Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Drug experimentation and dependence

One of the most amusing things about Illegal Drugs, is that you can buy the seeds of one of the major Illegal Drugs at the supermarket.:eek::eek::eek:

Go Figure...
Exactly Julia,

Idiots - they will stuff themselves regardless, it can be legal or illegal drugs.

If that does not do the trick they will find some other creative way to kill either themselves or others.

Idiots i tell ya....................they have not found a medical procedure to increase brain function and ability to my knowledge and until they do it looks like we are stuck with these creatures.
Kimosabi - if you are referring to either hemp or poppy seeds i am under the impression these are radiated so they can not germinate if sown.

I could be wrong here but pretty sure that is the case especially with poppy seeds.

Kimosabi - if you are referring to either hemp or poppy seeds i am under the impression these are radiated so they can not germinate if sown.

I could be wrong here but pretty sure that is the case especially with poppy seeds.

All I can say is get some Kitchen Paper, some water and see what happens....

Interesting, although i dont think true drug addicts would somehow have the patience or nouce to grow it in sufficient number. Anyways, dont the Afghanistans have that market wrapped up?

I was certain a baker once told me the seeds were radiated or supposed to be anyway.

Opium Poppy is grown as an ornamental bedding plant in Australia in some circumstances. I know that in Victoria this plant can often be seen growing in some of the older gardens in the suburbs. I have also seen it planted by Councils, although this was a few years ago now and was in country Victoria.

The flowers are lovley, quite spectacular although fragile the seed heads are also very pretty. I say this from a horticultural point of view.

With Hemp, there is hemp and hemp. The hemp grown to produce fibre is much different to that smoked as weed. Its the THC or concerntration of active ingredient that differs.
I suspect that hemp seed in shops would have a low THC content if grown into plants and you could most likely smoke it all day without getting much of a high. Although, i can not say this with certainty without knowing the source.
Interesting, although i dont think true drug addicts would somehow have the patience or nouce to grow it in sufficient number. Anyways, dont the Afghanistans have that market wrapped up?

I was certain a baker once told me the seeds were radiated or supposed to be anyway.

Opium Poppy is grown as an ornamental bedding plant in Australia in some circumstances. I know that in Victoria this plant can often be seen growing in some of the older gardens in the suburbs. I have also seen it planted by Councils, although this was a few years ago now and was in country Victoria.

The flowers are lovley, quite spectacular although fragile the seed heads are also very pretty. I say this from a horticultural point of view.

With Hemp, there is hemp and hemp. The hemp grown to produce fibre is much different to that smoked as weed. Its the THC or concerntration of active ingredient that differs.
I suspect that hemp seed in shops would have a low THC content if grown into plants and you could most likely smoke it all day without getting much of a high. Although, i can not say this with certainty without knowing the source.

As far as I know, in Australia it's illegal to grow these plants without appropriate governmental approval.

And the government doesn't make anything illegal without a very good reason, does it.

One of the tests to check if seeds are organic or not is to see if they will germinate.
Not sure about barbiturates these days, Wayne? Do you find that they are still prescribed? They were largely replaced about 30 or more years ago by the benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam/valium) because of their extreme toxicity.
If they are still available, then I think Dr. Phillip Nietschke would like to know about it.
Quite right Julia, scratch that one. :eek:
With Hemp, there is hemp and hemp. The hemp grown to produce fibre is much different to that smoked as weed. Its the THC or concerntration of active ingredient that differs.
I suspect that hemp seed in shops would have a low THC content if grown into plants and you could most likely smoke it all day without getting much of a high. Although, i can not say this with certainty without knowing the source.

That is quite right Jessica.

This is the situation as I know it for Qld.

A few years ago I got a flier inviting growers to apply to participate in trials for growing industrial hemp conducted by Crop Tech P/L in the Bundaberg region. You do have to be licensed to grow industrial hemp.

Cannabis with a THC concentration of 3% or more is considered as marijuana, and less than 3% is considered as industrial hemp.

Industrial hemp varieties are being selected for the low THC concentration in their leaves and flowering heads of not more than 0.5%.

It's a similar story with popies. As I understand it, the varities grown for seed have lower levels of active ingredient. The opium poppy obviously has the highest active ingredient.

Unless the seed has been collected, dried, often treated with a fungicide, packaged and marketed to exacting standards for re-growing, the seed will loose it's viability expenontially over time.

I would believe that the seed for human consumption has probably been quite over dried to prevent any chance of fungi infection of the seed in storage as it certainly can't be treated with fungicides. The alternative to chemical treatment, often used for pest control of export fruit, is vapour heat treatment which if applied to seeds would render the seed unviable anyway.
Kimosabi - i am not sure if my post came across the correct way but i am agreeing with you that both poppy and hemp are illegal to grow in Australia.
I am a qualified horticulturalist and have a very good undertanding of DPI regulations, i have imported huge quantities of plant material into this country.

But trust me, Opium poppy can be found regularly in some older gardens. Enthusiats will also have it tucked away in there collection, these people do not represent a threat or have this plant growing for sinister drug cultivation reasons. These are typically people who either dont even realise it is a Opium Poppy or just grow them to admire the beauty of the flowers.

However, 'One of the tests to check if seeds are organic or not is to see if they will germinate', this statement is incorrect.

I think what you were trying to say is viable instead of organic?

Organic generally relates to how the plant has been cultivated particularly referring to plants which have been grown without the use of chemicals.
But why do I hate Drug addicts? Because of the things they do to feed their habits... because they rob from my parents business thats why... They steal wallets for bank cards and money etc. All crap I have to deal with on occasion...

All of which are caused by the drugs being illegal and hence expensive. Making them legal reduces drug-related crime by about 90%.
We already have real harm done to our society in general as well as to ourselves as individuals by alcohol and tobacco (and yes, I've used both), and knowing this, you'd surely have to say why would we risk adding to this by offering tacit approval to yet another drug.

How about: Because saying "I've used these evil drugs but other people aren't allowed to use these other drugs" is simply selfish and hypocritical.

A great deal of why the laws are as they are is simply social conditioning and racism. We are allowed to use "our" (Westerners) drugs (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine) but we make it illegal to use "their" (those evil Asians and Middle Easterners) drugs (opiates, marijuana, etc). This same silliness has just continued into the current day with no scientific, logical or rational basis and you (and many others) simply perpetuate it.
How about: Because saying "I've used these evil drugs but other people aren't allowed to use these other drugs" is simply selfish and hypocritical.

A great deal of why the laws are as they are is simply social conditioning and racism. We are allowed to use "our" (Westerners) drugs (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine) but we make it illegal to use "their" (those evil Asians and Middle Easterners) drugs (opiates, marijuana, etc). This same silliness has just continued into the current day with no scientific, logical or rational basis and you (and many others) simply perpetuate it.

are you suggesting ice should be made legal as well?
How about: Because saying "I've used these evil drugs but other people aren't allowed to use these other drugs" is simply selfish and hypocritical.

A great deal of why the laws are as they are is simply social conditioning and racism. We are allowed to use "our" (Westerners) drugs (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine) but we make it illegal to use "their" (those evil Asians and Middle Easterners) drugs (opiates, marijuana, etc). This same silliness has just continued into the current day with no scientific, logical or rational basis and you (and many others) simply perpetuate it.

That's a reasonable argument. OK, so can you describe exactly how it would work if a government said "right, from now on we will allow everyone to use all the heroin, crystal meth, barbiturates, amphetamines et al they want".
None of them are illegal any more. Would you want the government to e.g. put them on the PBS? Would you like shops - perhaps pharmacies or supermarkets if you like - to stock them so you can just go in and buy whatever you want?

And presumably you'd like the taxpayer to pay for some quality control process, such as currently happens with prescribed medications, to ensure no one overdoses or is otherwise harmed?
That's a reasonable argument. OK, so can you describe exactly how it would work if a government said "right, from now on we will allow everyone to use all the heroin, crystal meth, barbiturates, amphetamines et al they want".
None of them are illegal any more. Would you want the government to e.g. put them on the PBS? Would you like shops - perhaps pharmacies or supermarkets if you like - to stock them so you can just go in and buy whatever you want?

And presumably you'd like the taxpayer to pay for some quality control process, such as currently happens with prescribed medications, to ensure no one overdoses or is otherwise harmed?

Exactly, not to forget we have to deal with more drugged users on the roads that would have to be policed. At what age do you start handing this junk out otherwise there will still be a black market to under agers.And what’s stopping something more serious hitting the black market that the youth would take up. Last time I checked we were trying to get rid of smoking. Why add more health concerns to the mix.
are you suggesting ice should be made legal as well?

if good quality heroin and ecstacy were readily available people wouldn't use ice. ice is a low quality, sh1tty drug that people take because it is cheap and readily available. the war on drugs cannot be won, the longer we keep it in the realm of law enforcement and not helth (where it belongs), the more we will continue to wage war on our society with all the collateral damage that entails.

prohibition fails. repeatedly. its time to examine other options.
Does anyone out there think the press has been irresponsible in declaring that the toxic drug in the childrens toy "Bindeez" is similar to the drug Fantasy
or GBH (grievous bodily harm)?
I'm thinking that the stores that haven't removed them from their shelves will have sold out of stock by now.... and there's a whole new world of drug experimentation going on!
if good quality heroin and ecstacy were readily available people wouldn't use ice. ice is a low quality, sh1tty drug that people take because it is cheap and readily available. the war on drugs cannot be won, the longer we keep it in the realm of law enforcement and not helth (where it belongs), the more we will continue to wage war on our society with all the collateral damage that entails.

prohibition fails. repeatedly. its time to examine other options.

Each has a different high price is not the overiding factor.So whats the cut off age for these free drugs?
not really. getting ruined is the overriding factor, heroin junkies will shoot speed if smack isn't available, kids will drop acid if they can't get their hands on ecstacy, people will get drunk if they can't get stoned. heroin is probably the ultimate high so if it was available and clean that would be the overriding drug of choice for intravenous users.

its easy to understand - people just want to get wasted. john lennon, brett whitely, john belushi, countless people with loads of money and fame and everything your heart could desire pick getting fked up as their primary motivation. the war on drugs is a war on human nature, there is not a culture in the world that doesn't have a way to distort your perceptions. some cultures ritualise it (such as kava use, peyote use etc.) while others use it as a means to wash away the trials of reality. making drug use illegal (except for the damaging "legal" drugs which the government loves to tax) creates a whole black world of crime, corruption and criminality.

i think the cut off age should be 18, any younger and we are moving into the realm of parental responsibility which is not legislated for (but in many cases it seems it should be). however laws like this need to be flexible to take into account circumstances.

the sad thing is we saw this ice wave coming. we knew it was an extremely toxic drug that causes a great deal of damage to society and the users and yet we did nothing. now we have meth psychotics roaming the streets when all we needed was a controlled and reasonably safe way for people to get high. prohibition fails. it will always fail. drugs need to be a health issue.