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What if there is a "market depth" but only bid and ask price?

10 December 2009
I mean...I was thinking to buy a stock, but when I checked its market depth - it shows only bid/ask prices and no size(volume) for bid and ask?
This might be an issue because exchanges such as NASDAQ and NYSE are required by law to have market makers/specialists that are obliged to sell/buy at the current bid/asks. But on ASX it's different. So, how to understand a "market depth" with just bid/ask prices but no number of shares people are willing to buy/sell on these prices? Does this mean that my order can't be executed?

Sounds a bit odd, what's the company you're looking to buy shares in?

Well, actually not just my broker but even shows such prices.
Take a look here for instance:

This company has 0.13/0.15 bid/offer - so far so good....but no volume?
I found a few others(actually about 10 others) with the same condition(during trading hours).

I guess it's because these prices are very old and were left after trades since months...OK wrong hypothesis - I just checked ECQ again on and it was traded...2 days ago.

It's really funny. The problem goes beyond that probably because I just found that my broker quotes some stocks without trading volume whereas they actually have a trading volume according to ASX. Finally, ASX alone quotes some stocks without volume as it seems - weird.

Of course I still like some of the prices price - hence I am still interested to deal...but I should figure this out.
What broker are you using? I've just had a look at ECQ on E-trade and it's as Captain Black says. The quantity is quoted in each price for bid and offer.
There simply haven't been any trades today.

Don't expect to see depth on the ASX website. Why would they give you this? They don't act as a broker.

May I ask why you want to buy this?

I am not willing to buy it, it was just an example, as I mentioned my broker (which is Barclays) doesn't show market depth - but I guess it's "obvious" since they aren't Australian local broker...well it's their fault but it was weird.
anyway, I don't have any inside information about that company if that's what you mean . Still I think that ASX should display market depth - they should do that as other exchanges should do that instead of just charging a small fee .

but thanks again for the replies I now it's just a broker/electronic issue.
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