Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

That is where the great Lib leader, Malcom No1, lost his pants isn't it?

Rudd may give them the shirt off his back but I'll bet he comes back with his pants.

Fraser lost his pants in Memphis. He was staying at a seedy hotel frequented by prostitutes. He wasn't a great Liberal leader. He has now reverted to type and leans more to the left than Rudd.
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

Julia, that was a very reasonable, rational and well structured post However I would be very surprised if any sensible argument could penetrate the thick bigoted hide of people like Nashezz, who have big chips on their shoulders.

I do however agree with your approach, i.e. don't argue with them. Just try to put them on the right path.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Turnbull is cut from the same cloth as Paulson, and yet he is on the verge of burying the US citizens in debt like the world has never seen.




The irony is that both these guys are prime examples of the excesses of Wall Street that created the crisis that taxpayers have to bailout.

Turnbull and Paulson are both ex-partners of Goldman Sachs with their estimated wealth at $133 million and $700 million respectively.

Paulson is probably negotiating a 2% trailing commission for himself on the $700 Billion bailout plan.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

In principle, yes. But endless talking is empty. Mr Rudd is behaving like the bureaucrat he is, overlaid with his 'diplomat' smooth robotic delivery.

Btw I am a swinging voter. Have voted for both Labor and the Libs, federally and in State elections. Depends on the personalities, stated beliefs and policies of each at the time.

OK, Kyoto: would have been meaningful once, but by the time he ratified it was outdated and meaningless. To the critics: an empty gesture: to the faithful supporters, the keeping of a promise. Depends entirely on where you're coming from.

Sorry Day: oh dear, so much emotion at the time. It was going to cure everything. Just show me one aboriginal person whose life is better as a result.

The 2020 Summit: a feel good exercise. Those who were invited were thrilled, regarded it as their opportunity to personally convey their vision for Australia to the Prime Minister. In the event a lot of words were cast about, many promises were made, people felt 'heard', 'listened to' and believed they had done their bit for solving all the nation's difficulties. Now all these months later, tell me how many actions have resulted from this event?
Imo it was a populist stunt designed to have the population think, oh wow, Kevin 07 is a man of the people. He is going to govern by true democracy, giving us all our chance to contribute to the policy making of the country.
Yeah, right.

And now there is going to be another summit, this time for heads of local government. We already have the heads of local government meeting.
It is to be a one day affair. With 100 or more attendees. With Kevin 07 smiling beatifically over the gathering. They will all go away feeling good and are all very excited to be going. Is there any expectation of anything actually happening as a result? I doubt it.

The "Education Revolution". Remember? the one where every student was to have their own computer. They're still waiting.

The solar panel rebate plan: Moxjo has adequately responded here.
And to whoever said the suppliers were run off their feet, that's not what I heard via ABC News. The spokesperson for the suppliers (this was about two weeks ago) said they were receiving good orders but for much smaller panels than previously. Overall bottom line is well down.

And then there's his obvious egocentricity in feeling the need to be rushing about the world, spreading his vision to all, regardless of whether they are interested, viz his suggestion for a new Asia/Pacific body. The silence from the other countries on that was breathtaking.
And I genuinely felt sorry for him delivering his brilliant address (stating the obvious about the financial crisis) to the UN in recent hours. The chamber was all but empty and apparently the few people attending went to sleep!

But I should qualify the above by saying that I do think he was right to go to New York/Washington in this visit. Not for the original reason, but to be there amongst discussions of the biggest financial crisis for decades.

So all up, I'm not intrinsically anti-Labor. But Kevin 07 just doesn't do it for me. I actually prefer the vocally challenged Ms Gillard who seems to make comments which are to the point and pretty much gets on with the job.
Never thought I'd say that!

Thanks Julia, I appreciate the response, and despite Calliopes 'comment' I also think your response was great. A few things though

- maybe Kyoto was outdated but like many people I felt that we had to do it in order to have any meaningful say in the world on the environment and emissions and any future schemes. Sitting back and telling others to do something first when we are one of the worst per capita polluters (as the US is still doing) just didn't cut it for most people, myself included.

- 'Sorry' was never meant to 'fix' the social problems of aboriginals. I don't think anyone claimed it would. They (aboriginal people, or at least their vocal representatives) wanted some acknowledgement that they had been greatly wronged in the past by the government of Australia. John Howard didnt do it, Rudd did. That is all it was meant to be. Generations of social issues were hardly going to be fixed overnight by doing it and I would be surprised if you could find an aboriginal who thought it would. I would also be surprised if you could find an aboriginal person who didn't think that saying 'sorry' wasn't a fantastic thing. How is that than a meaningless posture?

Education revolution will take time and money - the second of which may be more difficult to come by with the current economic situations - at least if they continue to be financially prudent. I would be prepared to wait till the end of his term before I judge him 9 months into it whether he has had any success with this.

I agree that putting a means on the solar rebate plan has not given the desired result. It is a shame though that people that obviously are doing alright can't put their own money into it, instead of relying on a gov't handout.

I don't think its egocentricity that has him rushing around the world but we will have to agree to disagree there. I believe he is doing his best to try and form relationships with people that will help him in his agenda of getting accord on emissions, trade and strategic partnerships. Depends who you want to believe, but everything I have seen or heard about Rudd is that he is intelligent and hardworking - that hardly equates with the egocentric timewaster some sections of the media would have you believe he has suddenly become. Unfortunately he does not have the natural charm and wit of someone like M. Turnball, and unfortunately I think people are too easily swayed by fairly inconsequential stuff like that.

Calliope - as I said in another thread, you are an idiot with nothing useful to add but slander and unmitigated bias. Go away. Please.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

A case of the pot calling the kettle black. And 2020 doesn't need your help.

Wasn't trying to help 2020, I know he is capable of defending himself. I merely wanted to point out a fact to you. Did you finish high school Calliope?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Wasn't trying to help 2020, I know he is capable of defending himself. I merely wanted to point out a fact to you. Did you finish high school Calliope?

Lighten up Nash mate. We are a wide church with differing views.

I only know a dozen or so multimillionaires and only one of those finished high school. By the way he's a doctor and I wouldn't send him to the local store to buy a pack of cigarettes, he'd get the change wrong. Sorry if your a doctor Nash mate.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Wasn't trying to help 2020, I know he is capable of defending himself. I merely wanted to point out a fact to you. Did you finish high school Calliope?

Did you finish primary school?
I'm beginning to see what your problem is. But really Nash you shouldn't be jealous of anybody else's scholastic achievements. For those who want to improve themselves adult education is freely available in this country. And there are many good libraries.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Poor old 2020. I wondered when you would take take the bait. You weren't making any headway on the pro Rudd thread, so you thought you would muddy the waters on this one. Naturally you love Rudd, you have so much in common. All waffle and no substance. His UN address that you loved so much went over like a lead balloon.

But you are right about one thing. History has moved on. It's all downhill for Rudd from now on. He is starting to look pathetic.:dead:
Hell Calliope
I post here - and I post there.
You post here and you post there.

Thing is, in the final analysis, you make a post like this one...

and you wonder (I assume) why you don't have any cred. :confused:

or maybe you just don't care whether you have cred or not. :eek: Too busy buzzing around in your dodgem car sideswiping, moving on, sideswiping, moving on etc.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Hell Calliope
I post here - and I post there.
You post here and you post there.

Thing is, in the final analysis, you make a post like this one...

and you wonder (I assume) why you don't have any cred. :confused:

or maybe you just don't care whether you have cred or not. :eek: Too busy buzzing around in your dodgem car sideswiping, moving on, sideswiping, moving on etc.[/QUOre TE]

Sorry guys.

Don't want to get in the middle of a s**t fight, but remember we share more with each other than we differ.

Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

The first big slipup, alias challenge is the "Computers to NSW schools" matter
But even there, I for one am prepared to say they are trying to address a seriously major problem (education), and the show isn't over till the lady nails on the horny helmet etc.

Challenge as against failure etc.

This one was necessary to balance the obvious bias from a number of members. I would expect a poll to be against Rudd on this forum where unbridled capitalism is the dominating attitude. Combining the two will result in more personal abuse that genuine contributions. The minority view needs a soap box too.

PS nioka, you are 100% right, lol.
There is so much rampant acid on the other thread, I'm not sure I can be bothered reading it lol. Good idea to have a separate meeting area with its own banner - a bit more objective even (imo anyway). ;)
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

Calliope - as I said in another thread, you are an idiot with nothing useful to add but slander and unmitigated bias. Go away. Please.

And as I said in the same thread, I now know what you problem is. However I am willing to make a truce with you. if you control your nastiness, I will stop treating you like an idiot.
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

The first big slipup, alias challenge is the "Computers to NSW schools" matter
But even there, I for one am prepared to say they are trying to address a seriously major problem (education), and the show isn't over till the lady nails on the horny helmet etc.

Challenge as against failure etc.

. ;)

trying aint good enough.

folk elect labor to "try"

they elect the liberals to deliver.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Yes G-G you are right. I guess we all get our kicks in different ways. It is a pity it has to be so muddied by whether we lean left or right. In the process we lose sight of who are the real baddies.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

the only thing more boring than rudd himself is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Ooops where was I.

Pepperoni , you must have been listening to Rudds UN speach to have ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz like that .Imagine how boring it would have live:eek:I feel really sorry for those poor unfortunates who attended ,they dont deserved to be treated like that
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Hell Calliope
I post here - and I post there.
You post here and you post there.

Thing is, in the final analysis, you make a post like this one...

and you wonder (I assume) why you don't have any cred. :confused:

or maybe you just don't care whether you have cred or not. :eek: Too busy buzzing around in your dodgem car sideswiping, moving on, sideswiping, moving on etc.

Callipe, you have to give 20/20 some due he has stuck to kevin07 like a trooper and at the moment is well and truly in the trenches refusing to fly the white flag:bs:but the acid test will be when the good ship Rudd takes on water and is sinking fast will there be room in the lifeboat for the 2 of them,if not Kevy baby has lost one loyal servant:screwy::horse:
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

In principle, yes. But endless talking is empty. Mr Rudd is behaving like the bureaucrat he is, overlaid with his 'diplomat' smooth robotic delivery.

Btw I am a swinging voter. Have voted for both Labor and the Libs, federally and in State elections. Depends on the personalities, stated beliefs and policies of each at the time.

OK, Kyoto: would have been meaningful once, but by the time he ratified it was outdated and meaningless. To the critics: an empty gesture: to the faithful supporters, the keeping of a promise. Depends entirely on where you're coming from.

Sorry Day: oh dear, so much emotion at the time. It was going to cure everything. Just show me one aboriginal person whose life is better as a result.

The 2020 Summit: a feel good exercise. Those who were invited were thrilled, regarded it as their opportunity to personally convey their vision for Australia to the Prime Minister. In the event a lot of words were cast about, many promises were made, people felt 'heard', 'listened to' and believed they had done their bit for solving all the nation's difficulties. Now all these months later, tell me how many actions have resulted from this event?
Imo it was a populist stunt designed to have the population think, oh wow, Kevin 07 is a man of the people. He is going to govern by true democracy, giving us all our chance to contribute to the policy making of the country.
Yeah, right.

And now there is going to be another summit, this time for heads of local government. We already have the heads of local government meeting.
It is to be a one day affair. With 100 or more attendees. With Kevin 07 smiling beatifically over the gathering. They will all go away feeling good and are all very excited to be going. Is there any expectation of anything actually happening as a result? I doubt it.

The "Education Revolution". Remember? the one where every student was to have their own computer. They're still waiting.

The solar panel rebate plan: Moxjo has adequately responded here.
And to whoever said the suppliers were run off their feet, that's not what I heard via ABC News. The spokesperson for the suppliers (this was about two weeks ago) said they were receiving good orders but for much smaller panels than previously. Overall bottom line is well down.

And then there's his obvious egocentricity in feeling the need to be rushing about the world, spreading his vision to all, regardless of whether they are interested, viz his suggestion for a new Asia/Pacific body. The silence from the other countries on that was breathtaking.
And I genuinely felt sorry for him delivering his brilliant address (stating the obvious about the financial crisis) to the UN in recent hours. The chamber was all but empty and apparently the few people attending went to sleep!

But I should qualify the above by saying that I do think he was right to go to New York/Washington in this visit. Not for the original reason, but to be there amongst discussions of the biggest financial crisis for decades.

So all up, I'm not intrinsically anti-Labor. But Kevin 07 just doesn't do it for me. I actually prefer the vocally challenged Ms Gillard who seems to make comments which are to the point and pretty much gets on with the job.
Never thought I'd say that!

Ha Julia! love your post.
Kevin Rudd said "SORRY" and told our indigenous community don't expect any compensation.
Well folks, I believe there is some 40 claims in the pipe line already. If one claim gets up the rest will surely follow. He is admitting his forefathers did wrong.

After all the "STOLEN GENERATION" were taken away for the very same reason that is happening to this day; child abuse and neglect. Those people should be thankful for being saved.

John Howard was a little wiser than Rudd when he refused to say "SORRY" knowing full well, in his wisdom, compensation claims would be lodged and ain't the legal eagles rubbing their dirting little hands together.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Callipe, you have to give 20/20 some due he has stuck to kevin07 like a trooper and at the moment is well and truly in the trenches refusing to fly the white flag:bs:but the acid test will be when the good ship Rudd takes on water and is sinking fast will there be room in the lifeboat for the 2 of them,if not Kevy baby has lost one loyal servant:screwy::horse:

Didn't you drown when little Johnny went down?
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

And as I said in the same thread, I now know what you problem is. However I am willing to make a truce with you. if you control your nastiness, I will stop treating you like an idiot.

That depends Calliope - you show no respect for anyone that associates at all with the left side of politics - whether they be politician or voter. If you continue to just slander them and by association myself then I will challenge it. If you can present a reasoned argument instead of the pure slander I have seen so far than I will be happy to have a 'truce'. I will even try and show some respect for your ideas if you express them.