Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Opportunity -- Property -- After 20 yrs its here again


No Ordinary Duck
14 October 2004
I never thought Id see it again in my life time on the domestic front.

20 years ago You could buy property --rent it--and have surplus.
In Adelaide you can do it again very easily.
Lowest rates ever---Distressed sales---if your in the position to take advantage.
Very well priced 2-3rd home buyer properties---I keep away from First home buyer stock
I leave that for developments which I stopped in 2016.

Excellent opportunity going forward for Capital growth in selected areas.
Time for me at least to buy up.
will say "go for it - seems a good idea" so u feel good about it in ur head ......

what i was really thinking was that somehow i think u r in the machinery business ....... so was wondering how big a machine it would take to pick up Adelaide and move it somewhere better.
I never thought Id see it again in my life time on the domestic front.

20 years ago You could buy property --rent it--and have surplus.
In Adelaide you can do it again very easily.
Lowest rates ever---Distressed sales---if your in the position to take advantage.
Very well priced 2-3rd home buyer properties---I keep away from First home buyer stock
I leave that for developments which I stopped in 2016.

Excellent opportunity going forward for Capital growth in selected areas.
Time for me at least to buy up.
This is what I have been saying Duck, the same is in Perth, opportunity knocks.
The problem has been caused, by all this Sydney/Melbourne centered negative reporting, it has actually overshot on the down cycle, in the rest of the Country. IMO
apologies mate, i had just posted in a thread where junior was writing about a lady who talks dirty, and i got all excited and lost my head.

i do not want adelaide to be moved ..... it is far enough away for me already.

(as a landlord many years ago i was forced to move away from my properties .... the start of the end .... bad long-distance stories .....)
Yes SP

Mates in the west are saying the same.

will say "go for it - seems a good idea" so u feel good about it in ur head ......

what i was really thinking was that somehow i think u r in the machinery business ....... so was wondering how big a machine it would take to pick up Adelaide and move it somewhere better.

Im sure there are opportunities in most states.

apologies mate, i had just posted in a thread where junior was writing about a lady who talks dirty, and i got all excited and lost my head.

i do not want adelaide to be moved ..... it is far enough away for me already.

(as a landlord many years ago I was forced to move away from my properties .... the start of the end .... bad long-distance stories .....)

Certainly had my share of stories but I physically remove them if I have to .
Plenty of Cop mates I train with ---they don't argue.

Sure like anything there will always be challenges but Id feel guilty in 5 yrs time
if I hadn't posted this up!

Latest was a 4 bed 6 yr old Property 1 street from the beach 750 squ meter block all bedrooms
with walk in robes. Aircond etc. Sold Early 2018 $520K Now Contracted by me at $465K + Stamp Duty
Interest only say 3.5% Approx $330 a week
I have a few lined up at $450 a week. (in the superfund!).
I expect capital gain of 3% a year (First 3 years) increasing to 5 or more .
NSW has a bit to go yet, but agree with tech. Opportunities are springing up.
Here in my area its common for some forced to sell $100K under what they brought the land and built for.
Interesting proposition TA. Just wondering about a couple of points.
1) Are there any concerns about poor construction? New can be great but build quality can be a concern in quick build spec homes.

2) Could there be an issue with rising sea levels? One street back from the beach. Just thinking that the reality of rising sea levels is closer than most people realise. Even if it doesn't happen soon , IMV I think there is risk insurance companies may start to red line properties at risk of sea level rises. :2twocents
Yes SP

Mates in the west are saying the same.

Im sure there are opportunities in most states.

Certainly had my share of stories but I physically remove them if I have to .
Plenty of Cop mates I train with ---they don't argue.

Sure like anything there will always be challenges but Id feel guilty in 5 yrs time
if I hadn't posted this up!

Latest was a 4 bed 6 yr old Property 1 street from the beach 750 squ meter block all bedrooms
with walk in robes. Aircond etc. Sold Early 2018 $520K Now Contracted by me at $465K + Stamp Duty
Interest only say 3.5% Approx $330 a week
I have a few lined up at $450 a week. (in the superfund!).
I expect capital gain of 3% a year (First 3 years) increasing to 5 or more .
soz for derail ...was waiting pre to clear and thought funny (or not so ...)

hindsight tells me i should have avoided most of my capital amount being in 2 rental properties in my early post apprenticeship years, and then moved states and lost control, but alls well that ends well ......
(hey spt, u stirred up memories in the other, i used to live in rocky - vista avenue - and remember a brand new housing estate on the way to mand on the beach - no houses - so a great place to "tune" my MG)
Interesting proposition TA. Just wondering about a couple of points.
1) Are there any concerns about poor construction? New can be great but build quality can be a concern in quick build spec homes.

2) Could there be an issue with rising sea levels? One street back from the beach. Just thinking that the reality of rising sea levels is closer than most people realise. Even if it doesn't happen soon , IMV I think there is risk insurance companies may start to red line properties at risk of sea level rises. :2twocents
sorta did/have

i was declined nearly 10 years ago when levels were raised, so just found alternate ..... that was after local council had a throwdown and refused to process development applications in those areas whilst they had a "review". Once it was decided that it was all too hard to work out they raised the floor heights by 30cm and life moved on (aussie has been building on flood land for a long time).

i live channel fed waterfront "inland salt water" so basically a little out of kilter with tidal moves and amounts. After 30 years i do not see any changes in visual levels ..... the tidal levels are just as i remember them ........not saying it is not a thing but just not a thing yet for mine .... (and when it is i will buy rocks and dirt ...... and after that i will be dead).
Interesting proposition TA. Just wondering about a couple of points.
1) Are there any concerns about poor construction? New can be great but build quality can be a concern in quick build spec homes.

2) Could there be an issue with rising sea levels? One street back from the beach. Just thinking that the reality of rising sea levels is closer than most people realise. Even if it doesn't happen soon , IMV I think there is risk insurance companies may start to red line properties at risk of sea level rises. :2twocents

No I’m a builder ( civil) so haven’t seen any I look at

I’m on The Esplanade myself and this one is pretty close
Levels would need to rise 20 feet for an issue
Not in my lifetime
No I’m a builder ( civil) so haven’t seen any I look at

I’m on The Esplanade myself and this one is pretty close
Levels would need to rise 20 feet for an issue
Not in my lifetime
what i was really thinking was that somehow i think u r in the machinery business ....... so was wondering how big a machine it would take to pick up Adelaide and move it somewhere better.
Maybe off track a bit, but I couldn't stop laughing though. Only wished for Tech'y to scoop up CANberrah as well.
The problem has been caused, by all this Sydney/Melbourne centered negative reporting, it has actually overshot on the down cycle, in the rest of the Country. IMO
There's really a few different markets in this context I think.

Sydney & Melbourne

All other state and territory capitals

Significantly sized regional towns. Anywhere big enough that it's got several banks, major national chain shops, sports facilities, etc.

Towns which exist solely to serve an industry or even one particular company.

Small towns, farms and remote areas.

Pretty much all the media and government focus is on the first group which ignores where 60% of the population actually lives.:2twocents
For me Kid it’s about location
What I know from past experience
So my approach is narrow

I look for Southern Beaches if you google it
Beach side of Commercial and South Road
From Christie’s Beach to Sellicks Beach

I want appeal to 2 nd and 3rd home buyers so has to be a bit
Out of the box with LAND for continued improvements

When settled I’ll post it up ( the latest one )
Maybe off track a bit, but I couldn't stop laughing though. Only wished for Tech'y to scoop up CANberrah as well.
soz again tech
not canberra per se, but there is a very very nice part of the ACT that is on the coast (often forgot about). Daily commute would be a hassle though.
I agree with the sentiment tech/a but up until May I never owned property before.

I'm at the opposite end of the country to you, Townsville QLD, but there are some real bargains to be had I think if you're happy holding and can get a mortgage(or maybe not necessary depending on your position) with all the hoopla about lending at the moment.

Took my place 2 months to settle as it was part resi/part commercial - management rights if anyone is interested - had multiple friends purchase & settle straight resi properties between offer/settlement of mine.