Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

World domination by fanatical groups

OMG how disturbing this article must be to the average Australian. This confirms previous posts about Islam and world domination.

Great how nutcases ruin it for the rest of them.

One day Australia will live under sharia; it's inevitable," he said. "If they (Australians) don't accept it, that's not our problem. We hope, and our objective is to have a peaceful transition, but when you look at history that has never been the case. There's always been a fight. It is inevitable that one day there will be a struggle for Islam in Australia."

He said he had three objectives. The first is to persuade Muslims they must hate "taghoot", the worship of any God other than Allah, which includes democracy.

"They must hate it, speak out against it. And, if that doesn't work, take action against it."
OMG how disturbing this article must be to the average Australian. This confirms previous posts about Islam and world domination.
the more publicity these nutters gain, the more polarised Australian society will become.
Many of us, who still maintain the tolerance that's behind our easy-going, everybody welcome attitude, will learn to differentiate; they will welcome only people with similar open attitudes to their own, while in increasing numbers rejecting extremists.
They may well run foul of the upholders of "civil liberties", who object to any differentiation between humans deserving of tolerance and inhumane control freaks intent on dominating everybody and everything around them.
Once the civilised members of our society face off against each other, the extreme militants will rub their hands in glee because their first target: sowing disunity among the humane majority, has been achieved.
I sincerely hope that won't happen in my lifetime; if a barbaric mindset controls, Australia will be heading into a barbaric future.
If we didn't have religion and religion-like things then we wouldn't have half the problems we have in the world today. :2twocents

How very true! If a Westerner spoke that sort of language in an Islamic country he would be shot first and questioned later.
This nut should be deported without question along with other extremists.I would like to hear Julia Gillard's opinion of this fellow. She would most likely say, "that's fredom of speech" or some other idiotic comment.
Note to RandR: with regard to the article posted above, who is doing the vilifying here?
The convert - or rather make that "pervert" - is vilifying himself. I'm sure a great number of muslims will find his views vile and distance themselves from radicals like him.

Are the French therefore on the right track when they forbid any open display of one's religious affiliation? Or do they merely paper over the differences, creating a radical underground?
This nut should be deported without question.

He was born in South Australia and is an Aussie/idiot. There was a thing on the radio with mostly the Muslim community calling up telling him he is an idiot.
He was born in South Australia and is an Aussie/idiot. There was a thing on the radio with mostly the Muslim community calling up telling him he is an idiot.

Yes you are right, he was born in Australia, so therefore he could be charged with treason.........violation by subject of allegiance to sovereign or state; breach of faith and disloyalty. If he does not like our system of government, then he should go and live in an Islamic country.
My point is there are a lot more around the world like him who belong to the radical side of Islam and they are the ones who are dictating the terms of Islamic way of life. Cutting off the hands of thieves and stoneing adulterous woman to death. That is unaustralian in my eyes and he should be condemned.
It is clear Muslims want a world Islamic state, hence the continued infiltration into Western World countries.
With some Muslim countries (Tunisia, Egypt) rioting in the streets looking to overthrow the old establishment, and other countries keenly watching the outcomes, the predicitons in this thread may not come to light
With some Muslim countries (Tunisia, Egypt) rioting in the streets looking to overthrow the old establishment, and other countries keenly watching the outcomes, the predictions in this thread may not come to light

Prawn i think your too young to remember the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979...the Shah was an American backed puppet and a nasty kind of fellow, anyway under the Shahs rule Iran was an open tolerant country with western style laws, dress and education etc.

The moment the Shah was toppled and Ayatollah Khomeini returned form exile, Iran converted to fundamentalist Islam overnite....women who had been headwear free for decades, all of a sudden covered up, its like the majority of the population embraced fundamentalist Islam over nite...its only now 30+ years later that the youth of Iran want there freedom back.

I can almost Guarantee the same will happen in Egypt....mark my words.
One person's saviour is another person's fanatic.

They will always be with us, fanatics, what to do with them is another matter.

Lets not forget the Catholic church in all this, as far as finances go they are by far the most wealthy and can have huge political influence.

Not to mention its quite a secret society almost when you get to the top, i may be wrong with this but AFAIK the Catholic church has never even been audited.
all i can say for this thread is
Geert Wilders Dutch MP exposes the aspirations of Islam for world domination.
No wonder the muslim extremist want to behead him.
A must read for all.

Religion of peace, yeah right. Criticize and you get beheaded. WTF? As mentioned earlier, if there were no religion on Earth, l'm sure it'd be more peaceful.


Don't forget the dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh who was murdered because he criticized the treatment of women under Islam in a recent movie and in newspaper columns was murdered in Amsterdam, media reported Tuesday.
Lets not forget the Catholic church in all this, as far as finances go they are by far the most wealthy and can have huge political influence.

Not to mention its quite a secret society almost when you get to the top, i may be wrong with this but AFAIK the Catholic church has never even been audited.

Going back to the 30's,40's and 50's and possibly beyond that period, the Catholic faith also had aspirations of a world dominated by Catholics although not as radical as Islam. During those periods contraception was banned hence it was not uncommon to have large Catholic families of 8, 9 and 10. Breed like 'rabbits' and outnumber other religions. In the second half of the twentieth century large families became unaffordable and contraception was used irrespect of it being against their religious beliefs. I believe as at this date Catholics still outnumber Muslims. For how long, I would not like to guess.
Going back to the 30's,40's and 50's and possibly beyond that period, the Catholic faith also had aspirations of a world dominated by Catholics although not as radical as Islam. During those periods contraception was banned hence it was not uncommon to have large Catholic families of 8, 9 and 10. Breed like 'rabbits' and outnumber other religions. In the second half of the twentieth century large families became unaffordable and contraception was used irrespect of it being against their religious beliefs. I believe as at this date Catholics still outnumber Muslims. For how long, I would not like to guess.
Whether there's more of one than of the other seems rather irrelevant to me, noco;
What I consider more relevant is the impression that the "spiritual leaders" of both those groups apparently value the number of human lives - "bums on seats" in their mosques or cathedrals - more important than the quality of lives those humans can expect.
In the deserts of 2000 years ago, it may have been important for a tribe to outbreed their neighbours because more goat herds meant more goats and less danger of losing lifestock (or women) to hostile tribes.
Today, more children are no longer an advantage. The opposite is true: Where one family income is barely enough to give two kids a good start into life, having four or ten will simply condemn them to an ongoing "proletarian" existence and perpetuate the cycle of poverty they were born into.