That’s just it 2020 it’s not that cut and dry and I’m sure the US is putting the laws in their favor so he doesn’t simply walk on a technicality. If he had of been caught by the northern alliance he would be dead so at least his still breathing. Is it right he hasn’t had a trial no ,is he lucky to still be alive yes
Yeah in a perfect world let me know where it is.Wasnt it Illegal for us to go into Iraqi ,so you can scratch a few of those international conventions and treaties off the list.Dont hold your breath for the above list to be followed anytime soon
Its more like money ,news Ramps and how pollies interpret public opinion. Check out the Bilal Skaf case and tell me public opinion on the pollies didn’t influence that decision.When the public cares enough the pollies will probably do something.
Yes the law does matter.But take what you will from it ,but I dont care that Hicks is in his current situation.And considering he made a choice of living that lifestyle I dont care that he hasnt been returned home just yet.And untill Maj Mori can spin a bit more and do it for long enough for sentiment to change.Then I doubt the public cares that much atm either.
international conventions or treaties;
practice of states;
general principles of domestic law;
judicial decisions;
teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations;
Yeah in a perfect world let me know where it is.Wasnt it Illegal for us to go into Iraqi ,so you can scratch a few of those international conventions and treaties off the list.Dont hold your breath for the above list to be followed anytime soon
Its more like money ,news Ramps and how pollies interpret public opinion. Check out the Bilal Skaf case and tell me public opinion on the pollies didn’t influence that decision.When the public cares enough the pollies will probably do something.
Yes the law does matter.But take what you will from it ,but I dont care that Hicks is in his current situation.And considering he made a choice of living that lifestyle I dont care that he hasnt been returned home just yet.And untill Maj Mori can spin a bit more and do it for long enough for sentiment to change.Then I doubt the public cares that much atm either.