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the only thing that stops a bull market is a bear market and that requires near-term earnings declines.

That's demonstrably wrong.

In 1973-1974 the S&P 500 lost ~50% while EPS grew by >50%.

In October 1987 many global markets were completely eviscerated with no earnings decline.
Shot a wee bit past the gap closure just to cough up any stops above the gap. Anyone else for second guessing the market?
This discussion is becoming a tad immature IMHO. I don't think adding homophobic stereotypes adds anything to the discussion.
if you had $10,000.00 in XAO still be worth $10,000.00 today

such a poor performance,

What is the argument you are wanting to make here?

I earn income from residential property and that income is pitiful. I help support my entire family (two generations) from investments in the stock market. We are not young.

I am happy to pay tax.

Most of my family are refugees.

This land belongs to the Aboriginal people from which we stole it.

I earn enough money from the stock market to fill my gob with food.

Look at the yield ad the pay out ratio of the majors.

Do your own research.

Live long then die.
Facing another down day today. Are we heading back to 5700 this week?

750 held - targeting 5,900 now

Bring on the homosapian bidders!
Xi insults Trump.
Gives a big, long awaited, Dim Sim Davos speach, doesn't even mention the 'trade war,' or even 'tarrifs'. In other words, 'America, your irrelevant.' We will just continue to do whatever we want.
ASX goes Booooooom

Perhaps we are following China, not the DOW these days.
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