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Where are all the bears now?

the only counter which i dont concede is that the coat of bailouts/guarantees cost more than the loss of export competitiveness.. on a political and economic level the Germans are in for the long haul
....thousands of rotting Bear carcasses washed up on the shores of the Lucky Country. Apparently all drowned by a t$unami of cheap ca$h.

Cash might be cheap but what happens when it's too cheap or useless e.g Argentina, Zimbabwe. There might be enough golden fleece's among the carcasses......

P.S I'm not a goldbug but everything is relative. Incomes and assets tend to have a very hard time keeping up in high inflation environments.
Germany is the last economy that would want to leave the euro. The low euro makes German exports relatively cheap, if they left the euro there would be a big hit on the economy as a revalued Dmark would curb exports, simple economics 101.

True. But can they afford to prop everyone else up? Also if they go for their own gold based currency (they are repatriating all their gold reserves) they can value it however they like if it is not floated.
True. But can they afford to prop everyone else up? Also if they go for their own gold based currency (they are repatriating all their gold reserves) they can value it however they like if it is not floated.

The location of Germany's physical reserves, short of having them stolen, is immaterial.

They are also not repatriating all of their reserves. They're taking 300t from NY but leaving 1,200t there. All of their reserves at the BoE will remain. 50% will remain in foreign bank vaults.
They are also not repatriating all of their reserves. They're taking 300t from NY but leaving 1,200t there. All of their reserves at the BoE will remain. 50% will remain in foreign bank vaults.

I stand corrected. Thanks.

If you put up the charts, have a bit of a read of the economic factors from other sources to back this up I think some of you may save yourselves.

Did you subscribe explod?
I'd like your opinion on his solutions if you have. I do think there will be a correction. There always is even if it stays a bull market.

brty is right about Germany. Maybe the Euro will implode but Germany wants to keep it. It beggars its neighbours but enables the Germans to compete against the US in the currency devaluation "wars".

When the dust settles and the sun comes out it will be seen that no one could compete with the US in the currency war looming.

Their rating agencies (Moody's et al , and some info coming out about their outright cheating the last few days too) (will try to find that link later) have been busy the last four or five years downgrading everything but themselves so that the rise in the Dow is also attributable to news and ratings crapola too. The US debt, to GDP, to population is the highest on the planet. To repay that, (they wont, they will default) but to try will see the US dollar speed to the bottom to worthless trash.

As promised in my last post. From :

Nah, not when we have so many friends here at ASF putting it all together .
Nah, not when we have so many friends here at ASF putting it all together .

Plenty of Bulls here.

Haven't any of you been watching and listening to the various Aussie December indicator figures?

obviously not.

Opposite to bullish expectations!!!!!!

The USA is run by the wealthy elite for the wealthy elite. My bet is they won't default but will instead inflate their way out of the debt, this will of course beggar the middle class but so what.
The USA is run by the wealthy elite for the wealthy elite. My bet is they won't default but will instead inflate their way out of the debt, this will of course beggar the middle class but so what.

The real wealthy elite will not give a damn about a default either.

The US economy is about 200 trillion, the Rothschilds family spread across a number of nations (they know no borders) hold/control a value of 300 trillion.

Unless you are standing right behind me watching me trade, how do you come to the ASSUMPTION that I haven't or don't make money? I really can't see that because I post info that shows up the fraud going by the name of the global financial system and the central banks printing presses, you can then just ASSUME that I never go long?
So just for you won't be posting any more charts - of anything.

broken clock yada yada

As usual, nothing of any substance to contribute to the forum other than derision/belittling of other posters.

See you all on the other side.

It would be fair to assume you are bearish given your prior posts uncle. But you are correct I don't know how you trade.

As for you not posting any more charts...that's just childish. Just because I am not interested in your doom and gloom doesn't mean everybody else isn't.
As usual, nothing of any substance to contribute to the forum other than derision/belittling of other posters.

See you all on the other side.

if you say stupid things you should be ridiculed...

The market is not telling us that it is selling off at the moment. The market is not telling us that a bear trend is upon us...

we are paid on price..

the economics can actually get worse (US potential default) and id expect people to pile more into stocks..

the bad economy = bad stock market paradigm is over, and overly simplistic

or on the other hand you can find any news story to confirm a bias, trade against the market consensus and get burnt... how are those XAO 1000 'forecasts' going?

you are arguing with people on economics that they probably agree with and not looking at the market itself
The more I read about how people "got back in at just the right time", the more bearish I become.

Now I am officially in 100% cash, no property, nothing! (Well, outside my SMSF that is)

(A very minor Bull until about a week ago)
the economics can actually get worse (US potential default) and id expect people to pile more into stocks..

the bad economy = bad stock market paradigm is over, and overly simplistic

This implies that the stock market is little more than a lottery governed by the whims of the "elite". It goes up because people think it will and vice versa....
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