Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What do Aussies believe re: Evolution?

What do Aussies believe?

  • God created the Earth in the last 10K years

    Votes: 18 7.9%
  • God guided evolution of man over millions of years

    Votes: 30 13.2%
  • Pure evolution - No God Involved

    Votes: 162 71.4%
  • Other (stated below)

    Votes: 17 7.5%

  • Total voters
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

YES YOU DO ...that is a convergent series.

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 ..... etc leads to a whole number, 1 to be exact!

Can you show me the total equation that proves this? :batman:

Answer on a postcard please. LOL
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

3/4 of survey respondents believing
Interesting discussion can be had on what makes us believe, and it's bound not to end in that there actually IS something, but some sort of evolutionary adaption that casues us to create, or need, or require, religion.

It's based around; respectively, agent detection, causal reasoning and theory of mind.

Interesting article on it here.

Those anti Dawkins don't be put off by his mention on the first page.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

No Spooly it converges on 1 - never actually gets there.
Source please :rolleyes:

Try this experiment .... Punch yourself in the nose and see if it never actually gets there.

Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Source please :rolleyes:

Try this experiment .... Punch yourself in the nose and see if it never actually gets there.


Ouch! Why did you tell me to do that???!!! That really hurt - I thought you said it would never get there.

Couldnt you find a picture of the series without the 1 in it?

I stand corrected too - does equal 1. It's the thought that counts :)
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Ouch! Why did you tell me to do that???!!! That really hurt - I thought you said it would never get there.
I said said it would never quite get there.
Couldnt you find a picture of the series without the 1 in it?
Happy now :rolleyes:


  • convergent1.jpg
    3.7 KB · Views: 85
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

This is great! I love it when I get flagellated -

You know you can get therapy for that
which is what you are doing, not what I am doing. So because I am trying to explain what facts point to there being a God even in the face of 3/4 of survey respondents believing otherwise, I am making myself look like a jerk??
Excuse me? Did you say "facts" How interesting. Which facts would these be Jono? Why is it that your "facts" if they are so clear and decisive as to prove the existance of your imaginary friend are not believed by 2/3 rds of the rest of us. Or do we simply the lack your insight? Cough*indoctrination* cough.
I hope that ASFers don't think that people holding alternative opinions, beliefs, etc to them think that they are jerks. I certainly don't think you are a jerk, just that you think differently to me;)
Of course this is where we differ greatly. You think religion is a subjective topic and I think it is an absolute one. Subjective difference of opinion would be me saying that the market has bottomed and you saying no I think it still has more to go down. Absolute is me saying "The sky is blue" and you saying "No it's pink with purple spots." "Just look up it's blue" "No Sorry you're wrong, it's pink with purple spots I have the facts" "Look if you just examine the evidence in front of you and look up you can see I'm not making it up. the sky really is blue" "Pink and Purple!!" "Why don't you just look up?" "no no I'm happy staring at my belly button"
Ok ok, turning your words around was a bit trite, but I couldn't help myself.
I try not to leadeth you into temptation
Fact is there are plenty more people in the world that believe in a supernatural creator than that don't, so I'm not sure that I am projecting.
Fact? hey there's that word again without any supporting evidence whatsoever. Fact and belief are different. I may believe that an invisible pink Unicorn named Betsy skates around my house. My belief is independant of the facts. Now I'm sure you've heard your Mommy say something along these lines. "If 33% of the worlds population named johnny decided to jump off a bridge, do you think that is a good idea? Peer pressure as an argument? Ahuh yeah that's a convincing argument. Here have some heroin all the cool kids are doing it.
Surely there must be something in it. And no I'm not trying to convince myself here, just pointing out the stats.
And if you say that 50 million times you'll REALLY believe it. Of course it could also mean that all those people believe something that is independant of the facts. But hey hand over the dessicated Tiger penis as a cure for a flagging libido will you. A Billion Chinese people can't be wrong, surely there must be something in it. **** now I did the trite thing.
And the infinite sequences thing was just pointing out that as you divide a sequence up into more and more pieces, eg the classic half way to the door scenario, you never quite get there. And yes, FIRST CAUSE is a valid argument - if there was a big bang, what caused it? And if you want to propose multiple universes, then where did the mechanism for creating the multiple universes appear from. I mean seriously, how can a universe just appear? How can one believe that it was simply "nature"? Or chance?
No first cause is a gap and a logical trap. Because was was the cause of the first cause? Oh darn. What was the cause of the first cause that caused the first cause? Blast. Who caused the first cause that caused the first cause and caused the first cause? Damn I think I have too many causes there. If all that flew by a little fast, go think about it for a while, I mean seriously, how can a first cause just appear? DARN IT that damn trite thing again.
Yeah I had a look at ERVs - very interesting. Where did the ERVs come from though?
Wait so you read about ERV's and THAT was the question you came up with? Hmm, Well if you look at ALL viruses where do you think they come from? Surely a benevolent and loving imaginary friend wouldn't create Aid's right. I mean what a vindictive sod if he did right?
So yep, I'm filling my gap with ... hang on... it starts with G... yep, God. Sorry if I've disappointed Sir O :)

Hey I'm not disappointed here, you wanna display your ignorance and admit that instead of learning the facts you wanna believe in superstition go right ahead.

This was fun, your turn.

Sir O
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Damn that's good!! If it wasn't my anniversary and I didn't have to go and have dinner with my beautiful wife I would respond right now - as it is you'll have to wait.

Hang on, can't resist - I didn't say anything about proving the existence of God, just that facts point to there being a God, eg the existence of DNA. And don't tell me some ERV made DNA :eek:
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

No first cause is a gap and a logical trap. Because was was the cause of the first cause? Oh darn. What was the cause of the first cause that caused the first cause? Blast. Who caused the first cause that caused the first cause and caused the first cause? Damn I think I have too many causes there. If all that flew by a little fast, go think about it for a while, I mean seriously, how can a first cause just appear? DARN IT that damn trite thing again.

There are two possible modes of existence for any given entity...dependent (contingent or caused) or independent (non-contingent or uncaused). Not everything can be dependent. The fact that even one dependent entity exists requires a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the set of all dependent entities. Ergo, some independent entity must exist. This need not imply a god. It simply recognizes that at the end of the chain exists an uncaused first cause that grounds the existence of all contingent entities.

It's much nicer all round when all sides admit that every worldview ultimately rests on untestable assumptions. The polemics are ugly and only exacerbate the problems of this world, rather than progressing solutions.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Damn that's good!! If it wasn't my anniversary and I didn't have to go and have dinner with my beautiful wife I would respond right now - as it is you'll have to wait.

Hang on, can't resist - I didn't say anything about proving the existence of God, just that facts point to there being a God, eg the existence of DNA. And don't tell me some ERV made DNA :eek:

I eagerly await your response in full Jono, I'm sure it will be fascinating.

Regarding your last bit.... HUH? You're not trying to prove the existence of your imaginary friend, just highlight "facts" that "point to" there being a God.

Wait hang on I need to run that past the flimflammery filter.

/logic mode on. Engage dictionary

Facts - used to prove or disprove a stated position. Knowledge or information based on real occurances. The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence.

Point - A particular aim, end or purpose

Disengage dictionary

Prove a stated position = Point to factual evidence.

XXXXXXLogic errorXXX reinstall universe - XXXOut of cheeseXXX

/logic mode off

Oh yeah that made perfect sense. You broke my filter.

Sir O
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Wow Tradesim did you swallow a dictionary?

There are two possible modes of existence for any given entity...dependent (contingent or caused) or independent (non-contingent or uncaused).
How about emergent?
Not everything can be dependent.
The fact that even one dependent entity exists requires a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the set of all dependent entities. Ergo, some independent entity must exist.
Nice assumption. Of course as you've's untestable, so why is there an absolute in that statement? An "entity" (which evokes a consciousness and directive intelligence) must exist? You sure? You ABSOLUTELY sure? Coz you'd need to prove that and how exactly were you planning on proving that when you can't test for it?
This need not imply a god. It simply recognizes that at the end of the chain exists an uncaused first cause that grounds the existence of all contingent entities.
That's some good babble their tradesim, but as I said to Jono... what caused the uncaused first cause? I mean what caused the cause of the uncaused first cause? Son-o-va-logical-trap.
It's much nicer all round when all sides admit that every worldview ultimately rests on untestable assumptions. The polemics are ugly and only exacerbate the problems of this world, rather than progressing solutions.

I admit nothing!! NOTHING!! I tells ya. I'm sure I can test the worldview of a young earth creationist just fine.

Sir O
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Wow Tradesim did you swallow a dictionary?
I'm sorry. I thought that if you considered yourself sufficiently versed to debate philosophy you'd know the language.

How about emergent?
It reduces to 'dependent' - prior conditions are necessary for an emergent state of affairs to come about.

Umm. Basic philosophy. If everything is dependent then no necessary and sufficient conditions exist to ground even one dependent entity let alone a vast set of them.

Nice assumption. Of course as you've's untestable,
A conclusion is not an assumption. A conclusion is true if the argument is logically sound and the premises true.

An "entity" (which evokes a consciousness and directive intelligence) must exist?
Once again, I'm sorry, I thought you were versed in standard philosophical semantics given your absolute surety regarding your beliefs about first cause. An entity exists where some property obtains for a referent. Or, to put that a little more simply - Y exists because some positive property about Y exists. eg. "the apple" is an entity because all of the properties that belong to "apple-ness" belong to the object sitting on my bench. It does not imply consciousness or directive intelligence. Of course, if you believe the first cause must be intelligent that may go some distance in explaining why you so strenuously reject it.

You sure? You ABSOLUTELY sure? Coz you'd need to prove that and how exactly were you planning on proving that when you can't test for it?
You seem confused about a number of things here. I said all worldviews rest ultimately on untestable assumptions. Try researching Descarte's demon or the brains-in-vats problem. Try thinking about the self-referential nature of logical first principles. Contemplate the inescapability of physical laws in this universe for minds that belong to this universe in order to externally examine this world. In short, do some study on epistemology.

That's some good babble their tradesim, but as I said to Jono... what caused the uncaused first cause? I mean what caused the cause of the uncaused first cause? Son-o-va-logical-trap.
Ummm....think about what you've said. "What caused the uncaused first cause?"

I admit nothing!! NOTHING!! I tells ya. I'm sure I can test the worldview of a young earth creationist just fine.

No doubt you could. But you probably need to put a little more thought into some of your own views as well. Intellectual humility is called for on all our parts.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

It's much nicer all round when all sides admit that every worldview ultimately rests on untestable assumptions. The polemics are ugly and only exacerbate the problems of this world, rather than progressing solutions.

Untestable assumptions? Could you expand a little on this?
You don't necessarily have to observe something to explain what occurred.
(I have assumed :eek: 'assumptions' and 'hypothesis' to carry the same meaning)

And on the polemics ( Googled it :eek:) of evolution, the theory did not evolve to dispute or disprove anything. It's simply a stand alone theory which explains the mechanics of direct empirical evidence.

Sorry, but the series is infinite, therefore has no end.
No need to apologise!
I am well aware of the concept of infinity, but you have not taken into account that there are addition symbols between the fractions.
The SUM of the absolute convergent series (above) is a FINITE number.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I can't believe there is so much arguing going on in this thread. Okay, we could have all guessed some people would like to "push" their beliefs.

Evolution is only a theory. Just because you can't disprove it doesn't mean it is correct. Therefore surely evolution is just a belief system just as is religion.

I believe in God, not because God has stood in front of me, but because I believe it is correct based on what I read, feel, learn.

I dare say neither can be disproven and we can only prove it within ourselves.

PS. Sir Osisofliver, you seem to be making arguments without any real facts or knowledge of religion.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I believe in God, not because God has stood in front of me, but because I believe it is correct based on what I read, feel, learn.

I dare say neither can be disproven and we can only prove it within ourselves.

PS. Sir Osisofliver, you seem to be making arguments without any real facts or knowledge of religion.

In Australia more than 140 religions are registered, there would be more world wide, hope there is enough room up there or down here for all of them.

Of course there is possibility that there is just one GOD and so many thousands of interpretations, making it remotely possible that there is none, as surely so many people cannot be wrong.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I'm sorry. I thought that if you considered yourself sufficiently versed to debate philosophy you'd know the language.
Don't worry on my part Tradesim. I can keep up OK, of course simplification and examples always help with communication rather than complexity and jargon.
It reduces to 'dependent' - prior conditions are necessary for an emergent state of affairs to come about.
Wow sounds so simple and so logical. Of course if emergence were an intrinsic characteristic of energy, matter, dark matter and all the other wonderful bits that make up the universe yet to be found, does this remove the need for independence?
Umm. Basic philosophy. If everything is dependent then no necessary and sufficient conditions exist to ground even one dependent entity let alone a vast set of them.
Let me continue to challenge this tradesim. How can we make that statement with any surety? How do we know that conditions for emergence didn't exist? Define "Conditions" Is it matter, sub atomic particles exotic energy states or some form of energy we are currently unaware of perhaps? It's such a simple thing to say that before there was anything there was nothing. So some "thing" must be outside of "everything" to cause everything to happen. And yet where did this "thing" (call it an entity if you must) emerge from itself? How can it be "uncaused"? How did the entity emerge with no prior conditions for it's emergence? It's infinity +1 and to make any absolute statements along the lines of "before everything there was nothing and whatever entity caused everything" is flawed. This is the trap that the bible bashers and God Botherers leap onto and claim direction and intelligence for. I'm quite happy to say I don't know because it's the only true position to hold.
A conclusion is not an assumption. A conclusion is true if the argument is logically sound and the premises true.
the assumption is that an entity must exist. You assume that before everything there was nothing and whatever caused everything.
Once again, I'm sorry, I thought you were versed in standard philosophical semantics given your absolute surety regarding your beliefs about first cause.
No I challange the standard philosophical semantics and as for absolute surety... I'm absolutely sure I don't need an imaginary friend.
An entity exists where some property obtains for a referent. Or, to put that a little more simply - Y exists because some positive property about Y exists. eg. "the apple" is an entity because all of the properties that belong to "apple-ness" belong to the object sitting on my bench. It does not imply consciousness or directive intelligence. Of course, if you believe the first cause must be intelligent that may go some distance in explaining why you so strenuously reject it.
It's not that I believe first cause as you put it is intelligent, that's the BS that the God botherers propaganda machine puts out. Sorry I arced up about the use of the word entity, to me it still evokes a personality
You seem confused about a number of things here. I said all worldviews rest ultimately on untestable assumptions. Try researching Descarte's demon or the brains-in-vats problem. Try thinking about the self-referential nature of logical first principles. Contemplate the inescapability of physical laws in this universe for minds that belong to this universe in order to externally examine this world. In short, do some study on epistemology.
Heh I think it's funny that above, to paraphrase Descarte, I've asked you to throw out your barrel of apples and get go of your preconceived idea structure of "basic philosophy" eh?
Ummm....think about what you've said. "What caused the uncaused first cause?"
yep i've thought about it..have you? infinity +1
No doubt you could. But you probably need to put a little more thought into some of your own views as well. Intellectual humility is called for on all our parts.

Hey I'm always thinking, and happy to admit it when I am wrong. Shame the Young Earth Creationists don't think the same way.

Sir O
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Untestable assumptions? Could you expand a little on this?(I have assumed :eek: 'assumptions' and 'hypothesis' to carry the same meaning)

"Untestable" wouldn't be the best word I could have used. I should have said "not externally provable". At the base of all belief systems are certain assumptions...things we just take for granted as true because we cannot get outside of them nevertheless they are internally consistent and we build all of our beliefs on top of them. An example I pointed out to osis are logical first principles. They work and we accept them as foundational to all fields of knowledge but they themselves cannot be tested or proven without reference to themselves. At the base of all belief systems is circularity.

And on the polemics ( Googled it :eek:) of evolution, the theory did not evolve to dispute or disprove anything. It's simply a stand alone theory which explains the mechanics of direct empirical evidence.

I agree. But that doesn't stop both defenders and detractors from polemicising around the issue and trying to turn it into something it isn' a religious debate. :)