Question is would you support a war on Iran if the choice was to keep living your current lifestyle or the alternative of putting the western world back into a severe long lasting depression where you have no job can't feed your kids etc.
It was only back in the 30's when sydney siders were joining the hungry mile at the ports where the queue was literraly km's long of people hunting for a days work.
I don't like the idea of plundering another country but in all seriousness the US has no choice now they either take others resources or push a large portion of their pop into poverty.
Oz is somewhat shielded we have huge amounts of indeigenous resources and could prob replace oil with a larger electrical industry. The US has alot of coal but not many other large resources deposits to turn the balance of trade.
If it really came down to the tough decision I doubt any of us wouldn't steal the oil. Fact is world governments aren't going to acknowledge that publically but the tough decisions are happening right now.
Wow, what are we becoming if this is the veiw of our society?
Who gives a sh*t about the innocent people that will die over there and the fact they will be in pov and starving, as long as we're happy and have our oil. Very sad.
That view means we are no better than the Mongolian hordes of the 13th century.
What about running the economy properly and buying the stuff.
We're going to kill 100's of 1000's of men women and children, so we can live frivolous lives filled by buying cheap Chinese tat? There is something amiss in our value system if that is the case!
Prudence <> Poverty
Agree totally Wayne.
kiwi. if the west (or the coallition of the willing) needs to murder iranian civilians in a bullcrap war, to protect their bottom line, we will not be the goody anymore. how would that effect the national psyce of those involved?
I think we're closer to not being the goodie then many think. Some of the arguements to justify some of the actions of the west already leave alot to be desired imho.