Hmmm... nothing about the danger of an nuclear Iran, just the usual anti-Americanism shinning through...
Hmmm... nothing about the danger of an nuclear Iran, just the usual anti-Americanism shinning through...
Hmmm... nothing about the danger of an nuclear Iran, just the usual anti-Americanism shinning through...
So you think that the mad mullahs in Iran should be allowed to become nuclear... words will not stop them.... ..Iran works away to achieve it's goal... while some look & hope for a more humane & rational way of thinking to deal with the problem... but how do you deal with an unrational government...
Have you any idea what a land invasion of mainland Japan would have cost in American / Australian / English lives... most estimates 200000 to 1+million... the bomb saved countless brave men & women
When you are fighting an enemy that kills their own women and children, makes videos of cutting westerners heads off with knives.. what we do is nothing.
The US could probably decimate mainland China with its submarine fleet alone.. destorying most needed infustructure, resulting in millions of straving Chinese.. and even with conventional weapons it may just take a while longer.
I think balancing of nuclear power in a region is really important:Some examples:
Russia & America.
Pakistan & India.
These countries use these weapons as nuclear detterent, so that a war will not start.
Iran & Isreal if both nuclear armed I guess will not pose such a huge problem. Then they might start thinking that it will be mutually assured destruction, why not work towards peace!
Just my 2 Cents
But lets not let war distract us from what is really going on. The collection of the common wealth of the USA into fewer and fewer hands prior to the collapse of the Pax Americana.
quoted for absolute truth.
if america attacked iran they would probably get their asses handed to them. the US is stretched very thin manpower wise so their chief force projection would be their gulf fleet. however in wargames the fleet takes heavy losses when confronted by large numbers of small agile craft which is irans strategy. added to this iran has a credible anti-ship defence with its sunburn missile system. the US does have undisputed air power but you can't defeat a country solely from the air.
i'm currently bearish on america
etc etcIran continues to be a threat, Bush says
The latest report on the country's halting of a nuclear weapons program in 2003 indicates the need for ongoing international pressure, he says.
By Johanna Neuman, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
December 5, 2007
WASHINGTON -- President Bush said today that despite a newintelligence report asserting that Iran stopped its development of nuclear weapons in 2003, "nothing has changed" in U.S. policy.
"Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous and Iran will be dangerous if they have the know-how necessary to make a nuclear weapon,"
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