The fish & chip shop near my parents' house opened in 1985. I remember that quite well as it was a big deal at the time, there being no other shops of any kind in the area.
Minimum order for chips was 50 cents then and that got you a big parcel wrapped up in white paper (not a small bag). Then it went up to 60c within a month or two. Last time I went into that shop was a few years ago and the minimum order was $2 and you didn't get as many chips as you used to for minimum order.
That's pretty basic in terms of the effects of inflation. Potatoes, cooking oil, old fashioned white butcher's paper, salt, power to run the deep fryer and some profit for the shop owner. In the order of 350% or so inflation over the past 23 years.
So that's an average of about 5.5% pa compounded over that time, Sounds about right given the late 80s saw inflation generally running at the 10% level, before we moved into those low inflation times in the 90s.