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Are we all going to die in October?

23 March 2005
PEOPLE who fear a powerful atom-smashing machine, due to start operations next week, will cause Earth to be gobbled up or reduced to grey goo can rest assured, according to a new study.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been shadowed by internet-fuelled concerns that it will release energies so powerful that it will create a rogue black hole that will engulf the planet, or a "strangelet" particle that would transform Earth into a lump of strange matter.

But the new report, written by the machine's maker, claims these fears are unfounded.

It said the LHC will replicate collisions that already occur naturally when Earth runs into the path of high-energy cosmic rays.

"Nature has already conducted the equivalent of about a hundred thousand LHC experimental programmes on Earth ”” and the planet still exists," it said.

The assessment was written by five physicists at LHC's operator, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva.

CERN has asked them to take a fresh look at a safety assessment written by its scientists in 2003 which first gave the project the green light.

The LHC, installed in a circular 27km tunnel on the French-Swiss border, is to start unleashing a beam of protons early next Thursday in the first stage of its commissioning process.

Two parallel beams of particles, one going clockwise and the other anti-clockwise, will blast around the underground ring.

At four locations on the ring, superconducting magnets will bend the beams so that groups of protons smash into each other in a giant chamber which is swathed with detectors to record the resulting sub-atomic debris.

This invisible rubble could help resolve some of the biggest questions in physics, such as the nature of mass, the weakness of gravity and whether, as some theoreticians suggest, there exist dimensions beyond our own.

The new Safety Assessment Report said any black holes produced by the collider would be "microscopic" and decay almost immediately, as they would lack the energy to grow or even be sustained.

"Each collision of a pair of protons in the LHC will release an amount of energy comparable to that of two colliding mosquitoes, so any black hole produced would be much smaller than those known to astrophysicists," the report said.

As for the hypothesised "strangelets," the report referred to data from the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York to say that these would not be produced during collisions in the LHC.

The review is published in a journal of the Institute of Physics, London.

France has also asked a French watchdog agency, the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), to carry out a safety appraisal of the LHC.

On August 29, the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg, France, tossed out a last-ditch legal bid to stop the LHC's switch-on.

The suit had been filed by a group of European citizens, led by a German biochemist, Otto Roessler, of the University of Tuebingen.

The LHC will begin operation on September 10th.

LHC on Wikipedia -
How it works (rap video) -,25642,24298211-5014239,00.html


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Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

I think we should be fine. According to my extensive research this coming Thursday is one of the few days when the bible/koran/nostradamus/[insert preferred relgious text/crackpot here] has NOT predicited the end of the world. So we should be OK.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

I think we should be fine. According to my extensive research this coming Thursday is one of the few days when the bible/koran/nostradamus/[insert preferred relgious text/crackpot here] has NOT predicited the end of the world. So we should be OK.

lol, well at least if the world does end on Thursday it will settle a few arguments in some of the threads. We'll all find out if there is a God or not.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

lol, well at least if the world does end on Thursday it will settle a few arguments in some of the threads. We'll all find out if there is a God or not.
bags being at the end of the queue at the Pearly Gates. I might stick around and smell the rose-bush-ash a bit longer. :eek:
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?


do u think its better for me to close all trades by thursday or go short?

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply.

I've been eating every different type of cheese I could lay my hands on and drinking the finest wines available to me.

There's no way I'm waiting patiently to die...... I'm enjoying life's little things ;):cool:
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

I suppose if everything goes well on Thursday and we are all still here, we can all sleep soundly at night.

Oh, except for a few rogue countries here and there, that possess enough nuclear power to destoy the planet at any time...
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

Be nice to win the OZ jackpot...
at least you could say you won the lotto :D

Didn't they make a couple of movies similar to this...
Blow a hole in the mantle and send a piece of Mother nature into space
or the day the earth stood still?

And why a Thursday, couldn't it wait till the weekend :roflmao:
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

This CERN setup isn't anywhere near Norway is it? (I just noticed in one of the other threads that thats where Hell is :)).

Now did they receive death threats because they are about to cause the end the universe as we know it, or because of that rap song they released.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

Think I'll be short for the next few months.

On an aside.
Son who is finishing his Doctorate in Physics tells me we are out for dinner saturday night---good enough for me.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply.

I've been eating every different type of cheese I could lay my hands on and drinking the finest wines available to me.

There's no way I'm waiting patiently to die...... I'm enjoying life's little things ;):cool:

The Daily Mail last week reckoned there was enough time left to try all 64 positions of the kama sutra.... wife is hoping the world ends on wednesday (UK time).


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Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

Andrew Denton interviewed one of the physicists last night on his show.

The guy said that the particles would have a very small amount of energy. In fact he said it would be about the same as a mosquito flying into your face.

The only difference being that the energy could be concentrated into a ridiculously small area. (smaller than that of a proton) may die on Thursday but you probably have a greater chance of being eaten by a shark travelling on public transport. :hide:
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

The Daily Mail last week reckoned there was enough time left to try all 64 positions of the kama sutra.... wife is hoping the world ends on wednesday (UK time).

The funniest thing Ive seen you write.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

it will for the basted who ripped the mirror off my scooter when it was out the back of the bottle shop... :samurai:
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

Thursday morning or afternoon? It's bin day in my street so if it's morning I won't bother putting it out.
Re: Are we all going to die Thursday?

We only just managed to escape the Y2K look at the devastation that caused
A lot of people woke up the next day with a hangover some pregnant, some wearing funny hats, some not knowing who was beside them in bed, could this be another plot by those pesky Arabs Bin Liner and Al Quida?