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What jobs are recession proof?

What about accountants? They are always needed for auditing and sorting through the bull****.
What about accountants? They are always needed for auditing and sorting through the bull****.
Yes and no - it's true that they're always needed and even when things go bad, they're the last to close the doors, but the trouble is there are so many bloody accountants out there.

Things are likely to be a bit harder in the professional services world for accountants too. Fewer IPOs, hardly any M&A, downward pressure on audit fees and fewer projects like SAP role-outs. I'm sure someone like Duckman would have a better idea of what's going on in Aus, but a lot of the Big 4 in London have a freeze on hiring (not even replacing those leaving) and about the only area that's doing any good is those in the corporate restructuring area of business advisory.
I wonder how financial advisors are faring?

Senior levels with plenty of clients base are most likely safe and currently still in high demand. Gloom and doom are the bread and butters for financial advisors. It's not all about "investment" advices you know. When ****s hit the fan, people would be looking for advises to manage their budget/debt and choose their income protection insurances and/or other risk management strategies.

Though junior levels would suffer miserably. (sigh)

And I agree with Pager that traders are essentially DEPRESSION PROOF if they have a positive expectancy multi-strategies/multi-markets trading system.
With the AUD the way it is & international education being one our biggest exports I'd think working in an educational institution would be fairly safe.
What jobs are recession proof?


There is actually a listed company that owns funeral homes. Cant think of the name at present.

Their earnings are pretty steady and should only increase with an ageing population
"There is actually a listed company that owns funeral homes. Cant think of the name at present."

Invocare (ASX Code is : IVC)

Certainly that is the sort of business which will not die a death through lack of customers.
There is actually a listed company that owns funeral homes. Cant think of the name at present.

Their earnings are pretty steady and should only increase with an ageing population

IVC, Invocare, there price is about $5 down from about $7 in June, so fairing better than most but still taking a hit, was about $4-25 a few weeks ago.

Down 8 cents today as i type to $4-90.
becoming a hooker crossed my mind

True, there's always demand, however its not at the same price.

Supply also increases, as sadly in very severe times some do it for survival.

In Weimar Germany and the depression at the end the 20s and early 30s that brought Hitler to power, prosititution increased massively around the tent cities and shanty towns on the outskirts of cities, but it was survival wages not glamour wages.

yep sadly was the only way to put food on the table
yep sadly was the only way to put food on the table

And sadly still happening in countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia just to mention 3, anyone been on holiday particualy the males and been propositioned when the wife/girlfriend wasn't looking, happened to me daily on my last trip to Bali by the girls outside the massage places in Kuta.

The cost was about $20 or $30 from what they were trying to tell me, obviously i declined but found it very sad some of these girls were prepared to shag me for a few $ as they were desperate for some cash.

I'm in the financial planning industry and have just been made redundant. Because most advisers work from commission based on funds under management, when the market falls by 20 - 30% (or more), their income falls by a similar, although slightly lesser amount. And yes it is the junior levels that suffer.

As for jobs that are recession proof, all I can say is I won't be looking at another small firm (if I get the choice).

I'm sorry to hear that.

Just curious, how long have you been in the industry?

There are still plenty (or at least there are some!) senior financial planners job being advertised out there.
Anything to do with security , alarm and CCTV installations and probably security guards getting paid might be the real issue
Agree with above,

but also any job where you don't have to be told what to do next. These people will always make more money.

In that I mean, it is not the job that is recession proof, it's the individual qualities of that person in that job!

If you are in a job, and aware of economic conditions and their effects on your employer, you are way ahead of those who are not.

In times of crisis, your boss would want you to work hard and smart, be frugal, and understanding. It also never hurts to be a step ahead.

You will never lose you job doing this!
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