good afternoon 2020
Mate, your making me laugh here,
"it was a real unfair fight when you, Calliope and a couple of others took on Rederob. - you never stood a chance. "

By any chance are you also a script writter for the Comedy Company in your day job ?

Kind regards,
howdy UB,
No but since you, Mr B and kincella have joined in, I'm reminded of who else was taking on Rederob at the time. The thread , from memory was "Did Rudd mislead Parliament".

Incidentally I posted my thoughts on the poetry thread. One thing I don't recall seeing mention here throughout that argument was that Howard changed many of the public service heads when he took over (arguably a cowardly thing to do) - whereas Rudd didn't. :2twocents

and it's interesting that Howard , was the arguable coward
cos he changed the public service to his lackies when he won
whereas Rudd just trusted each - that includes one Godwin Grech
and it's interesting which hunter/hunted finally came undone.

:topic PS Why is it I get the feeling that you sign letters to people you're gonna sue (or some such) with "Kind Regards" ?

Like those Dickensian days ...
"And hence sir, consider yourself on notice for a duel at sunup
Ever your humble servant ...?" etc