I would agree, and add, the various Oligarch members who control the USA.
Democracy in the USA has been taken over. Our own, is a joke. Sadly and with respect to our Armed Forces, we like many were deceived.
In the USA, lobbyists spend 3.5 billion a year. Under the table but now well seen via Panama papers and other leaks another 3.5 billion is spent in political donations. Added to this, think tanks and some just stink ... where one funded by Koch brothers and Walton family of Walmart produced 22,00 documents to NOT have a minimum wage increase in the USA.
There are about 1000 Billionaires active in this. Not all are to blame and some calling for higher taxes like Buffett and Gates are in FACT the worst of the worst. Google Eugenics and their donations to on Buffets part to his idiot children especially his some who runs a military camp on the MEXICO border and one might change their mind. Nothing like donating 3 billion to abort mainly black and brown babies ... in the USA ... about 5 million for that price and ignoring that amount would fully fund the community healthcare centers which service 25 million Americans for 5 years.
Oh charity ... and the master race do NOT MIX !!
They are the EUGENICS crowd, for a master white race. Then of course the military industrial complex. Then the drug companies, then the banking ones, then the coal and gas industries and of course the tech companies who actually are the main contributors.
It goes into the media and supposed charitable donations now have the PBS., the Public Broadcast System in the USA with two Koch brother people on the board and all hires must be approved by them. Universities and endowments, come mainly with strings ....
Think tanks and few are what they appear. Climates deniers and our own Gina Rhinehart is a major sponsor of them.
On and on it goes ... world bank always a joke as is IMF which USA controls 16% and appoints the head and NOTHING .... can occur without an 85% majority. credit rating agencies ... USA based and not one peep out of them with USA adding 3 trillion in debt ...
United Nations, wow .... Trump tried appointing an ex Fox woman, a joke, a worse one .... a woman with no work experience other than 3 marriages and married to a coal baron ... who contributed 3 million to elect Trump ... IS NOW ... USA representative.
Untied nations ... along with trying to prevent another world war, is also supposedly the peak body on climate change. The new USA representative, to the IPCC ... which its reports are so pathetic and so watered down ... after USA then Saudi Arabia and then Canada object to every line, NOW has a person ... a women with 3 KIDS .... NO job ever ... wife of coal baron ...who believes in BOTH cases scientifically about climate change. BOTH ? Well 97% of all active climate scientists, an astounding number
97% believe in the dire nature of the issue. The other 3% on the main work either for Coal industry groups, Oil industry groups or are the usual nutters.
A factoid, being Australian .... the Great Barrier Reef is now 25% the size of what it was 30 years ago. It is unlikely in the extreme due to overly hot water to be around in 2050. It takes a long time even for new growth coral to spawn and the chances of yet another extreme water temperature event occurring at least once every 10 years is almost zero. As such, by 2050 if more than 10% is left, its a surprise and that's using IPCC watered down .... International Panel on Climate Change numbers, not some of the more realistic ones which are worse.
Barnaby Joyce wants to build a coal fired station on every corner, the liberal party here, is part denial and part lip service and the PLAN to plant 1 billion trees sounds big, BUT .... well at 2,000 trees per hectare and we emit 500 million tons oc CO2 .... hmmm 500,000 hectares NOT counting the existing plants likely there .... so 5,000 sq km. How much does one need to absorb all the CO2 we emit ? Via trees which well only will work for around 40 years removing CO2 as they die, rot and regrow ...
Well Mr Morrison it would take not 5,000 sq KM but 1.25 million SQ KM .... so thats 0.4% ... yes 0.4% ..
I vote we kick the USA out and take UK or EU ... as partners in defence and the way forward.
This video covers just part of how democracy is lost in the USA ... it pulled back from stating that whilst the will of the people NO matter what is ignored in the USA, the fact is if the Oligarchy wants something ... a tax cut the percentage of times it occurs even over strong massive public objection is around 85% of the time when public opinion is 85% AGAINST it.
USA ... heaven help them ... needs massive cleanup ...
Jennifer Lawrence from Hunger games joins .... a massive list of others desperate forchange in the USA. That a study followed 6.2 million cancer patients from 2000 to 2016 and found 42% of them HAD GONE BANKRUPT ... within 2 years via medical bills and a vial of insulin costs $600- in the USA here ... without govt $170 [[[ Mexico $150- Canada $150 -- is a disgrace.
Anyhow she is cute and pulls her punch but worth a listen