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Latest tweets by The Donald

Is the idea to get people working and off welfare?
Americans are pretty hardcore against handouts.

I'm not up to speed on whats official policy. And media has dirtied the water on whats real.

They've gutted welfare to able-bodied people a long time ago.

I odn't know the details, but in some state they already have laws where you're only allow some 5 years of "entitlement" during your lifetime.

This latest round is to get sick and elderly grannies back to work. They literally say it's given them "freedom, dignity" and some bs at the press conference.

There's also cuts to nutrition programme for primary school kids in poor neighbourhood. That is, they know that those kids goes to bed hungry and having school is where they can get a full meal... yet they're cutting it.

Just yesterday, Trump ordered [or proposed] a 5% across the board cut to all domestic social services.

See, it's the budget deficit. Gotta be responsible and spend wisely once you gave $2Trillion and some to corporations and the rich.
Sometime, thought lead to deeds. Deed often need an opportunity.

Trump has the opportunity, the authority. How has his deeds measure up?

Taking food from kids and poverty stricken people... Jesus would not approve.

Overlooking the literally butchering of people because there's money to be made, and actually saying and repeating it like it's something obviously honourable...

A slimy garden slug have more character than that.

I suppose it's a matter of navigating through the overt bias of the US press and getting to the people themselves. Latest Gallop poll shows his approval rating is same as Clinton, Obama, Reagan for same period. Nixon was 14% higher ... go figure.
I suppose it's a matter of navigating through the overt bias of the US press and getting to the people themselves. Latest Gallop poll shows his approval rating is same as Clinton, Obama, Reagan for same period. Nixon was 14% higher ... go figure.

The US mainstream press are not bias against Trump. Sure, Fox cannot see anything wrong with most of what Trump does, but the "liberal" press focuses on minor, ad-grabbing misdemeanours and never goes for any serious analysis.

Well, maybe now and then when the editor is off on holidays.

Nixon is said to be their last liberal president. He was the one that passed the Clean Air Act and other regulation. Imagine that, passing laws and actually enforcing it to protect air and water.

That's a lot more impressive than mouthing off about cleanliness is very, very, very important "to me", very important. Then set about not doing anything to enforce against polluters.

From Chomsky's collection "Who Rules the World" (I think), he discussed how Nixon got ousted not so much for the Watergate scandal but more because he call rich people like Watson Jr of IBM bad names.

That Watergate is like petty crimes compare to the breaking of COINTELPRO

The FBI doing illegal entrapment, murder, assassination and general policing of American hippies and activists didn't get any mention.
This is brilliant! You're so deep in TDS, if I hadn't seen several of your other posts I'd think you were satirising the insanity of TDS.

Any decent, free thinking person would be offended by everything that Trump say.

Hahaha! HAHAHAHA! Ah, this is brilliant! You're so clouded by your derangement that you literally see everything he says as offensive. In reality, of course, while he may say things which offend snowflakes from time to time with some validity, obviously the vast majority of what he says has no legitimate reason to offend anyone.

As to be offended because Trump is Trump. I can care less about that conman, failed business "self made" psychopathic, immoral, know nothing idiot.

If a 'failed businessman' is a billionaire, he'll probably do until a successful businessman comes along! It's really funny when people like you say he's a failure, he knows nothing, he's ineffective, etc... when he literally came along with zero political experience, the entire political system and media against him, and on a tiny, tiny percentage of their official budget, not even including the opposition of the entire system, be comfortably beat them! And you STILL believe he is ineffective etc! He did what no one else could do while everyone else was trying to stop him. I'm not sure what your bar for 'capable' is, perhaps you'd like to give an example of someone?

And it's not a tantrum, it's a rant, with facts :cool:

The fact that you believe your nonsense is factual makes your tantrum even more of a tantrum.

Amazing case of TDS.
The US mainstream press are not bias against Trump.


It's amazing! Unless you're an incredibly patient, extreme troll, you are actually somehow capable of believing that!

It's amazing! Unless you're an incredibly patient, extreme troll, you are actually somehow capable of believing that!

Lao Tzu said, the highest truth are rarely seen and hardly known :D

I don't mean to be rude and stuff, but you really need to catch up on how the media industry, the "free press" and rea'l politik works man.
This is brilliant! You're so deep in TDS, if I hadn't seen several of your other posts I'd think you were satirising the insanity of TDS.

You know you cannot just make up a mental illness and assign people and expect people to take you seriously. Only Trump can feel in his gut he's great at science because his uncle taught at Harvard and so CC is not real at all.

Hahaha! HAHAHAHA! Ah, this is brilliant! You're so clouded by your derangement that you literally see everything he says as offensive. In reality, of course, while he may say things which offend snowflakes from time to time with some validity, obviously the vast majority of what he says has no legitimate reason to offend anyone.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a few of Trump's classic quote and I'll tell you how it either is factually incorrect or morally offensive, or both.

If a 'failed businessman' is a billionaire, he'll probably do until a successful businessman comes along! It's really funny when people like you say he's a failure, he knows nothing, he's ineffective, etc... when he literally came along with zero political experience, the entire political system and media against him, and on a tiny, tiny percentage of their official budget, not even including the opposition of the entire system, be comfortably beat them! And you STILL believe he is ineffective etc! He did what no one else could do while everyone else was trying to stop him. I'm not sure what your bar for 'capable' is, perhaps you'd like to give an example of someone?

Did you know that Trump the Great inherited about $500M from his dad? Didn't pay much tax on it too. BUt that's another story.

Now, if he were to put that $500M into an index fund back in the 70s or 80s when he inherited it, and chase skirts for the rest of his life... he'd truly have about $10B.

But what is his net worth before being president? Some estimate put it at about $3.5 to maybe $10B.

I guess he's brilliant in not pizzing it all away.

As to the presidency... any "outsider" running in 2016 would have won.

Bernie Sanders would likely have become president if the DNC didn't cheat him and put HRC in the top ticket.

And Sanders came from nothing, no name recognition, no fake business tycoon blowhard self-promoting nonsense... and near zero press coverage.

Look up research and estimates by the mainstream media CEO themselves. They estimate that the free airtime they gave Trump was about $1B.

They literally rather show empty Trump podium, in anticipation of Trump's arrival then show massive rallies that Sanders is having at the same time.

They literally fired an MSNBC host - ed Schultz if I remember right... fired him because he went against their order and want to cover, give more air time to Sanders.

The fact that you believe your nonsense is factual makes your tantrum even more of a tantrum.

Amazing case of TDS.

You heard of fake opposition right? Mate, Fox news is already taking the right wingers. The "liberal media" can't go that right... so they do bs opposition and criticism.

You know you cannot just make up a mental illness and assign people and expect people to take you seriously. Only Trump can feel in his gut he's great at science because his uncle taught at Harvard and so CC is not real at all.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a few of Trump's classic quote and I'll tell you how it either is factually incorrect or morally offensive, or both.

Did you know that Trump the Great inherited about $500M from his dad? Didn't pay much tax on it too. BUt that's another story.

Now, if he were to put that $500M into an index fund back in the 70s or 80s when he inherited it, and chase skirts for the rest of his life... he'd truly have about $10B.

But what is his net worth before being president? Some estimate put it at about $3.5 to maybe $10B.

I guess he's brilliant in not pizzing it all away.

As to the presidency... any "outsider" running in 2016 would have won.

Bernie Sanders would likely have become president if the DNC didn't cheat him and put HRC in the top ticket.

And Sanders came from nothing, no name recognition, no fake business tycoon blowhard self-promoting nonsense... and near zero press coverage.

Look up research and estimates by the mainstream media CEO themselves. They estimate that the free airtime they gave Trump was about $1B.

They literally rather show empty Trump podium, in anticipation of Trump's arrival then show massive rallies that Sanders is having at the same time.

They literally fired an MSNBC host - ed Schultz if I remember right... fired him because he went against their order and want to cover, give more air time to Sanders.

You heard of fake opposition right? Mate, Fox news is already taking the right wingers. The "liberal media" can't go that right... so they do bs opposition and criticism.


That's an awful lot of mental gymnastics you are putting yourself through to maintain your TDS!

Regurgitating nonsense from the biased mainstream media and believing it doesn't make it true.

You say literally everything that Trump says should offend every decent person. This is insane. The majority of what he says is reporting on things (such as black and Latino unemployment being at the lowest rates in 50 years, etc), inviting people to rallies, wanting to look after the country, etc. If that offends you, you're a moron. You then request 'classic quotes' only to use as proof that *everything* he says is offensive, and the media only uses 'offensive' (usually twisted out of context etc, but sometimes genuinely, legitimately offensive) quotes to turn into 'classic' quotes, because clearly the media is biased against him, yet you somehow try to say otherwise.

Okay, perhaps he is best known for saying 'Make America Great Again'. How is that offensive? Without falsely attributing your own meanings to it, this statement simply means improving the country and getting rid of a lot of the problems any sane person can see the country has, focussing largely on economics.

Trump makes a spectacle of himself, knowing it will get him air time and free exposure because it will get ratings, and you call him stupid. Other than Fox and a couple of smaller ones, they are completely and utterly against him, yet you can't see this? Is Hollywood also pro Trump? Google? Jump on Facebook and look at just about anything, it's all anti Trump. Even the science pages like Scientific American and New Scientist literally have more anti Trump content than anything related to science. If your TDS allows you to see this as pro Trump, I am incapable of imagining what it would need to get to for you to see it as anti!

One thing I like about you is that you're so ridiculous you're unlikely to convince anyone.
Well congratulations Sjaji.. !! Absolutely. You can go the upper echelons of "The Admirers of the Great Donald Trump" - truly Gods gift to the US and all Right Thinking, Noble people:eek:

But for the sake of reality and what a total tosser this creature is (regardless of your impassioned defence) check out just how he decided to destroy Dr Christine Blassy Ford at his rally. And mind you he was totally proud of these efforts Sjaji. He reckons this got his little bum boy over the line.

And the whole article is worth a read and a think.

The Most Striking Thing About Trump's Mockery of Christine Blasey Ford
The president’s jokes at the expense of the woman who told her story of sexual assault are yet another reminder: Laughter is a luxury. And, often, a weapon.

On Tuesday evening, at a rally in Mississippi, Donald Trump did what Donald Trump is so often apt to do: He dispensed with the former niceties. The Trump of last week had been, in public settings, generally respectful of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who had come forward to allege that the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when she was 15. The Trump of this week, however, reverted to the mode that is his most common and, it would seem, his most comfortable: mockery.

I had one beer,” the president, imitating Ford, said, thrusting his index finger upward to emphasize the number. He kept the digit upraised. “I had one beer!

The president then added another character to his routine: an anonymous interrogator of Ford. “Well, do you think it was—” he began to ask.

Nope!” he said, gleefully interrupting himself and his fictional questioner. “It was one beer.” The joke built speed. “How did you get home? I don’t remember. How did you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.

At this, the crowd at the rally guffawed. They cheered. They broke out into applause. The president, thus galvanized, thus supported, thus loved, continued his one-man interrogation: “What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember.
One could almost detect, lurking within the laughter, relief. This was the punch line, it seems, the crowd had been waiting for: the long-running, slow-building joke made at the expense of the woman who has been—by the president, and by so many other people in power in America—treated as an inconvenience. It was laughter, cavernous and cruel, that doubled as a kind of incantation: laughter that attempted to expand in its reverberations, seeking out Christine Blasey Ford in the realm that, over the past several days, she has come to occupy in the minds of many Americans—the realm of heroism, of self-sacrifice, of bravery—and then, once it had found her, to put her back in her rightful place. Last Friday, President Trump remarked that “I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman.” On Tuesday, he regressed to the mean. The president mocked. The crowd laughed. The status quo had maintained its status; order, echoing against the walls of the arena, had been restored.

There’s been a lot of talk, of late, about laughter. Laughter as power. Laughter as luxury. Laughter as empathy. Laughter as beauty. Laughter as philosophy. Laughter as complicity. Laughter as division. The current political moment has been in one way a lesson in how easily jokes can be weaponized: Jokes can win elections. Jokes can insist that, despite so much evidence to the contrary, lol nothing matters. Jokes can contribute to the post-truth logic of things. They can lighten and enlighten and complicate and delight; they can also mock and hate and lie and make the world objectively worse for the people living in it—and then, when questioned, respond with the only thing a joke knows how to say, in the end: “I was only kidding.”
focussing largely on economics.

Even the science pages like Scientific American and New Scientist literally have more anti Trump content than anything related to science.

Does it ever cross your mind to realise that the scientific community simply recognise that the most powerful leader in the world is a scientific illiterate who is determined to destroy any attempt at a world wide response to CC ? In what universe would scientists who totally understand what is happening in the real world have any respect for the wanton scientific idiocy of Donald Trump ?
That's an awful lot of mental gymnastics you are putting yourself through to maintain your TDS!

Regurgitating nonsense from the biased mainstream media and believing it doesn't make it true.

You say literally everything that Trump says should offend every decent person. This is insane. The majority of what he says is reporting on things (such as black and Latino unemployment being at the lowest rates in 50 years, etc), inviting people to rallies, wanting to look after the country, etc. If that offends you, you're a moron. You then request 'classic quotes' only to use as proof that *everything* he says is offensive, and the media only uses 'offensive' (usually twisted out of context etc, but sometimes genuinely, legitimately offensive) quotes to turn into 'classic' quotes, because clearly the media is biased against him, yet you somehow try to say otherwise.

Okay, perhaps he is best known for saying 'Make America Great Again'. How is that offensive? Without falsely attributing your own meanings to it, this statement simply means improving the country and getting rid of a lot of the problems any sane person can see the country has, focussing largely on economics.

Trump makes a spectacle of himself, knowing it will get him air time and free exposure because it will get ratings, and you call him stupid. Other than Fox and a couple of smaller ones, they are completely and utterly against him, yet you can't see this? Is Hollywood also pro Trump? Google? Jump on Facebook and look at just about anything, it's all anti Trump. Even the science pages like Scientific American and New Scientist literally have more anti Trump content than anything related to science. If your TDS allows you to see this as pro Trump, I am incapable of imagining what it would need to get to for you to see it as anti!

One thing I like about you is that you're so ridiculous you're unlikely to convince anyone.

I'm not here to convince anyone. I'm here to show certain people they're all wrong :cool:

Oh look... IT titans, silicone valley hippies... all there to either tell Trump they're against him or getting fed.

Let's see... L to R... Jr., smartest bestest daughter ever, some douche... Bezos, that guy from Google, that lady from Facebook, another douche, the Emperor, that gay guy who cofounded PayPal; that other gay guy running Apple; some Asian bigwig.


$6Billion in free airtime.

Opps, I thought it was a measley $1B.....


MAGA is not offensive. Every leader ought to make their country great, again or not.

It's a lie though isn't it?

How did the Donald set out to MAGA?

If you understand economics, geopolitics, some history, international relation, Christian value, budgeting, business... MAGA is a flop and a scam.

But it sure make a few people very rich though. So I guess you got to start where at the very tippy top.


Unemployment rates are so full of crap it no longer resemble anywhere close to reality.

But to be fair, he does say a couple truths now and then.

Truth such as the Koreans cannot do a damn thing without him saying so. Or SA wouldn't last two weeks without US military support.

You're not supposed to say stuff like that. It give those natives the wrong idea that their leaders are just puppets.
Let's see... L to R... Jr., smartest bestest daughter ever, some douche... Bezos, that guy from Google, that lady from Facebook, another douche, the Emperor, that gay guy who cofounded PayPal; that other gay guy running Apple; some Asian bigwig.



That 'some douche" looks like Donald Jnr. So Apprentice Douche?
That 'some douche" looks like Donald Jnr. So Apprentice Douche?

I think Jr. is to the right of Ivanka. That douche is not pale enough or freaky looking enough to be Jared the "invisible genius"... no idea.

There's pictures of Bill Gates at Trump Tower; Elon Musk with Trump...

I guess whoever wears the ring need to be kissed and begged if you want welfare through national security white elephants.
You folks are amazing! It's most amusing.

It's quite funny the way you say you're here to prove me wrong, just as it has been from the beginning, when all of your type said I was crazy when as soon as he announced he was running I said he'd win. They mocked and laughed when I bet on him. The entire media went crazy saying it was impossible, people like you had no doubt they were right.

It doesn't matter how wrong you are, how obvious it is. You just keep believing you're right. When you turn out to be wrong again, you point to something irrelevant and say that's the important thing.

I've never even said I like him, but you all go crazy telling me I do. Look at the tantrums you post! They really are something :)

You folks are amazing! It's most amusing.

It's quite funny the way you say you're here to prove me wrong, just as it has been from the beginning, when all of your type said I was crazy when as soon as he announced he was running I said he'd win. They mocked and laughed when I bet on him. The entire media went crazy saying it was impossible, people like you had no doubt they were right.

It doesn't matter how wrong you are, how obvious it is. You just keep believing you're right. When you turn out to be wrong again, you point to something irrelevant and say that's the important thing.

I've never even said I like him, but you all go crazy telling me I do. Look at the tantrums you post! They really are something :)

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Where do you get this idea that I'm somehow some part of some (lefty) clique?

btw, how could I be one of those lefty, mainstream media loving Clintonites if I said the mainstream media is for Trump, if I said HRC cheated Sanders out of the nomination?

You would make more logical sense if you accused me of being a Russian spy or something.

But just in case, I am my own man, damn it. :D

Just so you know, even Trump himself didn't believe he could win. If you bother to look at how his campaign began, how there were none, nada, zip organisational structure set up by him to take himself beyond a few rounds of self-promotion on national TV...

Dude, you don't need to say you like Trump for readers to know you like/admire the douche. Just like Trump doesn't need to tell people he's lying for (most of them) to know he's full of crap.

Anyway, if you want some sort of discussion on the topic I can help you see the light. I don't like things to get personal. It offends my Chi, Karma and Feng Shui.