Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

Donald Trump addressing his campaign rally 11 hours after the Pittsburg synagogue massacre.

"With what happened early today, that horrible, horrible attack in Pittsburgh, I was saying maybe I should cancel both this and that. And then I said to myself, I remembered Dick Russell, a friend of mine, great guy, he headed up the New York Stock Exchange on September 11th, and the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Illinois. “He said—and what they had to do to open it you wouldn’t believe, we won’t even talk to you about it. But he got that exchange open. We can’t make these sick, demented, evil people important.”

What was wrong with this statement ?
Donald Trump addressing his campaign rally 11 hours after the Pittsburg synagogue massacre.

"With what happened early today, that horrible, horrible attack in Pittsburgh, I was saying maybe I should cancel both this and that. And then I said to myself, I remembered Dick Russell, a friend of mine, great guy, he headed up the New York Stock Exchange on September 11th, and the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Illinois. “He said—and what they had to do to open it you wouldn’t believe, we won’t even talk to you about it. But he got that exchange open. We can’t make these sick, demented, evil people important.”

What was wrong with this statement ?

"No, President Trump, the NYSE did not open the day after the Sept. 11 attacks"
The sad part is he probably doesn't care how often he makes a tit of himself. I guess he has been doing it all his life and feels being a dumb cluck (for want of a better description) never held him back from getting or doing what he wanted. Apart from that, they have been dumbing down the entire nation for years and most would just accept what he says as they have been taught.

Anagrams are wonderful things. Rearange the letters of a name to find a truth about someone. This is one I really like...."Donald Trump, President of the United States of America" -> "Master dud, from pathetic need of persistent adulation."

Here is a link to more fun anagrams at Trump's expense...
How does Donald Trump get away with it ? He opens a campaign rally to gee up the faithful with a fabrication about the New York Stock exchange opening the day after 9/11.

It’s a lie that a slow 9 year old can prove. It’s a lie that has provoked no response from his cabinet, the Republician party or the Fox led conservative press that abdicated any journalistic integrity regarding the Liar in Chief.

This lie could be a monumental piece of ignorance or a coolly deliberate effort by the President to prove that Donald Trump can say whatever he xucking likes and no one (except the lying Liberal media) will challenge his statements. Either way he is unfit to be President.

But in the end he is only there because the circus around him refuses to put him back in his cage. And also because the galley of swooning supporters still eat his merde with pinched noses or wild enthusiasm.

I like Anns comment about the “sadness” of how Donald Trump has managed to make a tit of himself over a lifetime. But the reality is when he is allowed to get away with such clear lying self serving rubbish there are no boundaries left in the public sphere to shame him out of office.

In the days of the Roman Empire Caligula ruled through fear and even appointed his horse as a Senator – and got away with it. The US has a horses xrse as President and still manages to get millions to kiss him or give him the thumbs up.

I think it’s insane.
How does Donald Trump get away with it ? He opens a campaign rally to gee up the faithful with a fabrication about the New York Stock exchange opening the day after 9/11.

It’s a lie that a slow 9 year old can prove. It’s a lie that has provoked no response from his cabinet, the Republician party or the Fox led conservative press that abdicated any journalistic integrity regarding the Liar in Chief.

This lie could be a monumental piece of ignorance or a coolly deliberate effort by the President to prove that Donald Trump can say whatever he xucking likes and no one (except the lying Liberal media) will challenge his statements. Either way he is unfit to be President.

But in the end he is only there because the circus around him refuses to put him back in his cage. And also because the galley of swooning supporters still eat his merde with pinched noses or wild enthusiasm.

I like Anns comment about the “sadness” of how Donald Trump has managed to make a tit of himself over a lifetime. But the reality is when he is allowed to get away with such clear lying self serving rubbish there are no boundaries left in the public sphere to shame him out of office.

In the days of the Roman Empire Caligula ruled through fear and even appointed his horse as a Senator – and got away with it. The US has a horses xrse as President and still manages to get millions to kiss him or give him the thumbs up.

I think it’s insane.

It's not possible to watch a Trump speech without going WTF after each of his sentence. There's so many lies and nonsense it's hard to tell whether he's intentionally lying or he just doesn't know and is either making it up or saw it on Fox&Friends.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the world is close to a climate tipping point with both natural disasters literally changing the landscape, cities and infrastructures.. both in the US and around the world. So that's one big security/economic prosperity issue.

Then there's endless wars eating away at the national budget. Causing millions of deaths and who knows how many enemies around the world.

There's the increasing poverty at home, domestic unrest just under the surface...

Then there's the rising power that's not going to settle for second place or be anybody's lapdog.

Under any one of these difficulties a country need one of those once in a century kind of leadership to hopefully solve it peacefully.

Here the US got a loud mouthed, lying, bigoted idiot with no ability and no experience to run any country let alone a proper global empire. I mean, you might as well hand the throne to a five year old.

And to make things worst, this five year old picked as senior advisor people he know, people who profess to share the same idealogy... pushing aside critical, more intelligent minded people.

TDS is quite interesting.

If Trump genuinely tells as many incredible, evil, heinous lies as folks like you are making out, why are you forced to focus on small ones and exaggerate them out of all proportion?

You're literally focussing on one bit of misinformation which was obviously a mistake (I don't support or condone it by the way, but it was a clearly unintentional mistake of virtually no consequence, and his opponents routinely tell significant deliberate lies) and acting like it's some sort of incredible act, which you wouldn't be doing if there actually were all the many real examples you claim.

Whether or not the stock exchange opened on a particular day over 15 years ago is not important. Yes, he got it wrong, no, it's not a bit deal whether or not it opened on that day, yes, it is true that he shouldn't have spoken like that without being sure, no, it clearly wasn't a deliberate lie. If it was deliberate he would know people would pick it up and it would go against him. He didn't have anything much to gain from it and it was guaranteed to be picked up, unlikely a genuine lie which he would believe was unlikely to be picked up and would give him significant gain.

If you're using this example with such enthusiasm, you clearly don't have better alternatives, which means you're pushing a false narrative (which you presumably actually believed after it was pushed on you by the mainstream media and woolly masses). This is not an email scandal or Benghazi level incident, or anything as bad as what you'll see literally every few minutes on CNN.
Trump, despite all his failings, is the President that the USA needed to have at this time in history.
(Hillary would have been a disaster for the USA).

I have seen so many interviews of people complaining about him not being able to articulate why they are protesting. Usually they have nothing to say except, in depth debating points like "f#ck you", when asked.

They will probably need a second term from him.
Hillary would have been a disaster for the USA. True dat...

Because one of those f#ke letter bombs might have gone to the US president :)

@dutchie - what are these Trump failings you speak of ?
It appears everyone has an opinion about President Trump that divides ASF into two camps with the middle missing.

Not unique but some posts on the ASF can overstep the mark to alienate others.

Whether you like President Trump or not you have to agree his communication skills are quite unique.

TDS is quite interesting.

If Trump genuinely tells as many incredible, evil, heinous lies as folks like you are making out, why are you forced to focus on small ones and exaggerate them out of all proportion?

You're literally focussing on one bit of misinformation which was obviously a mistake (I don't support or condone it by the way, but it was a clearly unintentional mistake of virtually no consequence, and his opponents routinely tell significant deliberate lies) and acting like it's some sort of incredible act, which you wouldn't be doing if there actually were all the many real examples you claim.

Whether or not the stock exchange opened on a particular day over 15 years ago is not important. Yes, he got it wrong, no, it's not a bit deal whether or not it opened on that day, yes, it is true that he shouldn't have spoken like that without being sure, no, it clearly wasn't a deliberate lie. If it was deliberate he would know people would pick it up and it would go against him. He didn't have anything much to gain from it and it was guaranteed to be picked up, unlikely a genuine lie which he would believe was unlikely to be picked up and would give him significant gain.

If you're using this example with such enthusiasm, you clearly don't have better alternatives, which means you're pushing a false narrative (which you presumably actually believed after it was pushed on you by the mainstream media and woolly masses). This is not an email scandal or Benghazi level incident, or anything as bad as what you'll see literally every few minutes on CNN.

That or it's to show that Trump is a pathological liar who just make shite up, big or small.

But you might be missing to point as to why Trump is trying to excuse his not turning up to the memorial of those killed.

One, he weren't invited. Two, the reason behind the murders makes it very difficult to score political points.

I mean, the psycho that shoot up the place... well, he doesn't like Jews for one. But he also excuse his killing with trying "to save America" from "disloyal" Jews who's opening the gates for those "refugees" Muslims/Terrorist and drug cartel on its way to invading America.

The Synagogue has a strong organisation that's been critical of Trump's racist, anti-Muslim bs. That and they are actively trying to help settle refugees, providing free legal advise and such at asylum claim hearings etc.

So if you're the douche who've been touting about evil terrorist "middle eastern" and drug cartel coming over to rape and terrorise the (White) Americans... and some psycho with an automatic rifle managed to link the two and two...

So maybe Trump is a hidden genius... that or his handlers just tell him to not turn up to Pittsburg and continue on saying bs to distract everybody.
Luutzu, we are entitled to our views.

Faith, Family, Truth and Freedom.


I have mentioned Ronald Reagan a few times.

If we ever forget we are One Nation Under God, we will be a nation gone under.

In Australia, our preamble is

Under Almighty God.
Luutzu, we are entitled to our views.

Faith, Family, Truth and Freedom.


I have mentioned Ronald Reagan a few times.

If we ever forget we are One Nation Under God, we will be a nation gone under.

In Australia, our preamble is

Under Almighty God.

Trump, like all Western leaders, claim to be pious and all Christian. Right?

Beside him mouthing off his obedience and worship of The Almighty, which of his actions would Jesus approve?

Family? Love your wife (wives?), faithful to them?

Heal the sick? Feed the poor? Welcome strangers? Love thy neighbour?

It's not my opinion, I'm measuring Trump against your own Christian values. He's coming up tiny and short.
Gosh, this potentially innocuous subject of Trump's tweets and faux pas seems to have dissolved into a combative Trump hate thread, which is a pity. His errors are sad and unfortunate most of the time but do offer a degree of humour if read in a light hearted manner.

Instead of spoiling a nice light hearted thread why not start a "I Really Hate Trump Because...." thread and lets spill all our pent up vitriol into that one. With a title like that, we who don't have that much anger inside, can avoid it unless we want to check out the boys brawling with each other over a pointless argument! Just sayin' :)
I'm not sure it's an "innocuous" subject. Trump's actions effect everyone, particularly the less fortunate.
Bad things do happen when people just stand by and watch, look at other places in the World with human rights violations.