Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

Some may view Kyoto and saying sorry as pure gesture/posture but there is a hell of a lot of people that appreciated said gestures, myself included. What are the other gestures that are meaningless or duplicitous to you?

How about the changing of the solar rebate threshold. Talk about killing off solar installations in one hit. What happened to the supposed supporting of green initiatives?

Petrol watch website is another that springs to mind seems all the petrol stations were using it to base their prices on more then the public.

Was their a grocery watch as well?

My problem with all the reviews is that they will come to a conclusion that the govt doesn’t like so never implemented
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

Rudd is trying to act like a hero and he is more times out of the country than in the country..

where is he now? New York? did he stop by the Bronx too
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

Just the first one that springs to mind:

That new carbon capture institute thingo.

Oz has megga coal exports also has megga coal fired power carbon capture is essential for this to continue until the next solution and if I remember Smurf covered the solar thing pretty well on another thread.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

How about the changing of the solar rebate threshold. Talk about killing off solar installations in one hit. What happened to the supposed supporting of green initiatives?
The installers of solar panels don't seem to have a problem with the rebate threshold. They can't keep up with the demand from what I hear.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Mr Rudd is believed to have also said;

Alexander Downer was right. Those UN guys are the biggest bunch of wankers I have ever come across. And to think I wasted all that speechwriting and oratory on them.

As for that smartarse Robert Hill going to sleep during my rousing speech. We'll see how smart he is as the next Ambassador to Harare.

However it is not all bad. My plant in ASF tells me that I got good notices Downunder. In fact he wrote them himself.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

all i can say is that for our PM he doesn't represent us very well

he doesn't come across confident like howard was

o well too bad if u voted labour caus i didn't
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I think Turnbull is different in as much as he can run a company which after all is what a country is,

Turnbull is cut from the same cloth as Paulson, and yet he is on the verge of burying the US citizens in debt like the world has never seen.


Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Rudd should be concentrating on his "own backyard", rather that trying to be a big player on the international scene. He is quite embarassing and eccentric the way he acts in public. I doubt any other world leader takes him seriously, because they are more concerned about their own people's economic prosperity, unlike Rudd.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm guessing that a lot of you blokes critical of Rudd
a) didn't agree with the "Sorry" statement
b) didn't agree with signing Kyoto (and all the opportunities that will flow from that) ..

Sorry chaps - but your opinions on those fronts are now irrelevant - history moves on.. You've gotta learn to be better at losing ...

We move on to other points where they (also) have a mandate...
c) toning back Workchoice.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Rudd should be concentrating on his "own backyard", rather that trying to be a big player on the international scene. He is quite embarassing and eccentric the way he acts in public. I doubt any other world leader takes him seriously, because they are more concerned about their own people's economic prosperity, unlike Rudd.

I'd have to agree. He is an embarrassment. Such an earnest godbotherer , he takes forever to get the end of each sermon.

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm guessing that a lot of you blokes critical of Rudd
a) didn't agree with the "Sorry" statement
b) didn't agree with signing Kyoto (and all the opportunities that will flow from that) ..

Sorry chaps - but your opinions on those fronts are now irrelevant - history moves on.. You've gotta learn to be better at losing ...

We move on to other points where they (also) have a mandate...
c) toning back Workchoice.

are they Rudd's greatest achievments so far?
a) agree, however purely a political symbolic gesture, in reality nothing has changed?
b) agree, the easy part is done, now Rudd has to implement measures without sending this country into recession, I suppose we can say "watch this space"
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Poor old 2020. I wondered when you would take take the bait. You weren't making any headway on the pro Rudd thread, so you thought you would muddy the waters on this one. Naturally you love Rudd, you have so much in common. All waffle and no substance. His UN address that you loved so much went over like a lead balloon.

But you are right about one thing. History has moved on. It's all downhill for Rudd from now on. He is starting to look pathetic.:dead:
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

you are so funny Calliope.

You accuse others of waffling with no substance - have a look at your own posts. They are full of nothing useful or intelligent, just biased and ignorant slander. Pipe down.
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

Rudd is trying to act like a hero and he is more times out of the country than in the country..

where is he now? New York? did he stop by the Bronx too

Like any PM Agro - Rudd annoys you cause you are a Liberal voter as you have stated on another thread. Since there were a number of world leaders in the US at the same time as Rudd I assume you have the same gripe with them? And pursuing closer ties whether they be trade/defence or other with countries is not a worthwhile pursuit of a PM?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

you are so funny Calliope.

You accuse others of waffling with no substance - have a look at your own posts. They are full of nothing useful or intelligent, just biased and ignorant slander. Pipe down.

A case of the pot calling the kettle black. And 2020 doesn't need your help.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

K Rudd, what is the meaning of?

1. krudd
Similar to crud.
A substitute for the word crap, or something described as crusty and nasty.

2. krudd
Alternative name for the leader of the Australian communist party (aka Labor Party) and Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

the only thing more boring than rudd himself is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Ooops where was I.
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

Rudd is trying to act like a hero and he is more times out of the country than in the country..

where is he now? New York? did he stop by the Bronx too

That is where the great Lib leader, Malcom No1, lost his pants isn't it?

Rudd may give them the shirt off his back but I'll bet he comes back with his pants.
Re: Rudd. I'm happy with his progress.

Why is that Julia? Isn't it wise to get wise people to discuss/debate (and learn) an issue before issuing policy? Surely this is a way to bring forward good policy instead of ****e policy that needs to be dismantled later (eg 'work choices')?
In principle, yes. But endless talking is empty. Mr Rudd is behaving like the bureaucrat he is, overlaid with his 'diplomat' smooth robotic delivery.

Btw I am a swinging voter. Have voted for both Labor and the Libs, federally and in State elections. Depends on the personalities, stated beliefs and policies of each at the time.

What are these 'gestures' and posturing you speak of? Sounds like what certain elements of the RW media would carp on about but I hardly think it is based on any fact. Some may view Kyoto and saying sorry as pure gesture/posture but there is a hell of a lot of people that appreciated said gestures, myself included. What are the other gestures that are meaningless or duplicitous to you?
OK, Kyoto: would have been meaningful once, but by the time he ratified it was outdated and meaningless. To the critics: an empty gesture: to the faithful supporters, the keeping of a promise. Depends entirely on where you're coming from.

Sorry Day: oh dear, so much emotion at the time. It was going to cure everything. Just show me one aboriginal person whose life is better as a result.

The 2020 Summit: a feel good exercise. Those who were invited were thrilled, regarded it as their opportunity to personally convey their vision for Australia to the Prime Minister. In the event a lot of words were cast about, many promises were made, people felt 'heard', 'listened to' and believed they had done their bit for solving all the nation's difficulties. Now all these months later, tell me how many actions have resulted from this event?
Imo it was a populist stunt designed to have the population think, oh wow, Kevin 07 is a man of the people. He is going to govern by true democracy, giving us all our chance to contribute to the policy making of the country.
Yeah, right.

And now there is going to be another summit, this time for heads of local government. We already have the heads of local government meeting.
It is to be a one day affair. With 100 or more attendees. With Kevin 07 smiling beatifically over the gathering. They will all go away feeling good and are all very excited to be going. Is there any expectation of anything actually happening as a result? I doubt it.

The "Education Revolution". Remember? the one where every student was to have their own computer. They're still waiting.

The solar panel rebate plan: Moxjo has adequately responded here.
And to whoever said the suppliers were run off their feet, that's not what I heard via ABC News. The spokesperson for the suppliers (this was about two weeks ago) said they were receiving good orders but for much smaller panels than previously. Overall bottom line is well down.

And then there's his obvious egocentricity in feeling the need to be rushing about the world, spreading his vision to all, regardless of whether they are interested, viz his suggestion for a new Asia/Pacific body. The silence from the other countries on that was breathtaking.
And I genuinely felt sorry for him delivering his brilliant address (stating the obvious about the financial crisis) to the UN in recent hours. The chamber was all but empty and apparently the few people attending went to sleep!

But I should qualify the above by saying that I do think he was right to go to New York/Washington in this visit. Not for the original reason, but to be there amongst discussions of the biggest financial crisis for decades.

So all up, I'm not intrinsically anti-Labor. But Kevin 07 just doesn't do it for me. I actually prefer the vocally challenged Ms Gillard who seems to make comments which are to the point and pretty much gets on with the job.
Never thought I'd say that!
Re: Rudd - I'm happy with his progress

Like any PM Agro - Rudd annoys you cause you are a Liberal voter as you have stated on another thread. Since there were a number of world leaders in the US at the same time as Rudd I assume you have the same gripe with them? And pursuing closer ties whether they be trade/defence or other with countries is not a worthwhile pursuit of a PM?

And you love Rudd because you are a leftie. And did you notice that nearly all the world leaders were absent from the chamber when Rudd addressed the assembly. Most of those who stayed dozed off. You and he have one thing in common. You are both boring.