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World War III: Has it Started?


If there is to be a War, I'd prefer a Keating, Howard or Abbott leading Australia, rather than a Turnbull, Gillard or Rudd.

Conviction, thought, execution and mojo count more in a war than soft spin.

That's actually an interesting light in which to consider the candidates. Agree with you. Although I have reservations about Tony Abbott, I'd be happy to depend on him acting in Australia's best interests in a crisis, along with, as you suggest. Howard and Keating. Forget the rest. They are without genuine conviction.

If there is to be a War, I'd prefer a Keating, Howard or Abbott leading Australia, rather than a Turnbull, Gillard or Rudd.

Conviction, thought, execution and mojo count more in a war than soft spin.


War can bring out the best in people, sometimes something straight out of the hat. Churchill being a case in point... a former useless upper class twit and buffoon, a disastrous failure in WWI, yet the most inspirational leader of the 20th century in WWII; yet subsequently voted out on his @ss in the post war period portrayed as war monger by the ungrateful socialist toe-rags, consigned to depression and the indignity of old age without a purpose. Being right about the USSR being little consolation.

No one can know the mettle unless the mettle is tested, but I suspect your perceptions of these individuals are reasonably accurate...

In the current situation, I think I'd prefer Abbott over Dullard in the event of war, but this can only be demonstrated in the actual event... but let's hope this is never necessary.

...just my musings on the matter.

If there is to be a War, I'd prefer a Keating, Howard or Abbott leading Australia, rather than a Turnbull, Gillard or Rudd.

Conviction, thought, execution and mojo count more in a war than soft spin.


I agree to an extent, gg.

However, there is a huge difference between the conditions confronting Howard in 2003 and the current ones. Howard could follow GWB into Iraq because he had Kim Beazley's backing. Whatever Gillard does, is either dictated by a bunch of fluffheads and single-minded excentrics; or blocked/ watered-down by an opposition leader as a matter of principle.

As a wise old Statesman once said:
Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable - the art of the next best.

For Howard, it was "possible" to invade Iraq and play GWB's little deputy in the Pacific. He could also take a strong and effective stand against "the boats". With the power distributed as it is today, neither Rudd nor Gillard found that possible.
For what it is worth I now believe we are in a War.


Islamic-Fascists of the Extreme Islamist Mohammed Believing Faction against the Rest, Us.

I abhor godbotherers.

Most just sing hallelujahs, impose misogyny or tribalism or get their kicks from control.

Whether they follow Mohammed, Jesus, Elijah or some other brand does not matter.

And many of the followers of Mohammed, Jesus and Elijah are reasonable people.

Our problem is with the extreme Islamist Mohammed Fascist thugs who can snuff a good life out with a prayer to their god.

**** them.

Game on.

Re: World War 111 Has it Started

This is completely false.
Good pick up there McLovin.

If you Google 'Holocaust not taught in UK schools', you get a bunch of results back (like below)

Dig a little deeper...

T.E.A.C.H Report

Whether WWW111 has or has not started, it is stunning, the silence of moderate Islamists to the atrocities committed by their erstwhile co-religionists, followers of Muhammed.

Christians criticise Christians, Jews do so to Jews.

But there is a silence from moderate followers of Muhammed.

They must be too frightened to speak, lest they suffer the fate of "unbelievers".

I cannot understand it.

And I have friends who are Muslims, who change the subject when it is raised, or say " it is too difficult ".


Have you seen Mad Max?
If we go nuclear, we'd be lucky if there's some topsoil left to grow a carrot or two. Forget about the financial markets.

Yesterday NATO and allies carried out some wargames in the Arctic above Russia; Russia responded with 12,000 and some 346 aircraft defensive wargame of its own.

China is building airstrips in the South China Sea, put up a couple of lighthouses and dare the US to do something about it... that and shooing them away.

Then there's the Middle East and North Africa and their uprisings and general terror and mayhem.

Add to that economic and financial meltdowns we're yet to get out of; and unlikely for a while given the massive unemployed, underemployed and generally poor and desperate living from paycheck to paycheck while the rich managed to set record $3 billion US dollar auctioning for some paintings and a few collectibles.

The last time these kind of conditions exists the Ottoman collapsed, the French Empire shrivelled and collapsed, the British Empire sets with most of Europe and Asia levelled and a new world power rises.

Now that all major powers have nukes to play with... if it goes to midnight, maybe new species will rise after a few thousand years.
We have all imagined that world war three will be fought between superpowers with nuclear weapons.

Perhaps not. Perhaps it has already started,a war of attrition and will between politico-religious ideologies irrespective of state, rather than started off opposing purely political ideologies.

We the people better start reining these employees of ours in before they destroy the world and everything in it.

Clinton call her vote for Iraq invasion a "mistake"... wow man, if a mistake could costs millions of lives, displace millions more and unleash wars all over the region... if that's a "mistake", it'll be scary what a fark up would be.

Obama, a peace loving guy, call Iraq a "strategic blunder"... maybe killing millions here, hundreds of thousands there... if it serve his grand strategy it wouldn't be so bad then? fark. Is using drones all over the place a strategy or a tactic? I guess it succeeds in... ??

And remember Bush Jr? Cracking jokes about not finding WMDs at those fancy dinners? Yea, funny ha ha... scaring the heck out of every American about mushroom clouds so need to liberate the world from the Axis of Evil, then opps... sorry folks, sorry your kids died following me and my band of arm chair warriors... Sorry Iraqis that a million or two of your folks will die. Actually, I don't even think they've ever apologised... they feel they're misunderstood and history will be kinder to their heroic deeds.
Utter rubbish explod, it even reinforces how little you really know about gold....if the world really thought we were above to go to WWIII, wouldn't you expect gold to go parabolic????

Maybe. JPM, Rothschild, Russia,China et al are keeping the lid on gold with paper contracts whilst they take in all the physical they can get hold of. Check the charts and note the huge paper dumps during periods of quiet trading.

Rothschild Family Dumps U.S. Dollar For Gold & 'Other Currencies ...
Aug 22, 2016 - The Rothschild family recently announced that they are moving out of the U.S. Dollar, the global reserve currency, into gold and 'other currencies'. Can it be Bitcoin? ... Viewer discretion is advised. Gold · Bitcoin · Dollar · USA ...

Gold will rise after the starting gun.

However this thread is not about gold. Its time to acquire a gas mask IMHO
Not looking good in my view.

The US has declined in power but is still the No. 1 superpower and I don't think Russia (NB not the Soviet Union) would take them on directly, yet.

Probably the big threat is a Russia - China alliance, but can China afford to lose all the trade it does with the West ?

I don't think WW3 is imminent atm, but I think the West has to be prepared to up it's arms production to stay ahead of Russia and China.
Sorry the last comes up as a 404 error. FBI probably got to it

Anyway there is plenty of the ranting on Zero Hedge:

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