Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr Menzies said his new political movement should also try to avoid falling back into old habits.

"We have, partly by our own fault and partly by some extremely clever propaganda by the Labour Party [sic], been put into the position of appearing to resist political and economic progress," he said.

"In other words, on far too many questions we have found our role to be simply that of the man who says 'No'."

"Once this atmosphere is created it is quite simple for us to be branded as reactionaries ... [but] there is no room in Australia for a party of reaction. There is no useful place for a policy of negation," he said.
Yeah, the Libs should just agree with everything Labor and Greens want to do.
Yeah, the Libs should just agree with everything Labor and Greens want to do.

No, Menzies definitely did not agree with the policies of the Labour Party.

He had however come from a Government that was reactionary but he wanted to have progress.

He started a new party that effectively rebooted the political right with new people.

He was able to have his own policies and advance Australia in many different ways. He gave the aboriginals the vote, brought many women into Parliament (way more than Labor) and developed industry. He encouraged entrepreneurs.

He warned against being reactionary and Liberal Party members should heed this. He saw the United Australia party fail.

To me it looks a bit like history repeating at present.
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No, Menzies definitely did not agree with the policies of the Labour Party.

He had however come from a Government that was reactionary but he wanted to have progress.

He started a new party that effectively rebooted the political right with new people.

He was able to have his own policies and advance Australia in many different ways. He gave the aboriginals the vote, brought many women into Parliament (way more than Labor) and developed industry. He encouraged entrepreneurs.

He warned against being reactionary and Liberal Party members should heed this. He saw the United Australia party fail.

To me it looks a bit like history repeating at present.
I agree, but not for the same reasons as you.

The modern-day Liberal party is not reactionary at all, they are like the boy that's trying to chat up the girl that hates his guts.

Allegorically, they are INCELs.

It's time to get off the bloody soy, pump some weights and get a bit Chad. That's what their constituency is crying out for.
The modern-day Liberal party is not reactionary at all
This is part of the trouble.

There's an abundance of issues they (and any political party) ought be reacting to but instead they plug their ears and carry in with 1990's ideology as though it were still 1995.

Anyone with their eyes open can see that what we're doing really isn't working. From trades training to national security, there's problems all over the place.

Someone reacting to what's going on would think that yeah, we need industry, we need technical education, we need a focus on science, we need functional and economical utilities and so on and get on with it. Throw the 1990's ideology where it belongs. :2twocents
This is part of the trouble.

There's an abundance of issues they (and any political party) ought be reacting to but instead they plug their ears and carry in with 1990's ideology as though it were still 1995.

Anyone with their eyes open can see that what we're doing really isn't working. From trades training to national security, there's problems all over the place.

Someone reacting to what's going on would think that yeah, we need industry, we need technical education, we need a focus on science, we need functional and economical utilities and so on and get on with it. Throw the 1990's ideology where it belongs. :2twocents
...and don't be afraid to push back against woke, when reasonable.
Hehe... wait for the May budget and all the income tax increases that come with it and the Libs will be doing a LOT of disagreeing and with good reason.

Peter Dutton is going to be in the same position as Bill Shorten was in 2014. How he handles it will be debated in this thread I'm sure :)
Well I think the real problem is that the Libs think that as long as they are in government the people think everything is fine and that they the LNP don't need to do anything because the plebs are happy.

Well it worked ok for 9 years but finally the plebs woke up to the fact that the LNP are a lazy party with no policies who might be ok for the good times, but things are definitely not good now and someone has to do something that the Libs didn't bother doing when they had the chance.
The problem is, Labor WILL do things, but all wrong things.
Another one who doesn't want to spend 6 years in Opposition.

Karen Andrews quits.

I'm surprised Morrison has lasted this long.

No brainer choice in putting Jacinta in Aboriginal affairs though. It won't be easy for her, she'll get a lot of push back from the "Red over Black"¹ mob.

¹bonus points if you knew the reference
Even the Karen's are quitting .... only mid arvo and already an old joke.

Mark Humphries Quit-line on youtube......for those needing support.

And there's more;
Where's not gone soon enough Morrison.... who'd care?.... but oh what lead in the saddle-bags.... can Cook quit ? I'm almost tempted to think it can.
Even the Karen's are quitting .... only mid arvo and already an old joke.

Mark Humphries Quit-line on youtube......for those needing support.

And there's more;
Where's not gone soon enough Morrison.... who'd care?.... but oh what lead in the saddle-bags.... can Cook quit ? I'm almost tempted to think it can.
It's actually pretty cool, LINO virtue signallers and panderers to the left are extricating themselves from the formerly great party.


The more this happens the more the Liberal Party has a chance of reforming back into a positive political force and prevent our descent into a communist abyss.

I'm no way am I at positive about the outcome there, but at least there is a glimmer... I'll be more hopeful when the leftist tw@ts stop cheerleading the likes of the miserable ghost etcetera.

I'll be watching @orr for clues :laugh:
In three years the entire front bench will be Scott Morrison :)
I have a Labor friend and he is desperate for the Libs to continue to move further to the right.

He reckons that Labor can do what happened in Victoria and WA and essentially destroy the Libs next election. Like only own 10% of the seats Australia wide and have Labor as the main party and the opposition as the Greens with the Nats, Libs and One Nation as the independents.

Bit of a pipe dream but my experience was that the Libs just lost in Victoria and thought they were going to get in easy and went right wing and got smashed the following election. So I get what he is saying.

You look at Queensland and the Libs can't even win that State.
I have a Labor friend and he is desperate for the Libs to continue to move further to the right.

He reckons that Labor can do what happened in Victoria and WA and essentially destroy the Libs next election. Like only own 10% of the seats Australia wide and have Labor as the main party and the opposition as the Greens with the Nats, Libs and One Nation as the independents.

Bit of a pipe dream but my experience was that the Libs just lost in Victoria and thought they were going to get in easy and went right wing and got smashed the following election. So I get what he is saying.

You look at Queensland and the Libs can't even win that State.

Since Howard the right have ruled and now the hard right more so, the younger generation wont cop that as Labor has moved right also ( accepting Neoliberalism) the Libs will survive but there will be pain as they will have to shift their ideology IMHO.