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Re: XAO Analysis

Chris, the place for Elliot Wave postings on the XAO is the thread dedicated to such, too many arguments to incorporate it into the XAO Analysis thread.
Re: XAO Analysis

Since there is now an expectation that this thread be reserved for serious technical analysis,

Fundamental analysis on index influences also has a place.

Unfortunately you are. It hasn't worked. Separating Elliot from the XAO Analysis thread has been a great idea, for all concerned - the Elliot Wave thread has thrived, as has the XAO Analysis thread.

This banter thread is useful for other things, whatever they are - unsupported opinions, chatter, banter, whatever.
Unfortunately you are. It hasn't worked. Separating Elliott from the XAO Analysis thread has been a great idea, for all concerned - the Elliott Wave thread has thrived, as has the XAO Analysis thread.

Timmy, I'm not trying to be difficult but I noticed that nomore4s's charts included what looks to me like Elliott Waves and also mentioned "wave 5 decline" as well as showing a support level. Analyses can include a mixture of techniques which is why I suggested they be allowed in the same thread, with strict rules against trolling.
There is a thread devoted to EW analysis of the XAO, this is where EW analysis of the XAO is to be posted.

The EW thread has thrived, as has the XAO thread. The new direction has been explained very clearly and will be implemented.
So if someone wanted to post a chart similar to this, in which thread would it now belong?

If it is based soley on wave counts and no other analysis, then the elliot wave thread would be the best. If other analysis like support/res, fundamentals etc is also included then the Analysis thread, or even both, that way if the analysis thread went off topic again (ie arguing about EW) the posts would simply be moved.
Thanks Prawn, and let me just add, Chris and anyone in any doubt:

If anyone tries to introduce EW into the XAO thread, like that chart you posted it will be deleted and poster infracted. We are sick of the site being used to make petty points and will be pursuing the policy that the site is better off without people who cannot use good judgement. So, if in any doubt, post your EW into the EW thread.
My understanding of this thread is that its purpose it for those who want to be able to chat about the XAO without having to present any TA analysis of it. As long as thread participants are prepared to back up their assertions by also posting the reasoning that led them to their conclusion(s) then I have no problem with it. I do, however, have a problem with a post like "I think the XAO will drop 50 points today". Without explaining why, the post serves no purpose whatsoever.

If people simply wish to "banter" and this thread ends up becoming directionless and unfocussed with people chatting about what they had for breakfast then I really don't see the point when we have a live chat room that is devoted to directionless random chat.

Steady on, sometimes we have lots of direction in the chat room. All over the place, everyone welcome. lol
Have to agree with Nulla nulla. Surely banter is just that, let it run.

Of the last 9 posts on this thread, 6 have been regulators. Having just returned from holidays in a few European countries, was struck by their refreshing lack of rules & process, that are beginning to strangle english speaking societies. Manly Jazz Festival today, not one person with an alcoholic drink or a smoke, very sobering.

Damn, I'm not even XAO bantering.

Ok, got it, EW analysis has no place in XAO analysis...

Good judgment is getting harder to find.


Just to clarify, my analysis is in no way based around EW if anything it is actually more influenced by wyckoff. While it has "3 wave" & "5 wave" moves shown this is based around my research on how the market moves. I do not follow EW rules and I don't care about which wave is the longest or if this wave overlaps that wave.

The market tends to move in waves of buying & selling - hence trends develop and I'm just looking for certain patterns within these moves. I also use a channel system based around FrankD's system that I have adapted to suit my trading but I never show these channels on my posted charts because no one would understand them.
All 6 have been answering questions. Is that a problem?

Don't know about a problem, not overly fussed. Just my observations and note there were three in a row from moderators which seems a little top heavy. However I also appreciate the standards being maintained, just caution that it doesn't become too stifling.
hi all

the market finished lower today, not a good sign, looks like the bears are slowly awakening from their slumber.
hi all

the market finished lower today, not a good sign, looks like the bears are slowly awakening from their slumber.

I've been awake the whole time. Watching in disbelief as the market went higher based on alot of hope and hot air.

Nice work to those that followed the trend until it end's, I sold out a little to early and have been cool as a cucumber in anticipation of a pull back which I believe will be more of a crash to the March lows and beyond.

Earnings season should be interesting over the next few weeks in the US, as well as the possible interest rate increases here at home.

The world economies are up **** creek with out a paddle.

Yeah I'm a bear!
Nice work to those that followed the trend until it end's,

What proof do you have that the trend has ended? This might just be another minor retracement in the uptrend, we haven't even made 1 lower high yet.

Every time there is a retracement since you sold out you come back and bleat the same rubbish but continually have little or no evidence to back your claims up besides the same generic bearish cr@p that is posted in a million places on the net.

While we may just be re-inflating the bubble without fully paying the price for the last one yet maybe it's time the bears admitted we have weathered the worst of the storm till the next bubble bursts. It would take something pretty bad to push us to new lows from here imo.

And bears make the markets interesting and enable bulls to profit most of the time. However, hope you don't do too much dough on the upcoming US reporting season. The last one surprised everyone, especially the bears and I expect this one will also be largely positive.

Why - cause the leading indicators are mostly +ve and pity about the unemployed who are aiding the profit recovery of the mercantile corporates. My US organisation would be an example of a very profitable large company who took advantage of GFC to lay off some middle management on the basis of a slight sales drop. Well, now those sales have picked up and guess they'll surprise the market.

Three cheers for free enterprise

GG - suggest you look for companies that have perhaps raced up too fast, but wouldn't bank on the overall markets to suffer overly once DJ 3rd qtr reporting season gets underway. I expect more direction will come from China and hope FIRB doesn't kill the golden goose. We're not the only country with the resources they need.

Yeah. Hey, how did it work out selling 70% of everything in early May?

Here are just a few other little gems of yours, heck - you may as well open a psychic booth!

I just hope that when you all rush to the exit's you don't find that they are nailed shut!
Hey, the window over there might be an option?

Yeah. Based on your post alone, I'm expecting a gangbusters day tomorrow. Green alllll around
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