You sure are a lazy, ignorant pest Superfly.
First, lets keep this civil... I'm sure you will be the first to cry to the Mod's if things get heated...
Derrrrrrrr ... really... I thought Captain Cook called the first house of reps question time...Firstly there was no federal government when the first laws were enacted.
The following from the above legislation "Who to be deemed aboriginals".
8. Every aboriginal native of Australia and every aboriginal halfcaste
or child of a half-caste, such half-caste or child habitually
associating and living with aboriginals, shall be deemed to be an
aboriginal within the meaning of this Act; and at the hearing of any case
the justice adjudicating may, in the absence of other sufficient evidence,
decide on his own view and judgment whether any person with reference
to whom any proceedings shall have been taken under this Act is or is not
an aboriginal.
So.. so what.. its an act that clarifies who the state deems an AB... can't read anything there about any intent for the elimination of the AB community...
Aboriginals were generally wards of the state by law. Among other things the wages and entitlements of many aboriginals were confiscated by the government, but for some nominal pocket money.
They still got it better than the North American Indians..etc
and did it happen ? also don't forget to notice the "IF THE STATES" part... are they or are they not....The commonwealth government hosted an initial conference of Commonwealth and State Aboriginal authorities in Canberra on 21-23 April 1937. The purpose was to unify and better coordinate the official and uniffical policies if the states to breed out half casts and remove full blood aboriginals to remote reservation and limit access.
Not even close Whiskers... No Cigar for you....