Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What do Aussies believe re: Evolution?

What do Aussies believe?

  • God created the Earth in the last 10K years

    Votes: 18 7.9%
  • God guided evolution of man over millions of years

    Votes: 30 13.2%
  • Pure evolution - No God Involved

    Votes: 162 71.4%
  • Other (stated below)

    Votes: 17 7.5%

  • Total voters
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

... suprised at the lopsided results here given the results on the poll on the Is there a God thread.
yep those charts look kinda .. different , heck they're practically inverted!
I've been practicing my preaching, but praps preaching to the practically converted ??

sorry , I'm a compulsive obsessive (bull****ter)

comment from the gallery .. explod's and kevo's posts are staring to sound more like prose than your average post imo ;)

I think it was 123billion billion billion stars btw. = 123 trillion trillion (elsewhere given as "about 100 x 10^18") - like not sure if those lazy bugas in Canberra have finished counting them yet !!
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Well seeing it takes around 11 days to count to 1 Million they could be a while!!

A usless question the answer of which astounded me.

If I could pack every human on the planet into a box like sardines.
What would be the cubic measurement of the box be?

After some answers I'll give the answer here. Bit off topic but You'll be suprised!
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

since then man has evolved into a 38.5 hour per week animal
he has got meaner ,
and his erect demeanour now more resembles the shape of a lounge.
PS a few more years of this and we'll be able to officially declare a new species
"the lounge lizard"
THE EVOLUTION OF THE "LOUNGE HIENA" (New Species Just Evolved and Gazzetted!!)

there's a species half lounge half hiena
once the model of Gods of Athena
whose demeaner these days is less leaner
often leaning - and drinking is keener
you suggest to him " outside !! it's greener!!:))
he grins "only for bludy Katrina"
and his wife calls him "t1ts-like-Sabrina"
how the king has evolved :eek:
......................... . to the queener :eek:
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

comment from the gallery .. explod's and kevo's posts are staring to sound more like prose than your average post imo ;)

Indeed. And very refreshing it is, too. Keep it up Kevo and Explod.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I didn't vote in this because the choices are inadequate.

God created the Earth in the last 10K years -

Clearly absurd

God guided evolution of man over millions of years

This is a very loaded statement, once again infected by the "dude in the sky" meme. The concept that some extraneous entity pulling strings to guide evolution has a number of philosophical and logical problems. It requires God to override the physical laws of the universe, which presumably, he put into place, to some end. Believers in this, arrogantly and self centeredly(?) presume humans are the end product and specific purpose of this evolution. pffffft

Pure evolution - No God Involved

Ah, the favoured theory of those who like to think themselves as thinkers. This theory as it stands in its various schools has a number of insurmountable challenges. Indisputably, there has been a gradual unfolding of life on this planet which could quite rightly be called evolution. But it's the "all by chance" part where the holes appear.

It may seem in choice 3 that I'm arguing for choice 2. Not at all. I'm waiting for choice 4, 5 & 6.

I dare not suggest what these choices might be, but there are others which require us to set aside our religious and educational indoctrinations.

Perhaps "I don't know" should have been included in the survey, because anyone who thinks they "KNOW" without question is a muppet.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I didn't vote in this because the choices are inadequate.

God created the Earth in the last 10K years -

Clearly absurd

God guided evolution of man over millions of years

This is a very loaded statement, once again infected by the "dude in the sky" meme. The concept that some extraneous entity pulling strings to guide evolution has a number of philosophical and logical problems. It requires God to override the physical laws of the universe, which presumably, he put into place, to some end. Believers in this, arrogantly and self centeredly(?) presume humans are the end product and specific purpose of this evolution. pffffft

A bit unfair to catigorise attitude. We are all products of our parents and the direct experience of our own particualr journeys to this time

Pure evolution - No God Involved

Ah, the favoured theory of those who like to think themselves as thinkers. This theory as it stands in its various schools has a number of insurmountable challenges. Indisputably, there has been a gradual unfolding of life on this planet which could quite rightly be called evolution. But it's the "all by chance" part where the holes appear.

Again you are boxing in expression. The posters of this ilk (include myself) again are only expressing their slant on the story of thought

It may seem in choice 3 that I'm arguing for choice 2. Not at all. I'm waiting for choice 4, 5 & 6.

I dare not suggest what these choices might be, but there are others which require us to set aside our religious and educational indoctrinations.

Why not dare to suggest, you dare to critic

Perhaps "I don't know" should have been included in the survey, because anyone who thinks they "KNOW" without question is a muppet.

And perhaps you don't, it is a subjective area and one of the refreshing parts of this thread is that the views of all are heard and taken on board.

The thread is going along fine, I am with Julia
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?


When adding your thoughts between the quote tags, do them in a different colour so we can differentiate.

Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Pure evolution - No God Involved
Ah, the favoured theory of those who like to think themselves as thinkers. This theory as it stands in its various schools has a number of insurmountable challenges. Indisputably, there has been a gradual unfolding of life on this planet which could quite rightly be called evolution. But it's the "all by chance" part where the holes appear.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by the bolded statement - I'm curious because of all the planets in the solar system, ours (as far as we know) is the only one with life.
Perhaps "I don't know" should have been included in the survey, because anyone who thinks they "KNOW" without question is a muppet.
The question was asking what the respondant believed, not what they knew. Belief, whether it be a belief in religion or belief in the theory of evolution, can exist in the absence of conclusive evidence.

Personally, I think most interesting thing is the descrepency between the results of this poll and the god one. Are there that many people that believe in both god and god-free evolution?
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Holes in the Theory of Evolution? What holes? The theory has never been scientifically disproved. It still holds up today.
It could be wrong but no one has proven it to be wrong. Therefore it has a chance of being correct and has evidence to back up the theory.

The earth was created in seven days by a mythical being???
All the evidence disproves this theory.
The earth is 10000 years old again all the evidence disproves this theory.
There is rock art in Australia older than this.

Is there a God?
There is no evidence to say there isn't, then again there is no evidence to say there is. Make up your own mind about this.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I didn't vote in this because the choices are inadequate.
I didn't vote for the same reason. The word 'God' seems to describe a sentient being of some sort, which has immortal powers so to speak.

God is all around us, the food we eat and the dirt we walk on. God is anything and everything; it is the energy that binds us. To say ‘God’ had an influence on evolution of this world, or the universe for that matter, is incorrect to my thinking.

Evolution? This is sciences (best) explanation for they way things are, have been and will be. I’m not saying evolution doesn’t exist, as it clearly does… “God” hasn’t made it happen, nor did he/she/it stand by and watch… God takes part and evolves too. :)

God is Mother Nature, the earth, the sun, the stars
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

1. Belief, whether it be a belief in religion or belief in the theory of evolution, can exist in the absence of conclusive evidence.

2. Personally, I think most interesting thing is the descrepency between the results of this poll and the god one. Are there that many people that believe in both god and god-free evolution?
1. that was sure the intent - "best guess" I think I said
and particularly to limit the options to the same set offered in that other table from US -
to compare Aust apples with US apples, if you like.

2. reason for the difference with "Is there a God" thread? - maybe a small percentage of "strict genesis believers and/or fundamentalist religious people" voted there but not here?

maybe people thought that there was another option "God created the earth, but whoever calculated <10K was wrong (human after all ;)) I would say that if you're prepared to believe that the bible is "approx" on such issues, then you are also probably open minded to some "evolution" as well (as the Pope recently said he was for instance) - and those people would probably/ possibly / maybe be happy with the second option ?? (just a guess )

third option for the technocrats of course. Does that mean they can't be pantheists? - mother nature etc? I wouldn't have thought that they were contradictory - getting subjective perhaps - but a "non-interventionist god" sits in there I would have thought :2twocents

3. also interesting the difference to the US results ( which was my main curiousity to be honest). Anyone who watched Denton's recent show about the bible belt in US would I'm sure have been left scratching their head.

4. lastly lol, I'm sure I heard that it's an AUSSIE who has opened that Creationist Museum in USA lol (Cincinnatti?) - one of them anyway - scarey in my books.

- you can see why he set up shop in USA - he'd already done his market research !! (ala this thread )
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Can you elaborate on what you mean by the bolded statement - I'm curious because of all the planets in the solar system, ours (as far as we know) is the only one with life.

There is not one single unified theory of evolution, there are several schools often vehemently disagreeing with each other. These disparate schools of thought take great delight in picking holes in each others theory. This highlights the fact there are holes.

Ultimately, the theory of evolution argues for none other than spontaneous generation. I argue that that is absurd.

Though I refrain from putting forth any alternative in the absence of any that are not equally absurd.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Wow! I'm one of them, according to the dictionary??? A single word describes my belief..... Anyone else out there like me? LOL
Yeah, if I had to pigeonhole myself Pat, that's about where I'd be too.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Just a general note on polls: I always find it very useful to include the option, "Other (stated below)". It allows those whose views aren't represented by the thread starter's poll options to participate in the vote as well as a give a more rounded and accurate poll result.

I have taken the liberty of adding this option to this poll.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Holes in the Theory of Evolution? What holes? The theory has never been scientifically disproved. It still holds up today.
It could be wrong but no one has proven it to be wrong. Therefore it has a chance of being correct and has evidence to back up the theory.

Greetings mark:).......isn`t evolution observable?Does a life evolve from birth to death and create new life along the way?Evolution is in practice!

Is there a God?
There is no evidence to say there isn't, then again there is no evidence to say there is. Make up your own mind about this.

I wonder what people would believe in if this choice were not available.

p.s. I think what some are trying to say is "how did life on this planet begin."Evolution is in play now.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

Natural selection nothing absurd about it, happens all the time, it happening as we speak. Example of this can be seen in species with short life spans , where the creature with the favourable mutation lives and breeds ,the others die and become extinct. Evolution my friends.
Again this may all be an illusion but the evidence is strong that this is what happened on a large long term scale.
To call a theory with a strong body of evidence absurd is absurd. I not saying you shouldn't keep your minds open to other possibilities , I just saying to totally ignore something with such strong evidence is silly. But some people still think the earth is flat despite all the evidence to contrary.
Re: What do Aussies believe re Evolution?

I wonder what people would believe in if this choice were not available.

They would create something that was percieved as far greater than could be imagined.

B.C That was the likes of the Sun,Moon,Sea,Volcanic activity--blah blah.
Man will create something to explain that which he cannot.