Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hunter Market Collapse Prophecy

19 October 2005
I strongly suspect David Hunter's 'prophesy' will be shown correct. I don't really know why; put it down to intuition, for what that will be worth to you. If you find any plausibility in what he is saying you might at least contemplate some precautionary action, as I will be in the new fy. I will be going to 30% cash July/Aug 2020 and considering a short etf position. This is obviously not advice, as I am proceeding on a hunch and what do I know, I am following. I intend to post his most pertinent ongoing tweets here as well as any interesting links to interviews or articles.

He has been saying that the US market is currently in a 'melt up', on the way to an imminent blow-off top (mere months away - September). There will follow a super rapid 'Global Deflationary Bust' wherein the market will lose 80% from the top. This bust will hit everything except the USD and associated treasuries. It will hit even gold which will halve from its +$2,000 USD top - imagine what that will do to gold stocks. The downstroke of the bust will take 12 months and the markets and hard asset values will start to recover a few months later.

There will follow a recovery cycle fuelled by government and central bank 'limitless' intervention - their final interference. Stocks will recover over the remaining years of the 2020's decade, gold will exceed $10,000 USD, other commodities will inflate and there will be an industrial boom, albeit lumbered with enormous but cheaply serviced debt. Everything will be great for asset holders until the late 2020's by which time extreme inflation will have set in, interest rates will have broken out, unemployment and bankrupcies will soar and there will follow a deflationary economic collapse - the final one, where central banks and governments will be helpless and there will ensue a secular depression.

David Hunter on twitter @DaveHcontrarian
He has been saying that the US market is currently in a 'melt up', on the way to an imminent blow-off top ...
I can 'see' that. A good way of putting it.

This bust will hit everything except the USD and associated treasuries.
Why not the US dollar. Does this mean Cash is King. I wonder how can that be if inflation is set to go rampant.
Everything will be great for asset holders until the late 2020's by which time extreme inflation will have set in, interest rates will have broken out

Disclosure: I know Jack Sheet (I met him at the pub once);)
Why not the US dollar. Does this mean Cash is King. I wonder how can that be if inflation is set to go rampant.

The inflation phase he predicts will follow the 'global deflationary bust', aka 'the second shoe to drop', that awaits directly ahead. During the deflationary bust, starting probably this September, cash will indeed, obviously, be king and the best cash will still be the USD. During the inflationary recovery cycle following the bust, cash is the last place you'd want to be.

To emphasise, when I speak dogmatically, I am either quoting or paraphrasing David Hunter's statements. I am choosing to follow his guidelines because he clearly explains a view that is like a song that one responds to that resonates with subconscious ideas or feelings that are already held.
As a concept it seems plausible and setting aside the detail of specific price levels and dates, he's not the only one saying essentially the same thing in an overall sense. :2twocents
I’ve seen many predictions this won’t be the last
Haven’t seen anything remotely close to correct
Seen plenty in hindsite
I’ll take $500 that it won’t happen
Between August and November
80% off it’s highs
Anyone up winnings to Joe !
I strongly suspect David Hunter's 'prophesy' will be shown correct. I don't really know why; put it down to intuition, for what that will be worth to you. If you find any plausibility in what he is saying you might at least contemplate some precautionary action, as I will be in the new fy. I will be going to 30% cash July/Aug 2020 and considering a short etf position. This is obviously not advice, as I am proceeding on a hunch and what do I know, I am following. I intend to post his most pertinent ongoing tweets here as well as any interesting links to interviews or articles.

He has been saying that the US market is currently in a 'melt up', on the way to an imminent blow-off top (mere months away - September). There will follow a super rapid 'Global Deflationary Bust' wherein the market will lose 80% from the top. This bust will hit everything except the USD and associated treasuries. It will hit even gold which will halve from its +$2,000 USD top - imagine what that will do to gold stocks. The downstroke of the bust will take 12 months and the markets and hard asset values will start to recover a few months later.

There will follow a recovery cycle fuelled by government and central bank 'limitless' intervention - their final interference. Stocks will recover over the remaining years of the 2020's decade, gold will exceed $10,000 USD, other commodities will inflate and there will be an industrial boom, albeit lumbered with enormous but cheaply serviced debt. Everything will be great for asset holders until the late 2020's by which time extreme inflation will have set in, interest rates will have broken out, unemployment and bankrupcies will soar and there will follow a deflationary economic collapse - the final one, where central banks and governments will be helpless and there will ensue a secular depression.

David Hunter on twitter @DaveHcontrarian

Why do you keep portraying his long term call without mentioning his current calls? Weird to come here and put words in his mouth.

I have followed him on twitter for quite a while and would suggest others do so rather than taking @finicky 's word for it.

His call is for SPX to 4000. Gold in USD to 2000. 30Y bond yield to 0.5%, or TLT to 195, DXY to 85.

Basically a massive financial asset bull and USD cash bear for some quite huge moves.

and you resonate so strongly with his "song" that you want to get short and go to cash in a couple of months? I think you are listening to the wrong radio station.
I’ll take $500 that it won’t happen
Between August and November
80% off it’s highs

So his prediction is 80% off the top at the low of the ensuing crash. The crash, or 'global deflationary bust' as he puts it, should last 12-18 months from some time in September 2020. Do you mean August and November 2021? If so, that's a reasonable take. I'm not here to bet, I might bet on a prediction that's entirely my own, this isn't. I'm here for a presentation of his ideas and predictions as I have read them and a friendly discussion of strategies.
David Hunter @DaveHcontrarian

May 29
This will be the first deflationary downturn since the 1930's. The deflation won't be benign nor will it be good for commodities. Be careful comparing cycles. This downturn is completely different than was 2000.

May 30
I'm calling for a big inflation cycle following the bust but won't begin for at least another yr. Steep deflation cycle 1st but then could see inflation back to highs of the early 1980's by the end of the decade. Fed's money pump will trigger an inflation cycle but with a long lag.
David Hunter

·Jun 1

I think the trends for gold, silver & the miners are becoming increasingly bullish. This should not be a surprise given the unprecedented degree of CB money creation. I am raising my targets across the board. Gold to $2300, silver to $35, GDX to $55, GDXJ to $100 & SIL to $75.
Just be ready for calamity. Watching a full on crash is less traumatic and fearful if you're sitting on a wad of cash, ready to take advantage of the fire sale and with the means of sitting out a few years without selling stocks at depressed prices just to make ends meet. It's investors not traders who'll feel the greatest impact because traders are fluid and fickle by nature, haha. I just hope I'm not timing it too fine waiting for the new financial year to sell just to postpone a complicated tax return.
As I see it, day to day we respond to the weather but it doesn't hurt to know what season it is and therefore what's likely coming in due course. :2twocents

We know winter is coming but you should still go to the beach in December without your beanie:)

Can someone please tell me what season it is. I am still hiding under a rock.
Just to clarify for my pals on this thread - that'd be all of you minus one lol - Dave Hunter, prophet, has consistently and clearly stated that we are currently in a market 'melt-up' which he believes will take the S&P500 to over 4,000, gold over $2,000 USD.

The collapse will come rapidly after these assets peak, some time in September he thinks (nominates Labor Day in U.S which is September 7!) He describes this coming collapse as a 'global deflationary bust' and also refers to it as "the second shoe to drop", the first shoe being the March crash. The corona virus seems to have been an unanticipated interruption to the melt up phase (this last my interpretation)
Imagine being a serious macro strategist with more than 40 years of experience on Wall Street and people put you on some kind of ****** up pedestal, calling you a prophet.
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