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Re: XAO Analysis

End of a crazy day. I think I have adrenaline burnout

Anyone game to make comments about what will happen over the weekend?

Same, big day, big week. Guessing market probably Ok till later in week. Still lot of crap to come.
Anyway, w/end starts now for me, off to pub.
Re: XAO Analysis

A question for those with (much) more knowledge.

Just an observation ( have been doing some research on E/W in past days).

If Im counting correctly aren't we due for another leg down at some stage soon?:nuts:
Re: XAO Analysis


Market has gone BUNTA!!!

I know this won't last forever but let's revell whilst we can and sorry shorters but you've done me no favours recently.


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Re: XAO Analysis


Market has gone BUNTA!!!

Why are you so surprised?

Heck, even a poor old house cat saw it coming.

Re: XAO Analysis

Why are you so surprised?

Heck, even a poor old house cat saw it coming.

We all knew it was coming... but never on this magnitude... that's what surprised me... comon guys, be truthful... did u think it would recover this fast?

Almost 500pts from bottom to peak in less than 24hrs....

The amount of agressive buying over this global rally has really surprised me... this has got to be one of the largest one day recovery in history...

Re: XAO Analysis

to be followed soon by the biggest one day fall across the globe in history , watch this space things are warming up for the sucker punch that will knock ya socks off....... only my opinion , listen dont listen gunna be intresting regardless
Re: XAO Analysis

No, I didn't expect this sort of a bounce... because I really didn't think this 'pot hole' would get so deep.

But as it got deeper I could see no other option than the US regulators really jumping on 'suspicious' activity particularly 'naked' shorting, since they had threatened to previously if the market couldn't regulate itself.

I think it's just going to be a fact of life now that a few greedy and unscroupulous operators have tried to exploit the market going up then down again and got the lawmakers really pissed off enough to force their hand to more heavily regulate and monitor the system.

While some problems still exist in the US it just seemed inevetable that something like this would happen... I can't just recall the exact phrase I used some time ago (U F might recall )... bit it was basically that the worst of the US economic fallout would be deferred to another day.
Re: XAO Analysis

lol, some problems still exist?

How has anything changed? What problems did they actually fix?
Nothing, just applied more bandaid fixes to make it look like they are doing something.

We could all end up paying the price for these shortsighted attempts to fix things imo.
Re: XAO Analysis

not could we WILL...

can someone explain to me how the CEO of MQG sold all his shares and no-ones talking about it?
Re: XAO Analysis

Naked shorters may send the price down but these companies are going broke. The fed may have saved some of their mates but there is still the recession. This might be the bottom (Although it wouldn't surprise me to see another downleg, I was expecting the market to drop another 200-300 pts) but I doubt that the market will do anything but go sideways for awhile.
Re: XAO Analysis

Some lucky bastards were onto this no doubt, I have to wait 3 years to get some of those returns that they got in a day.

I guess you have to be prepared to lose the lot though.
Re: XAO Analysis

...the market will do anything but go sideways for awhile.

i'll second that opinion... with reporting season coming, i can't see high expectation of large profits we've seen in the last few years... the market will have no reason to return to the levels it once was.

range from 4500-5200 for the next 6-12months
Re: XAO Analysis

I agree. Nothing has changed, it's only the fact that 'confidence' has been restored in the financial system by the US Government by bailing out AIG, then setting up a fund to take the burden of debts off other financial institutions. What concerns me is who is going to pay the $US500-or-so billion that it's reported to cost to fix these problems? Point being, the debt is still there, and someone is still going to pay for it. So how has the problems over the past week been fixed? Like you've said, another temporary fix.

Was interesting to see the US dollar getting dumped again last night, but the Dow up 350 points, it's pretty obvious this is just short covering. Think about this; gold was up $90 or around 11% for the week, while the Dow finished down 40 points or about 0.3%. So instead of people shorting all these stocks, where will the money go?

Personally, I reckon we may see more money pumped into commodities because of the falling dollar and this ban on shorting stocks, thus putting more pressure longer-term on the market with higher costs and higher interest rates eventually. Stagflation anyone?

Interesting times!
Re: XAO Analysis

The more I think about it this is just to save the necks of the big guys.
The man in the street gets nothing really and he's paying for it.
Re: XAO Analysis

Hey whiskers I'm hopping you have some of your usually after the fact analysis on oil vs Equity markets.

A couple of weeks ago you main theme was high oil was killing the markets. Last night oil jumped 5% but equity markets around the world had their biggest jump in 20 odd years. Surely if oil high oil is the driver of the markets woes, like you were stating a little while ago, I wouldn't be looking at a screen of green.
Re: XAO Analysis

Last night oil jumped 5% but equity markets around the world had their biggest jump in 20 odd years. :confused::eek: Surely if oil high oil is the driver of the markets woes said:

You didn't notice there was a little bit more news out there last night than just the oil price?
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