Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

Despite the above, Trumps operation warp speed was speedily delivered. And in the end Trump may have actually saved the world after his attention and effort to the vaccination program.

If it all works out, will Trump get "world saviour" status?
Now that would be funny:roflmao:
Despite the above, Trumps operation warp speed was speedily delivered. And in the end Trump may have actually saved the world after his attention and effort to the vaccination program.

If it all works out, will Trump get "world saviour" status?
Now that would be funny:roflmao:

Operation Warp Speed, the federal effort to rush a vaccine to market, has promised Pfizer $1.95 billion to deliver 100 million doses to the federal government, which will be given to Americans free of charge. But Dr. Jansen sought to distance the company from Operation Warp Speed and presidential politics, noting that the company — unlike the other vaccine front-runners — did not take any federal money to help pay for research and development.

“We were never part of the Warp Speed,” she said on Sunday. “We have never taken any money from the U.S. government, or from anyone.” On Monday, a spokeswoman for Pfizer clarified that the company is part of Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential coronavirus vaccine.

Despite the above, Trumps operation warp speed was speedily delivered. And in the end Trump may have actually saved the world after his attention and effort to the vaccination program.

If it all works out, will Trump get "world saviour" status?
Now that would be funny:roflmao:

Giving trump any credit for a vaccine is extreme “TDS”. Only his most devout followers would buy such rubbish.
Giving trump any credit for a vaccine is extreme “TDS”. Only his most devout followers would buy such rubbish.
Really... because it was actually Biden giving him praise over his roll-out of the vaccine that got me started.

"President" Donald Trump's only utility for me has been to provide endless and alternating bemusement and amusement over the last four years.

For me he truly is the gift that keeps giving.
Yes, the “gift” that will be evicted from the White House in a few weeks.

The American people have spoken. Trump has lost by a massive margin, one of a handful of incumbents to be kicked out after just one term.
Yes, the “gift” that will be evicted from the White House in a few weeks.

The American people have spoken. Trump has lost by a massive margin, one of a handful of incumbents to be kicked out after just one term.
Still giving even now;)

Could you imagine if he ran again in 2024. Peoples heads would explode.
Still giving even now;)

Could you imagine if he ran again in 2024. Peoples heads would explode.

Look he hasn't given up on being Prez now. Still planning on staying in the White House and "proving" his loss was a fraud.

Still giving even now;)

Could you imagine if he ran again in 2024. Peoples heads would explode.

Yes, well he might do. He'll have to come up with a new campaign slogan. He's already had 4 years to Make America Great, and that didn't play out so well.
Kraken, any one seen it?
This 'Kracken' Focus??
I'm delighting in watch'n a few things Crack'n ... 'The Fox and Friends', business attache' Lou Dobbs grovelling televised mea culpa debunking his own confected drivel on election fraud ... And to be re-broadcast futher on the Corpse Network.
Hard to think that the Defamatory nature of the origonal broardcast wont see Rupert writing some sorry cheques as well to Smartmatic..Crack in the dam? lets hope.
Not the Kracken of Powell's fevered imagination but the only type that was ever really likely.

There's a bit crow for others to chew for a few down these pg's. Hate to see anyone go hungry. merry Xmas.
This 'Kracken' Focus??
I'm delighting in watch'n a few things Crack'n ... 'The Fox and Friends', business attache' Lou Dobbs grovelling televised mea culpa debunking his own confected drivel on election fraud ... And to be re-broadcast futher on the Corpse Network.
Hard to think that the Defamatory nature of the origonal broardcast wont see Rupert writing some sorry cheques as well to Smartmatic..Crack in the dam? lets hope.
Not the Kracken of Powell's fevered imagination but the only type that was ever really likely.

There's a bit crow for others to chew for a few down these pg's. Hate to see anyone go hungry. merry Xmas.

I noticed that Smartmatic insisted that Lou Dobbs and co. make repeated public refutations of electoral fraud with the same spread and intensity as they made their original slanderous accusations.

Be great to see the current Liar in Chief forced to make similar ongoing statements with his repeated electoral lies. In fact an elegant solution for all these characters is being forced to publicly explain why they were so deliberately slanderous on the polls until multiple public opinion polls show a marked change in public opinion. Currently 70% of Republican voters believe Trump lost throw electoral fraud becasue of these repeated lies.:mad:

Connolly wrote that the network “would have easily discovered the falsity of statements and implications being made about Smartmatic by performing even a modicum of investigation.”

Smartmatic demanded a retraction “with the same intensity and level of coverage that you used to defame the company in the first place,” including that it be published on multiple occasions and across network platforms.

“Beyond the financial harm you have done to Smartmatic, your disinformation campaign has created personal risk for the men and women who work at the company,” Connolly wrote. “Smartmatic and its employees and management have received countless threats in the wake of your reports.”

Great opportunity to short the US MSM. They will all go broke.
Once Trump goes they will have nothing to sell (no more DTS to espouse).

P.S. There are a few posters here too that I would short if I could LOL
So all of Trumps criminal little swamp piglets are lining up to get a Get out Of Jail Free card from the Swine in Chief.:laugh:

So far we have the corrupt Congressmen, the Iraq murderers and the campaign officials who tried to hide Russias invoilvment in helping Trump get elected. Lovely hand.

I thought the wealthy Re Chris Collins who used his position to make a mint on a plunging Pharma stock was worth highlighting in predictable abuse of Presidential Office.

I wonder what the going rate for a Trump pardon is these days ?

Surely it would have to be at least $1m to his personal fighting find ? :cautious:
Donald who ?

Indeed!! No one important. Currently the most powerful person in the US and probably the world and still scheming to overturn the results of the election he lost.

But apart from that...:cautious:
He is also a totally ruthless sociopath with no boundaries either politically or socially. He is currently totally unhinged as he watches his current political career disintegrate and a host of criminal cases rising to the surface across the US.

So .. yeah. Donald who ..

So all of Trumps criminal little swamp piglets are lining up to get a Get out Of Jail Free card from the Swine in Chief.:laugh:

So far we have the corrupt Congressmen, the Iraq murderers and the campaign officials who tried to hide Russias invoilvment in helping Trump get elected. Lovely hand.

I thought the wealthy Re Chris Collins who used his position to make a mint on a plunging Pharma stock was worth highlighting in predictable abuse of Presidential Office.

Haha ha. Trump’s “ criminal little swamp piglets”.

I enjoy an iamb or four.

Describes them well.

Found this on the Don's Facebook page.

If this conspiracy theory turns out to be true, then definite cause for concern: