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Re: XAO Analysis

OK good point. Do you have a date for the article, or more importantly a date for the rate rise and link to the article?
Re: XAO Analysis

It's already happened! on the weekend, ...
phew! and the market took it quite well so far. I was going to go %100 cash when that happened Im so nervous.
Re: XAO Analysis

Re: Aussie Plunge Protection Team, on further thought over the weekend, could the Team be Mining Giants? After record corp. profits could they have funds set aside to prop up any falls? As we appear to be one giant quarry, could the biggest quarry players prop up the entire market?
In the correction so far the yanks are down appox. 8%. Aussies down appox. 3.5 %. Go figure?

Rouge Trading
Re: XAO Analysis

More from my previous article.

Goldman Sachs predicts Japan and the euro area will grow 2.4 percent this year and the U.K. by 2.9 percent. The New York based investment bank sees Brazil expanding 3.5 percent, Russia 7 percent, India 8 percent and China 9.8 percent. Its projection for world GDP is 4.2 percent, down from 4.8 percent in 2006.

[.... ]

The U.S. economy is slowing. Gross domestic product expanded at an annual rate of 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter compared with 5.6 percent in the first three months of 2006.
Re: XAO Analysis

Probably not a particularly intelligent semi-rhetorical comment, but why raise rates in China when the US is slowing, if the US market is that important to Chinese prosperity?

There's another Chinese rate rise on the cards for the Second Quarter!
Re: XAO Analysis

Uncle Sam still believe increasing interest rate in China will bankrupt Chinese shoemakers, so the Jack and Joe shops in USA will survive.

On the other hand, rising rate in China has a very little impact on Chinese economy because average Chinese put more than one-third of their income in saving account. Most people pay cash for everything, even house. It might have an positive impact on consumers for getting more interest from saving bank.
Re: XAO Analysis

US Slowdown = Reduced consumption of Chinese Exports = Reduced Chinese Demand for Commodities = Reduced Commodity Prices

Now there will be some slow down but it won't effect the Chinese that much, why? they have a local market of 1 billion people!

This is what my girl friend and couple of her friends have told me when i said that.
Re: XAO Analysis

mmmmining said:
It might have an positive impact on consumers for getting more interest from saving bank.

Unlikely, the rate for a savings account is 3% less than the prime lending rate. People here are pouring money into ETFs and stocks looking for a better return than the bank can give them.

Re: XAO Analysis

Given the US market's 1%+ gain overnight, are we expecting an UP day on the XAO today?
Re: XAO Analysis

theasxgorilla said:
Given the US market's 1%+ gain overnight, are we expecting an UP day on the XAO today?

I say up, everything i've got on my depth screens is up in pre open.

Could be a big day.

Re: XAO Analysis

ASX.G baby,

It's a deceiving market, I've been short all day, and making money.
The US market although it's having big days, they are up and down, and the up just isn't that broad currently.

jog on
Re: XAO Analysis

Looks like the Chinese rate rise has been interpreted as an extreme vote of confidence by the Chinese in the world economy. All of the EU and US were green today. The DOW was up 100points at one point.

Lets see if this week's US inflation data & Fed comments can keep the smiles on those US faces. I always get the feeling they are the only fakers at the party.
Re: XAO Analysis

G,day smart people,
I am just starting out,and would like to learn how to interpret charts.
Where do i start?
Can someone point me in the right direction.
Help appreciated.Thanks

Sorry!wait up....stupid question, i just submitted this and saw th posts at the bottom of the page.
Im new.
Re: XAO Analysis

The US data's not out yet but what does everyone think...we must be close to the top of wave B now, I'm thinking down from here..
Re: XAO Analysis

dodgers said:
The US data's not out yet but what does everyone think...we must be close to the top of wave B now, I'm thinking down from here..
breaking news:

Re: XAO Analysis

I heard about people from Europe, Mexico, Central and South America are buying US houses for years. It is one way to have an American dream. Hopefully it is not a nightmare in a few years.
Re: XAO Analysis

As well as the good news though:

Starts are down 28.5% compared with February 2006.
Building permits, which are not as affected by weather, fell 2.5% in February

Here's an interesting EW vid 'bout real estate and the correction - talks about it peaking in mid late 2005. Also parallels subprime peak the previous year
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